'' The service book: manual of Anglican chants and Gregorian tones adapted to the canticles
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The service book: manual of Anglican chants and Gregorian tones adapted to the canticles

Number -- Status101 -- Included
Full TitleThe service book: manual of Anglican chants and Gregorian tones adapted to the canticles
Author(s)Tucker, J. Ireland
PublisherF.J. Huntinton and Co., New York
Year of Publication1875
Chants numbered continuouslyYes
Psalms associated with chants - Pointed text includedYes/Yes; language: English; Version: N/A
Sets of chants for certain psalmsNo
Separate selections of psalms includedNo
Sourceown property; reprinted by SN Books World
Additional comments with music, old and new, for the special office of the Book of common prayer

Table of Contents

Click here for an explanation of the conventions used in the listings

p-n T Key Composer Finger
3-1 S F Tallis, Thomas    0  -2   2   0  -2 (61, 14) Psalm: Venite;
3-2 S F Goss, John   -2   0   5  -3   1 (28, 1) Psalm: Venite;
3-3 S C Goodson sr, Richard    5  -1  -2   0   5 (45, 7) Psalm: Venite;
4-4 S A Hayes, William    4  -2  -2   0   5 (53, 4) Psalm: Venite;
4-5 S F Farrant, Richard    0   2   2   3  -2 (87, 5) Psalm: Venite;
4-6 S A♭ Turton, Thomas   -2  -3   1  -3   2 (23, 1) Psalm: Venite;
5-7 D E♭ Robinson, John    5  -3  -2  -3   2 (103, -) Psalm: Venite;
5-8 D E Havergal, William Henry   -2   5  -7   9  -2 (61, 3) Psalm: Venite;
5-9 D D Boyce, William   -5  -2  -1   0  -2 (89, 2) Psalm: Venite;
5-10 D F Turle, James    2   0   2   3  -5 (47, -) Psalm: Venite;
5-11 D F Langdon, Richard    0   2   2   0  -2 (91, 25) Psalm: Venite;
6-12 D E♭ Gibbons, Orlando   -3  -4   5  -3   2 (7, 5) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus;
7-13 D A♭ Hodges, Edward    0   0   0   4   1 (4, 5) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus;
7-14 D C Turle, James    3   0   5  -5   5 (66, -) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus;
7-15 D C Corfe, Joseph [Lawes, Henry] {Anonymous (i.e. not specified)}    9  -2  -2   0  -1 (41, 4) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(1-15; 24-end);
7-16 D c Cooke, Robert {Anonymous (i.e. not specified)}    8  -1  -2  -4   2 (80, -) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(16-25);
7-17 D D Walter, William Henry    0   2  -2   0   2 (2, 6) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus; five parts
8-18‑a X D Helmore, Frederick    5  -3  -7   3  -1 Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(1-13); Irregular single chant: 2+3 bars
8-18‑b X G Helmore, Frederick   -2  -1   1  -3  -2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(14-18); Irregular single chant: 2+3 bars
9-18‑c X C Helmore, Frederick    0   0   0   0   0 ( 1, 43) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(19); unison, irregular single 4-3
9-18‑d X D Helmore, Frederick    0   0   3  -5   2 Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(20-28); unison, irregular single 2-3
9-18‑e X D Helmore, Frederick    5  -3  -7   2  -4 Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus(29); unison, irregular single 2-3
10-19 X F Not specified   -1  -2   2   0  -2 Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus; Irregular single 4-4 bars
16-21 D B♭ Walter, William Henry   -8   1   2   7   2 ( 1, 2) Psalm: Benedicite, omnia opera Domini;
16-22 D F Hayes, William    0  -2  -2   5   0 (48, 5) Psalm: Benedicite, omnia opera Domini;
16-23 D C Havergal, William Henry    3  -5   2   8  -1 (18, -) Psalm: Benedicite, omnia opera Domini;
20-25 S B♭ Elvey, George Job    9  -4  -3   0   8 (46, 4) Psalm: Jubilate;
20-26 S F King, Charles    1   4  -7   5  -7 (44, 1) Psalm: Jubilate;
20-27 S A Alcock sr., John {Aldrich, Henry}   -3   5  -3   5  -4 (65, 1) Psalm: Jubilate; incorrect attribution to Dean Aldrich
