'' Hayter, Aaron Upjohn (1799-1873) | Anglican Chant Index
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Hayter, Aaron Upjohn (1799-1873)

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Additional comments: Could also be his son Arthur Upjohn Hayter (c. 1833-1909). Aaron moved to the USA in 1835, and according to the Dictionary Arthur was born in Boston c1833. This should probably be c.1835. It is not clear when Arthur returned to the UK.

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Click on a (full) fingerprint to go to the list of references for that fingerprint
The number of references for each fingerprint (by this composer) is given in parentheses

M/m Fingerprint
M   -1  -2  -2  10  -1  -2  -2   0  -1  -4   2   1  -1   5  -2  -1   1   2   2  -2  -2  (1)