'' Composers | Anglican Chant Index


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Composer names starting with "Br"

(The number in square brackets is the total number of references for each composer)

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Bradbury, William B. (19c) [1]
Bradley, Charles (1846-1915) [8]
Brailesford, Isaac (?-1842) [13]
Bramma, Harry Wakefield (1936-) [2]
Bramwell, H.R. (19c) [3]
Bramwell, Rowland () [5]
Breillat, G. (19c.) [1]
Bremner, Robert (c1713-1789) [1]
Bremridge, T.J. (19c) [1]
Brewer, Alfred Herbert (1865-1928) [26]
Bridge, John Frederick (1844-1924) [75]
Bridges (-Waterhouse), Mary Monica (1863-1949) [8]
Brind, E (19c) [1]
Bristow, Samuel [1]
Brooks, James William Lupton () [pseudonym only]
Brooksbank, Hugh (1854-1894) [14]
Brough, Michael (20-21c) [3]
Brough, Paul (1963-) [1]
Brown, Arthur Henry (1830-1926) [291]
Brown, Christopher (1943-) [6]
Brown, Ray Francis (1897-1965) [11]
Brown, Walter William (c.1871) [8]
Brown-Borthwick, Robert (1840-1894) [2]
Browne, Daniel Charles (c1857) [23]
Brownsmith, John Leman (1809-1866) [44]
Browse, Jo (20c.) [1]
Bruce-Payne, David Malcolm (1945-) [2]
Bryan, Cornelius (1777-1840) [1]
Bryan, Roger (b.1975-a.2006) [2]
Brydon, Clark (20c) [1]