'' Composers | Anglican Chant Index


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Composer names starting with "Ra"

(The number in square brackets is the total number of references for each composer)

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Radcliffe, James (19c) [1]
Radcliffe, John (1687/8-1716) [18]
Radcliffe, Philip Fitzhugh (1905-1986) [1]
Rahles, Ferdinand (1812-1878) [1]
Randall, John (1717-1799) [165]
Randall, William (ca. 1585-1604) [1]
Raper, Henry [4]
Rapley, Edmund Felton (1907-1976) [1]
Ratcliffe, J. () [pseudonym only]
Ravalde, Timothy (1988) [4]
Rawsthorne, Christopher Noel (1929-2019) [11]
Raynor, Lloyd (b1746-c1788) [6]