'' Heel mijn ziel, Nieuwe psalmen voor kerk en koor
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Heel mijn ziel, Nieuwe psalmen voor kerk en koor

Number -- Status14 -- Included
Full TitleHeel mijn ziel, Nieuwe psalmen voor kerk en koor
Author(s)Vlaming, Nico / Winter, Christiaan
PublisherBoekencentrum, Zoetermeer, Netherlands
Year of Publication2012
ISBN978 9 02396 758 3
Chants numbered continuouslyNo
Psalms associated with chants - Pointed text includedYes/Yes; language: Dutch; Version: Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling (NBV)
Sets of chants for certain psalmsNo
Separate selections of psalms includedNo
Sourceown property
Additional comments Psalms in Dutch translation

Table of Contents

Click here for an explanation of the conventions used in the listings

p-n T Key Composer Finger
1-1 D b Winter, Christiaan    2   2   0  -2   5 Psalm: 1;
2-1 D G Winter, Christiaan    2   2   5  -2  -8 Psalm: 2;
3-1 D f Winter, Christiaan    0   2  -3   1  -3 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 3;
4-1 D E♭ Winter, Christiaan [Monk, Edwin George]    0  -2  -2   7   2 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 4; after E.G. Monk: Eventide
5-1 D C Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    7   2   1   0   2 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 5; after the melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 5
6-1 D e Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    0   0  -2   0   2 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 6; after the Aeolian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 6
7-1 D g Winter, Christiaan    0   0   0  -2   5 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 7;
8-1 D C Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    3   2   2   5  -2 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 8; after the Dorian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 8
9-1 D c Winter, Christiaan    2   2   0   3  -2 Psalm: 9;
10-1 D g Winter, Christiaan    8  -3   2   0   5 Psalm: 10;
11-1 S F Winter, Christiaan    0  -2  -2   5   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 11;
12-1 D C Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]   -4   2   2   3  -3 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 12; after the Dorian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 12
13-1 S a Winter, Christiaan    0   0   0  -2   5 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 13;
14-1 D C Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    0   0  -7   2   3 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 14; after the Dorian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 14
15-1‑a X A♭ Winter, Christiaan    2   3  -5   0   2 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 15(3-5);
15-1‑b S A♭ Winter, Christiaan    2   3  -5   5   7 Psalm: 15(1-2);
16-1 D A♭ Winter, Christiaan    2   3   4  -2  -3 Psalm: 16;
17-1 D G Winter, Christiaan    2   2   0  -2   0 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 17;
18-1 D F Winter, Christiaan    3  -7  -1   1   9 Psalm: 18;
19-1 D e Winter, Christiaan [Byrd, William]    0   0   0   0   1 ( 1, 15) Psalm: 19; After Byrd: Teach me , o Lord
20-1 D D Winter, Christiaan    3   2  -5  -4   0 Psalm: 20;
21-1 D B♭ Huntley, George Frederick William   -4   2  -7   0   0 (6, -) Psalm: 21;
22-1 Q e Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]   -3   5  -2   0   5 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 22; after the Aeolian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 22
23-1 D G Winter, Christiaan [Bastiaans, Johannes Gijsbertus]    9  -4   2  -2  -1 Psalm: 23; After Bastiaans: De Heer is mijn Herder (The Lord is my shepherd)
24-1 D D Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    7  -4   2   0   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 24; after the Dorian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 24
25-1 D G Cruickshank, William Alexander Campbell    2   1   5  -1  -2 (2, 1) Psalm: 25;
26-1 D d Winter, Christiaan    2   2  -7   2   1 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 26;
27-1 D D Goss, John    3  -2  -1  -2  -2 (61, 20) Psalm: 27;
28-1 D e Camidge, Matthew    2   0   1   2   2 (71, 4) Psalm: 28;
29-1 D D Elgar, Edward William    5  -3  -4  -1   5 (10, -) Psalm: 29;
30-1 D G Turle, James    7   2  -2  -3   1 (50, 1) Psalm: 30;
31-1 D a Barnby, Joseph    3  -2  -1   4   1 (43, -) Psalm: 31;
32-1 D E♭ Brewer, Alfred Herbert    4  -4   7  -3   5 (6, -) Psalm: 32;
33-1 D C Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    7   0   3  -1  -2 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 33; after the Dorian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 33
34-1 D D Winter, Christiaan    0   2   2   5  -2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 34;
35-1 D A♭ Bennett, George John    4  -2  -3  -2  -2 (6, 1) Psalm: 35;
36-1 D G Winter, Christiaan    0  -2  -7   2   3 Psalm: 36;
37-1 D G Winter, Christiaan    4  -4  -3   2   1 ( 1, 6) Psalm: 37;
38-1 D f# Barnby, Joseph    0   3  -1   0   1 (33, 3) Psalm: 38;
39-1 D g Winter, Christiaan    0   0   0  -2   5 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 39;
40-1 D E♭ Wellesley, Garrett Colley, Earl of Mornington   -2  -1  -2  -2  12 (65, 2) Psalm: 40;
41-1 D G Winter, Christiaan    2   2  -9   9   1 Psalm: 41;
42-1 D G Wesley, Samuel   -2  -2   5  -1  -2 (74, 25) Psalm: 42;
43-1 S g Winter, Christiaan    2   1  -3   5   0 Psalm: 43;
44-1 D f Winter, Christiaan   -1  -1  -1   0   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 44;
45-1 D C Winter, Christiaan    2   3  -7   2  -3 Psalm: 45;
46-1 D C Anonymous [Luther, Martin] {Winter, Christiaan}    0   0  -5   4   1 (54, 2) Psalm: 46; often attributed to John Goss, see Facebook discussion
Attributed to Christiaan Winter, but this is the standard (anonymous) version; descant probably by Sydney Nicholson.
