'' The Anglican Chant Psalter
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The Anglican Chant Psalter

Number -- Status16 -- Included
Full TitleThe Anglican Chant Psalter
Author(s)Wyton, Alec
PublisherChurch Publishing Inc., New York
Year of Publication1987
Chants numbered continuouslyYes
Psalms associated with chants - Pointed text includedYes/Yes; language: English; Version: 1979 BCP Episcopal Church USA
Sets of chants for certain psalmsNo
Separate selections of psalms includedNo
Sourceown property
Additional comments none

Table of Contents

Click here for an explanation of the conventions used in the listings

p-n T Key Composer Finger
1-1 S B♭ Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    5   4  -2  -3   1 (26, -) Psalm: 1;
1-2 S A Hancock, Gerre    1   2  -7   0  -2 (4, -) Psalm: 1;
2-3 S g Monk, Edwin George   -1  -2  -1   3  -7 (29, 1) Psalm: 2;
2-4 D f# Hesford, Michael Bryan    1   2   2   0   2 (3, 7) Psalm: 2;
3-5 D F Battishill, Jonathan   -1  -2  -2   9  -2 (32, 9) Psalm: 3;
3-6 D c Coulson, Richard    2   3   2  -2   2 (2, 1) Psalm: 3;
5-7 D F Knyvett, William [Handel, Georg Frederic]    4  -2   3  -1   5 (11, 3) Psalm: 4;
5-8 D C Joubert, John Pierre Herman    1  -1   5  -2   9 (5, -) Psalm: 4;
6-9 D F Elvey, Stephen    0   2   2   0  -2 (27, 25) Psalm: 5;
6-10 D F Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    0   0   0   1   4 (58, 1) Psalm: 5; Probably a print error: bar 6, second note should read B-flat, not G as in most other sources.
8-11 S f Goss, John    3  -1   3  -2  -1 (20, 1) Psalm: 6;
8-12 D E♭ Goss, John    3  -2  -1  -2  -2 (61, 20) Psalm: 6;
9-13 D D Turle, James    1  -1  -2   7  -7 (50, 1) Psalm: 7;
9-14 D g Farrant, Richard    0   2   1   0  -1 (5, 4) Psalm: 7;
11-15 S E Keys, Ivor    4   1   2   0   2 (3, 14) Psalm: 8;
11-16 D C Harris, William Henry   -3   3   2   0  -2 (4, 4) Psalm: 8;
13-17 D A Dibdin, Henry Edward   -5   2  -2   0   2 (6, 1) Psalm: 9;
13-18 D F Pring, Joseph    0   1  -3   2  -4 (23, 6) Psalm: 9;
15-19 D d Camidge, Matthew    2   0   1   2   2 (71, 4) Psalm: 10;
15-20 D G♭ Hurd, David    5   4   1   0  -1 Psalm: 10;
18-21 S B♭ Hylton Stewart, Charles    2  -2  -1  -2  -2 (6, 5) Psalm: 11;
18-22 D F Hurd, David [Gibbons, Orlando]    4  -4   7  -7   5 (2, 2) Psalm: 11;
19-23 D f Clark, Richard    3  -3  -1   0   1 (41, 1) Psalm: 12;
19-24 D b♭ Howells, Herbert Norman   -3  -2  -3   5  -4 (17, -) Psalm: 12;
20-25 S F (VI-F**) Anonymous [Gregorian]    3  -2  -1  -2   0 (32, 13) Psalm: 13;
20-26 D E♭ Parratt, Walter   -2  -2   7  -2  -1 (26, 3) Psalm: 13;
21-27 S f Goss, John    3  -1   3  -2  -1 (20, 1) Psalm: 14;
21-28 D d Turle, James   -7   2   1   2   2 (57, 4) Psalm: 14;
22-29 S A Nares, James    1  -1  -2  -2  -1 (20, 6) Psalm: 15;
22-30 D b Hurd, David    0  -1   1  -1   1 (2, 2) Psalm: 15;
23-31 S B♭ Coleman, Richard Henry Pinwill    3  -3  -2   2  -2 (2, -) Psalm: 16;
23-32 D E♭ Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert    3   0  -1  -2  -2 (34, -) Psalm: 16;
25-33 D e Best, William Thomas    1  -1  -2   0   2 (5, 9) Psalm: 17;
25-34 D B♭ Howells, Herbert Norman    5   2   3  -1  -2 (14, -) Psalm: 17;
27-35 D F Turle, James    7   2  -2  -3   1 (50, 1) Psalm: 18(1-20);
27-37 D G Atkins, Ivor Algernon    9  -4   5  -3   2 (8, -) Psalm: 18(1-20);
29-36 D F Goss, John    4  -4  -3   2   1 (47, 6) Psalm: 18(21-end);
29-38 D D Boyce, William   -5  -2  -1   0  -2 (89, 2) Psalm: 18(21-end);
33-39 D D Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    3  -3  -4   5   0 (21, 2) Psalm: 19;
33-40 D G Darlington, Stephen    2   3   2   2   1 (3, 2) Psalm: 19;