20-28 S D Hayes, William   -5   2  -7   5   2 (33, 2) Psalm: Jubilate;
20-29 S A Novello, Vincent    0   2   2   0  -2 (6, 25) Psalm: Jubilate;
21-30 D E Metcalfe, William    1   2  -3   2   1 (2, -) Psalm: Jubilate; Boys and men
21-31‑a D B♭ Walter, William Henry    0   2  -3   1   5 (7, -) Psalm: Jubilate;
21-31‑b D B♭ Walter, William Henry    0   2  -3   1   5 (7, -) Psalm: Jubilate; as no. 31-a, with optional bass note final bar
21-32 D B♭ Smith, John Stafford    4  -2  -2  -5   2 (12, 1) Psalm: Jubilate;
21-33 D F Aldrich, Henry    3  -3  -2   0   2 (37, 4) Psalm: Jubilate;
22-34 S B♭ Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    9  -5   1   4  -2 (6, -) Psalm: Benedictus Dominus Deus (Luke 1, 67-79);
22-35 S A Crotch, William   -2  -2  -1  -2  -2 (21, 12) Psalm: Benedictus Dominus Deus (Luke 1, 67-79);
22-36 S C Hayes, William   -1   1  -3   5  -3 (32, 2) Psalm: Benedictus Dominus Deus (Luke 1, 67-79);
22-37 S B♭ Novello, Vincent    4  -2  -2   0  -3 (6, 2) Psalm: Benedictus Dominus Deus (Luke 1, 67-79);
22-38 S G Hine, William   -2  -2  -1   1   2 (50, 25) Psalm: Benedictus Dominus Deus (Luke 1, 67-79);
23-39 D F Clarke, Charles Erlin Jackson    3  -3   1   2  -3 (3, -) Psalm: Benedictus Dominus Deus (Luke 1, 67-79);
23-40 D B♭ Corfe, Joseph {Lawes, Henry}    9  -2  -2   0  -1 (41, 4) Psalm: Benedictus Dominus Deus (Luke 1, 67-79);
23-41‑a D F Hodges, Edward    0  -2  -2   9  -2 (3, 5) Psalm: Benedictus Dominus Deus (Luke 1, 67-79);
23-41‑b D F Hodges, Edward    0  -2  -2   9  -2 (3, 5) Psalm: Benedictus Dominus Deus (Luke 1, 67-79); as no. 41-a; optional final bassnote octave down
23-42 D E♭ Worgan, John   -2  -1  -2   2   1 (29, 4) Psalm: Benedictus Dominus Deus (Luke 1, 67-79);
24-43 S F Russell, William    1  -3   5  -7   5 (46, -) Psalm: Cantate Domino;
24-44 S A Goss, John    4  -2   3  -1  -2 (60, 2) Psalm: Cantate Domino;
24-45 S F Not specified   -7   2   2   3   0 (4, 2) Psalm: Cantate Domino;
24-46 S A Novello, Vincent    4  -4   5  -3   5 (18, 2) Psalm: Cantate Domino;
24-47 S E Reinagle, Alexander Robert   -2  -1  -2   7  -2 (14, 5) Psalm: Cantate Domino;
25-48 D E Randall, John   -7   2   2   3   5 (87, -) Psalm: Cantate Domino;
25-49 D D Wellesley, Garrett Colley, Earl of Mornington    0  -2  -1   3   2 (77, 3) Psalm: Cantate Domino;
25-50 D C Attwood, Thomas    2   2  -9   5  -8 (69, -) Psalm: Cantate Domino;
26-51 S C Woodward, Richard    2   2   1   2   2 (80, 30) Psalm: Bonum est confiteri;
26-52 S E Hayes, Philip    3  -2  -1   5  -7 (28, 3) Psalm: Bonum est confiteri;
26-53 S E♭ Travers, John    1   2   5  -1  -4 (38, 1) Psalm: Bonum est confiteri;
26-54 S F Monk, Edwin George {Monk, William Henry}    2  -5   1   2  -3 (12, -) Psalm: Bonum est confiteri; incorrectly attributed to W.H. Monk
26-55 S g Hine, William   -1   1   2   1  -1 (45, 4) Psalm: Bonum est confiteri;
27-56 D D Anonymous [Soaper, John]   -2   2   1   4  -2 ( 1, 3) Psalm: Bonum est confiteri; Bonum est confiteri; Altered from J. Soaper; error in bar 9, 2nd note treble should read G-sharp
27-57 D F Knyvett, William [Handel, Georg Frederic]    4  -2   3  -1   5 (11, 3) Psalm: Bonum est confiteri;
27-58 D F Dupuis, Thomas Saunders    1   2  -2  -1  -2 ( 1, 11) Psalm: Bonum est confiteri;
27-59 D F Turle, James    0   2  -3   1   0 (64, -) Psalm: Bonum est confiteri;
28-60 S A Turner, William    2   0   2  -4   5 (74, 7) Psalm: Deus misereatur;
28-61 S G Aldrich, Henry   -2   2   1  -1  -2 (59, 13) Psalm: Deus misereatur;
28-62 S E♭ Barnby, Joseph   -3   3  -2  -1  -2 (41, 1) Psalm: Deus misereatur;
28-63 S B♭ Elvey, George Job    2   3  -1   1   2 (60, 2) Psalm: Deus misereatur;
28-64 S E♭ Walter, William Henry    0   0   3  -2   2 (3, -) Psalm: Deus misereatur;
29-65 D E♭ Cornell, John Henry    3  -5   3   0  -1 Psalm: Deus misereatur;
