'' Composers | Anglican Chant Index


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Composer names starting with "Wa"

(The number in square brackets is the total number of references for each composer)

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Waddington, David (1971-) [2]
Wadely, Frederick William (1882-1970) [23]
Wainwright, John (1723-1768) [14]
Wainwright, Jonathan (20c) [2]
Wainwright, Jonathan Mayhew (1792-1854) [4]
Wainwright, Richard (1757-1825) [2]
Wainwright, Robert (1748-1782) [1]
Wainwright, William (1736?-1797) [5]
Waite, J. S. (19c) [715]
Wakefield, Reginald Paul [1]
Walch, James (1837-1901) [2]
Walend, William () [pseudonym only]
Walford Davies, Henry () [pseudonym only]
Walker, A.E. [3]
Walker, Frederick Edward (Francis) (1835-1913) [16]
Walker, Frikki (1963-) [7]
Walker, John (19c) [7]
Walker, Nick (20-21c) [2]
Walker, Robert E (1946-) [11]
Walker, W. R. (c. 1894) [1]
Wall, Miss M.H. [3]
Wallace, William Vincent (1812-1865) [36]
Wallbank, Newell Smith (1871-1945) [6]
Walmisley, Thomas Attwood (1814-1856) [403]
Walond, William (c1755-1836) [22]
Walsh, George (??-1765) [9]
Walsh, Michael (20-21c) [4]
Walshe, F. G. [1]
Walter, William Henry (1825-1893) [47]
Walton, Paul (1977-) [12]
Wanless, Thomas (c.1640-1712) [20]
Ward, Cornelius (1814-1903) [3]
Ward, John Charles (b.1842-a.1882) [9]
Ware, Eric Oesterlein (1908-1972) [3]
Waring, James Forester (1825-1876) [1]
Warren, Joseph (1804-1881) [18]
Warren, N.B. (b. 1894) [3]
Warren, Norman Leonard (1934-) [2]
Warren, William (c1770-1841) [1]
Wasbrough, John (1772-1825) [10]
Waters, Rob (20-21c) [1]
Watson, Henry (1846-1911) [1]
Watson, Sydney (1903-1991) [4]
Watson, Wilfrid Ronald (1936-) [6]
Watts, Reginald Kodwo (20-21c) [3]
Waugh, Nigel (20c) [4]
Way, Nick (20-21c) [2]