47-1 D C Parratt, Walter    2  -2   5   0   2 (16, 5) Psalm: 47;
48-1 D A Winter, Christiaan   -1  -2  -2   2   7 Psalm: 48;
49-1 D e Winter, Christiaan    2   2  -7   2   1 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 49;
50-1 D D Winter, Christiaan    3   2  -5  -4   0 Psalm: 50;
51-1 D f Wesley, Samuel    0   0  -1   1  -3 (31, 2) Psalm: 51;
52-1 D g Winter, Christiaan    0  -2   2   5   0 Psalm: 52;
53-1 D C Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    0   0  -7   2   3 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 53; after the Dorian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 53
54-1 S f Winter, Christiaan    2   2  -7   0  -2 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 54;
55-1 D a Winter, Christiaan    2   1  -8   0   5 Psalm: 55;
56-1 D F Winter, Christiaan [Gibbons, Orlando]    4  -4   7  -7   5 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 56; After Gibbons - Drop, drop, slow tears
57-1 D B♭ Winter, Christiaan    0   2  -5   0   1 Psalm: 57;
58-1 D d Winter, Christiaan    2  -3   1   3  -1 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 58;
59-1 D C Winter, Christiaan    0   1   2   0   0 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 59;
60-1 S d Harrison, John    3   4   5  -5  -4 (13, -) Psalm: 60;
60-2 S D Harrison, John    4   3   5  -5  -3 (15, -) Psalm: 60;
61-1 S e Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    5  -2   5   2  -2 Psalm: 61; after the Hypodorian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 61
62-1 D D Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    7  -4   2   0   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 62; after the Dorian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 62
63-1 D g Winter, Christiaan    0  -2  -3   2   2 Psalm: 63;
64-1 D C Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    7   2   1   0   2 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 64; after the Dorian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 64
65-1 D e Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    0   0  -7   7   1 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 65; after the Aeolian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 65
66-1 T G Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]   -3  -2   5   0   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 66; after the Hypoionian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 66
67-1 D C Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    7   0   3  -1  -2 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 67; after the Dorian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 67
68-1 D G Winter, Christiaan    0  -2  -7   2   3 Psalm: 68;
69-1 D a Hopkins, Edward John   -1   1  -5   0   1 (9, -) Psalm: 69;
70-1 S g Wesley, Samuel Sebastian {Wesley, Samuel}    0   2  -3  -1   0 (34, 1) Psalm: 70; incorrect attribution to Samuel Wesley
71-1 D a Winter, Christiaan    0  -1  -7   0  -2 Psalm: 71;
72-1 D e Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    0   0  -7   7   1 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 72; after the Aeolian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 72
73-1 D G Winter, Christiaan    4  -4  -3   2   1 ( 1, 6) Psalm: 73;
74-1 D B♭ Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]   -3   1   2   0  -3 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 74; after the Mixolydian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 74
75-1 D G Winter, Christiaan    4   3  -5   0   3 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 75;
76-1 D D Winter, Christiaan    3  -5   3  -1  -4 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 76;
77-1 D F Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]   -2   2   2   1  -1 Psalm: 77; after the Hypodorian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 77
78-1 Q C Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    0   5  -2  -3   3 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 78; after the Dorian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 78
79-1 D d Goss, John    1   0   0  -1  -4 (26, -) Psalm: 79;
80-1 D d Winter, Christiaan    2   2  -7  12  -2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 80;
81-1 D D Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    2   2   1   0  -1 ( 1, 18) Psalm: 81; after the Ionian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 81
82-1 S F Winter, Christiaan    2   2  -7   2   1 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 82;
83-1 D a Winter, Christiaan   -1  -2  -2   0  -2 ( 1, 5) Psalm: 83;
84-1 D E Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings    1   2  -7   2   3 (36, 3) Psalm: 84;
85-1 D g Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    0  -2   5   0   4 Psalm: 85; After: Anonymous - Coleshill