29-66 D E♭ Hawes, William   -4   0   0   4   3 (4, -) Psalm: Deus misereatur;
29-67 D E Attwood, Thomas    0   0   0   0   1 (35, 15) Psalm: Deus misereatur;
30-68 S F Lee, William    3  -3  -2   3   0 (5, -) Psalm: Benedic, anima mea;
30-69 S E♭ Hopkins, Edward John    3   0   5 -12   2 (60, 4) Psalm: Benedic, anima mea;
30-70 S C Monk, Edwin George   -8   1   2   2   2 (50, 5) Psalm: Benedic, anima mea;
30-71 S G Dyce, William    3  -1   1  -3  -2 (34, -) Psalm: Benedic, anima mea;
30-72 S F Cooke, Benjamin   -3  -4   9  -4   2 (64, 1) Psalm: Benedic, anima mea;
31-73 D F Barrow, Isaac   -3  -4  -3   5  -2 (20, 2) Psalm: Benedic, anima mea;
31-74 D A Norris, Thomas    4   3  -7   0  -3 (55, -) Psalm: Benedic, anima mea;
31-75 D G Cooke, Robert    1   2   2  -2  -2 (61, 12) Psalm: Benedic, anima mea;
32-76 S A Nares, James    1  -3  -3   1  -3 (61, 1) Psalm: Easter Anthems;
32-77 S A Monk, Edwin George    3  -7   2   2   0 (11, 1) Psalm: Easter Anthems;
32-78 S A Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore   -4   2   2   1  -3 (12, 2) Psalm: Easter Anthems;
32-79 S E♭ Travers, John    0   0   2   0  -2 (8, 4) Psalm: Easter Anthems;
32-80 S C Savage, William    0  -1   1   0   0 (63, 2) Psalm: Easter Anthems;
33-81 D E♭ Wellesley, Garrett Colley, Earl of Mornington   -2  -1  -2  -2  12 (65, 2) Psalm: Easter Anthems;
33-82 D E Langdon, Richard {Not specified}    2  -2  -2  -1   0 (7, 3) Psalm: Easter Anthems;
33-83 D F Higgins, Edward   -2  -1  -2  -2   5 (26, 5) Psalm: Easter Anthems;
34-84 S F Hayes, William    2  -2  -3   3  -5 (2, 2) Psalm: Laudate Dominum;
34-85 S F Rimbault, Edward Francis   -3   5  -2   0  -3 (42, 1) Psalm: Laudate Dominum;
34-86 S E Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    5  -3  -4  -3   5 (60, -) Psalm: Laudate Dominum;
35-87 S G Purcell, Thomas   -2  -2   2   5  -2 (74, 1) Psalm: Laudate Nomen Domini;
35-88 S G Alcock sr., John    1  -1  -2   3  -1 (57, 2) Psalm: Laudate Nomen Domini;
36-89 S F Farrant, Richard    0   2   2   3  -2 (87, 5) Psalm: 24;
36-90 S B♭ Humphrey, Pelham    0   0  -1   0   1 (101, 10) Psalm: 24;
36-91 S G Anonymous   -1   1   2   2   1 (22, 21) Psalm: 24;
37-92 X e Cornell, John Henry    3   0  -1   0  -2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 51; Irregular single: 4-5 bars
38-93 S E♭ Felton, William    0   0   0   0   1 (80, 15) Psalm: Burial Service-hymn for the enterment;
38-94 S d Crotch, William    1  -1  -2   2  -4 (33, 8) Psalm: Burial Service-hymn for the enterment;
38-95 S g Farrant, John   -1  -2  -1   4  -1 (10, 2) Psalm: Burial Service-hymn for the enterment;
39-96 D d Morley, William {Morley, Thomas}    0   2   1   0  -1 (86, 4) Psalm: Burial Service-hymn for the enterment; incorrectly attributed to Thomas Morley
39-97 D e Flintoft, Luke    2   0   1   0   2 (104, 5) Psalm: Burial Service-hymn for the enterment;
40-98 S B♭ Not specified    2   2   1  -1  -2 (2, 21) Psalm: Magnificat (Luke 1, 46-55); Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2, 29-32);
40-99 S F Lee, William {Not specified}   -2  -1  -2   3  -1 (9, 8) Psalm: Magnificat (Luke 1, 46-55); Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2, 29-32);
40-100 S F Walter, William Henry   -2  -2   5  -3   2 ( 1, 4) Psalm: Magnificat (Luke 1, 46-55); Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2, 29-32);
40-101 S B♭ Jones, John    5   2  -3  -2  -2 (19, 1) Psalm: Magnificat (Luke 1, 46-55); Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2, 29-32);
40-102 S b Barnby, Joseph    5   3  -1  -2  -2 (18, 3) Psalm: Magnificat (Luke 1, 46-55); Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2, 29-32);
41-103 S G Fussell, Peter   -2  -1  -2   2  -2 (42, 4) Psalm: Magnificat (Luke 1, 46-55); Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2, 29-32);