Composer names starting with "Sm"
(The number in square brackets is the total number of references for each composer)
Select a composer by clicking on the name
Smallwood, William (1831-1897) [2] |
Smart, George Thomas (1776-1867) [3] |
Smart, Henry Thomas (1813-1879) [311] |
Smart, Jason (1949-) [103] |
Smart, Thomas (b.1770-1826) [7] |
Smee, Frederick (?-1879) [1] |
Smith, Boyton (1837-1911) [4] |
Smith, Frederick (b.1826-a.1881) [2] |
Smith, Frederick William Boyton (1837-1911) [1] |
Smith, George Townshend (1813-1877) [7] |
Smith, J. O. (19c) [9] |
Smith, James Whitehead (1827-1912) [3] |
Smith, Jeffrey (1960-) [3] |
Smith, John (1795-1861) [3] |
Smith, John Stafford (1750-1836) [131] |
Smith, Mortem (19c) [1] |
Smith, Peter D. (1952-) [10] |
Smith, Peter Melville [pseudonym only] |
Smith, Samuel (Bradford) (1806-1873) [7] |
Smith, Walter Ernest (1879-) [3] |
Smith, William (1603-1645) [1] |
Smithers (19c) [1] |
Smyth, Charles John [3] |
Smyth, G. Freke [1] |
Smyth, H. [2] |
Smyth, William Hugh (1836-1893) [3] |