'' Composers | Anglican Chant Index


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Composer names starting with "Li"

(The number in square brackets is the total number of references for each composer)

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Liddle, John Shepherd (1853-1921) [10]
Liddle, Robert William (1864-1917) [2]
Liggins, David (20-21c) [1]
Lightoller, Charles William (1828-1890) [2]
Lightoller, G. H. (19c) [1]
Lightwood, James Thomas (1856-c.1944) [1]
Lillingston, G. E. L. [1]
Limpus, Richard Davidge (1824-1875) [2]
Lineberger, Matthew T. [1]
Lingard, Frederick (1811-1847) [18]
Linley, O. T. (19c) [1]
Linter, H.P. (19c(?)) [4]
Linter, Ricardo (1815-1886) [1]
Lisle, E. L. de [1]
Littleton, Alfred Henry (1845-1914) [20]