'' Composers | Anglican Chant Index


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Composer names starting with "He"

(The number in square brackets is the total number of references for each composer)

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Heap, Charles Swinnerton (1847-1900) [4]
Heath, ?? () [1]
Heath, Robert Hainsworth (1842-??) [1]
Heathcote, Gilbert (1770-1829) [77]
Hedges, Anthony John (1931-) [1]
Heims, N. [1]
Helmore, Frederick (19c) [5]
Helmore, Thomas (1811-1890) [28]
Hemmings, Alan Stephen (1934-2018) [8]
Hempel, Charles William (1777-1855) [1]
Hemy, Henry Frederick (1818-1888) [1]
Henley, Phocion (1728-1764) [96]
Henn-Macrae, Douglas [1]
Hervey, Frederick Alfred John (1846-1910) [68]
Hesford, Michael Bryan (1930-1996) [12]
Hewis, Clifford (1910-1989) [1]
Hewitt-Jones, Tony (1926-1989) [3]
Hewson, George Henry Phillips (1881-1972) [3]
Hexter, A.S. (19c) [1]
Heywood, John (1841-??) [34]
Heywood, Thomas (18c) [6]