86-1 D F Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]   -2   2   2   1  -1 Psalm: 86; after the Hypodorian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 86
87-1 D B♭ Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]   -3   5  -2   0   2 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 87; after the Mixolydian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 87
88-1 D g Winter, Christiaan    1   2  -3   0   5 ( 1, 4) Psalm: 88;
89-1 D G Winter, Christiaan   -2   2  -9   0   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 89;
90-1 D C Winter, Christiaan [Croft, William ]   -3   5  -2   0   5 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 90; After: Anonymus - St. Anne
91-1 D E♭ Winter, Christiaan [Monk, Edwin George]    0  -2  -2   7   2 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 91; After Monk: Eventide - Abide with me
92-1 D d Winter, Christiaan    2   2  -7  12  -2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 92;
93-1‑a X C Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]   -3   1   2   5  -3 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 93(1; 3-5); after the Hypomixolydian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 93
93-1‑a S G Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]   -3   1   2   0   2 ( 1, 9) Psalm: 93(2); after the Hypomixolydian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 93
94-1 D c Winter, Christiaan [Parratt, Walter]    1  -1   5   0   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 94; Minor version of a chant by W. Parratt
95-1 D D Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    7  -4   2   0   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 95; after the Dorian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 95
96-1 D D Winter, Christiaan [Mehrtens, Frederik August]    4   1   2   0   5 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 96; After Frits Mehrtens: Zingt voor de Heer een nieuw gezang (Sing unto the Lord a new song)
97-1 D D Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    2   3  -1   1  -3 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 97; after the Ionian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 97
98-1 D G Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]   -3  -2   5   0   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 98; after the Hypoionian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 98
99-1 D D Winter, Christiaan    4   3   5  -3  -2 ( 1, 7) Psalm: 99;
100-1 X g Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    2  -4   5   0   2 Psalm: 100; after the Phrygian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 100
101-1 D G Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    5   4  -2   0   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 101; after the Hypoionian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 101
102-1 D C Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    1   0  -1  -7   1 Psalm: 102; after the Phrygian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 102
103-1 Q G Winter, Christiaan [Kugelmann, Johann]   -1  -2  -2   5   4 Psalm: 103; After Kugelmann: Nun lob, mein Seel
104-1 D B♭ (Un) Winter, Christiaan [Gregorian]    2  -2   5   0  -5 Psalm: 104; After the Gregorian - Veni Creator Spiritus
105-1 Q D Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    4   1   2   5  -1 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 105; after the Ionian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 105
106-1 D G Gray, Alan    4   3  -2  -1  -2 (7, 4) Psalm: 106;
107-1 D C Parratt, Walter    2  -2   5   0   2 (16, 5) Psalm: 107;
107-2 D c Winter, Christiaan [Parratt, Walter]    1  -1   5   0   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 107; after the major chant by Walter Parratt
108-1 D G Winter, Christiaan    0  -1   1  -5   2 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 108;
109-1 D a Winter, Christiaan   -2  -2  -1   8   0 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 109;
110-1 S g Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]   -2   2   2   1   2 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 110; after the Hypoaeolian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 110
111-1 D D Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    7  -4   2   0   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 111; after the Dorian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 111
112-1 D D Winter, Christiaan    4   3   5  -3  -2 ( 1, 7) Psalm: 112;
113-1 D D Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    2   2  -4  -3   1 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 113; after the Hypomixolydian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 113
114-1 S e (Per) Winter, Christiaan [Gregorian]   -2   3  -1  -2  -2 ( 1, 14) Psalm: 114; harmony by Christiaan Winter
115-1 D F Winter, Christiaan    0  -2  -2   0   5 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 115;
116-1 D B♭ Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]   -3   1   2   0  -3 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 116; after the Mixolydian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 116
117-1 S F Winter, Christiaan [Vulpius, Melchior]    0   0  -3   1  -1 Psalm: 117; After Vulpius - Lobt Gott den Herren
118-1 T G Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]   -3  -2   5   0   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 118; after the Hypoionianmelody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 118
119-1 D E♭ Winter, Christiaan [Huijbers, Bernardus Maria]    4   0  -2   0   3 Psalm: 119(1-8); 119(17-24); 119(33-40); 119(49-56); 119(65-72); 119(81-88); 119(97-104); 119(113-120); 119(129-136); 119(145-152); 119(161-168); After Huijbers - Een smekeling
119-2 D E♭ Winter, Christiaan [Huijbers, Bernardus Maria]    0   0  -3   3  -2 Psalm: 119(9-16); 119(25-32); 119(41-48); 119(57-64); 119(73-80); 119(89-96); 119(105-112); 119(121-128); 119(137-144); 119(153-160); 119(169-176); After Huijbers - Een smekeling
120-1 S a Winter, Christiaan [Andriessen, Hendrik Franciscus]    3  -1  -4   2  -2 Psalm: 120; After Andriessen - Theme and Variations for Organ
121-1 D B♭ Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    2  -2   5   4  -2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 121; after the Hypomixolydian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 121
122-1 D F Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    0  -1  -2  -2   5 ( 1, 4) Psalm: 122; After: Anonymus - Zalige ure (Blissful hour)
123-1 S F Winter, Christiaan    3   2  -7   0   3 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 123;
124-1 S G Winter, Christiaan    0   2   2   0   1 ( 1, 22) Psalm: 124;
125-1 S G Winter, Christiaan    9  -4   9  -2   0 Psalm: 125;
126-1 S F Winter, Christiaan    1   2  -7   0  -1 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 126;
127-1 S F Winter, Christiaan   -9   5  -1  10  -2 Psalm: 127;
128-1 S B♭ Winter, Christiaan    9  -2  -7   2   8 Psalm: 128;
129-1 S g Wesley, Samuel Sebastian {Wesley, Samuel}    0   2  -3  -1   0 (34, 1) Psalm: 129; incorrect attribution to Samuel Wesley.
130-1 D a Anonymous [Luther, Martin]   -7   7   1   2  -2 Psalm: 130; After Luther - Aus Tiefer Not
131-1 S g Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    2  -4   5  -1  -4 Psalm: 131; after the Phrygian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 131
132-1 D F Winter, Christiaan   -9   5  -1   6  -8 Psalm: 132;
133-1 S F Winter, Christiaan    4  -4   9 -10   1 Psalm: 133;
134-1 S G Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    0  -1  -2   3   2 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 134; after the Hypoionian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 134
135-1 D F Winter, Christiaan    0  -2  -2   0   5 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 135;
136-1 X G Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    5   2   2   3  -7 Psalm: 136; after the Mixolydian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 136; 3-3-3-3 structure
137-1 D F Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    2  -2  -3   3  -2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 137; After: Anonymus - An Wasserflüssen Babylon
138-1 D G Winter, Christiaan [Vaughan Williams, Ralph]   -3  -2  -2  -5   2 Psalm: 138; After Vaughan Williams - For all the Saints - Sine nomine
139-1 D D Winter, Christiaan    3  -5   3  -1  -4 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 139;
140-1 D G Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    0   2   2   0   1 ( 1, 22) Psalm: 140; after the Hypoionian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 140
141-1 D g Winter, Christiaan   -8   1   2   3  -2 Psalm: 141;
142-1 S g Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    2  -4   5  -1  -4 Psalm: 142; after the Phrygian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 142
143-1 D C Winter, Christiaan   -2   3  -1   0   5 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 143;
144-1 D G Garrett, George Mursell   -2   2  -4   0  -3 (33, -) Psalm: 144;
145-1 D A♭ Winter, Christiaan    0  -2  -7   0  -2 Psalm: 145;
146-1 D G Winter, Christiaan [Anonymous]    1   0  -1  -4   2 Psalm: 146; after the Hypodorian melody of the Geneva Psalter, Psalm 146
147-1 D C Attwood, Thomas    2   2  -9   5  -8 (69, -) Psalm: 147;
148-1 D G Winter, Christiaan    1   2  -3   0   0 ( 1, 5) Psalm: 148;
149-1 D A♭ Stanford, Charles Villiers   -2  -2   2  -2   2 (37, 4) Psalm: 149;
150-1 S C Stanford, Charles Villiers   -3   3   2  -2   0 (28, 1) Psalm: 150; Through-composed chant, based on the single chant formula