35-41 D D Camidge, Matthew    2   0   2   2   1 (44, 4) Psalm: 20;
35-42 D E♭ Robinson, John    5  -3  -2  -3   2 (103, -) Psalm: 20;
36-43 D E♭ Skeats Jr., Highmore    4   5  -2  -2  -1 (24, 1) Psalm: 21;
36-44 D G Buck, Percy Carter    5  -3   5  -3  -2 (23, 1) Psalm: 21;
38-45 D f Hopkins, Edward John   -1  -2  -1   3   1 (42, 3) Psalm: 22(1-21);
38-47 D f Wyton, Alec    5   0  -2   1   1 Psalm: 22(1-21);
40-46 D F Hopkins, Edward John   -2  -2  -1   3   2 (57, 5) Psalm: 22(22-end);
40-48 D A♭ Seivewright, Andrew    7   5   0  -2   0 (3, -) Psalm: 22(22-end);
41-49 S E Goss, John   -2   0   5  -3   1 (28, 1) Psalm: 23;
41-50 D E♭ Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert    3   0  -1  -2  -2 (34, -) Psalm: 23;
42-51 D A♭ Thalben-Ball, George Thomas    2   3   0   4   3 (8, -) Psalm: 24;
42-52 D C Crotch, William   -8  -2  -2   2   2 (69, 2) Psalm: 24;
43-53 D G Crotch, William    2   2  -4  -1  -2 (19, 3) Psalm: 25;
43-54 D f# Stonex, Henry    0   2   1   0   0 (34, 3) Psalm: 25;
46-55 S F Farrant, Richard    0   2   2   3  -2 (87, 5) Psalm: 26;
46-56 D F Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    0   0   0   1   4 (58, 1) Psalm: 26; Probably a print error: bar 6, second note should read B-flat, not G as in most other sources.
47-57 D F Turle, James    0   2  -3   1   0 (64, -) Psalm: 27;
47-58 D B♭ Atkins, Ivor Algernon    2  -2   5   2   3 (23, 3) Psalm: 27;
50-59 S G Nicholson, Sydney Hugo    3  -3   2  -4   2 (4, -)
50-60 D D Elvey, George Job    5  -1   1  -3  -2 (23, 3) Psalm: 28;
51-61 S E Brown, Ray Francis    4   1   2  -5   3 (2, 2) Psalm: 29;
51-62 D G Buck, Percy Carter    5  -3   5  -3  -2 (23, 1) Psalm: 29;
53-63 D G Brown, Ray Francis    2  -2  -3   0  -2 ( 1, 4) Psalm: 30;
53-64 D A♭ Knight, Gerald Hocken    2   3   2   2  -2 (24, 3) Psalm: 30;
55-65 D c Turle, James   -7   2   1   2   2 (57, 4) Psalm: 31;
55-66 D a Barnby, Joseph    3  -2  -1   4   1 (43, -) Psalm: 31;
58-67 D g Nares, James    2  -3   1  -3   2 (35, 2) Psalm: 32;
58-68 D g Wesley, Samuel    0   0  -1   1  -3 (31, 2) Psalm: 32;
59-69 D D Randall, John   -7   2   2   3   5 (87, -) Psalm: 33;
59-70 D A♭ Woodward, Richard   -2  -2  -1   1   2 (29, 25) Psalm: 33;
62-71 D G Norris, Thomas    4   3  -7   0  -3 (55, -) Psalm: 34;
62-72 D F Ritchie, J. Marcus    2   3   2   0  -2 (3, 2) Psalm: 34;
64-73 D G Crotch, William    2   2  -4  -1  -2 (19, 3) Psalm: 35;
64-74 D A♭ Attwood, Thomas   -5  -2  -1  12   3 (32, -) Psalm: 35;
67-75 S d Blow, John    0   2   2   0  -2 (75, 25) Psalm: 36(1-4);
67-77 D a Goss, John    3  -3  -1   0   1 (2, 1) Psalm: 36(1-4);
68-76 S B♭ Stainer, John   -2  -1   5   3  -1 (26, 1) Psalm: 36(5-end);
68-78 D A Goss, John    4  -4  -3   2   1 (47, 6) Psalm: 36(5-end);
69-79 D f Goss, John [Clarke, Jeremiah]   -3   2  -3  -4   5 (30, -) Psalm: 37(1-18);
69-81 D C Joubert, John Pierre Herman    1  -1   5  -2   9 (5, -) Psalm: 37;
71-80 D D♭ Goss, John    3  -2  -1  -2  -3 (19, -) Psalm: 37(19-end);
74-82 D C Fenstermaker, John    2  -4   2   0   2 (3, -) Psalm: 38;
74-83 D d Stanford, Charles Villiers    5  -2  -2  -1  -2 (27, 8) Psalm: 38;
76-84 D f Clark, Richard    3  -3  -1   0   1 (41, 1) Psalm: 39;
76-85 D c Hylton Stewart, Charles    1  -5   4   0   5 (7, -) Psalm: 39;
78-86 D D Hill, Shirley [Nicholson, Sydney Hugo]    5  -5  -2   2  -3 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 40;
78-87 D G Pinkham, Daniel    0   0   3   1   0 (3, -) Psalm: 40;
80-88 S D Hylton Stewart, Charles   -3   3   2   0  -2 (4, 4) Psalm: 41;
80-89 D E♭ Thalben-Ball, George Thomas    3  -3  -2   2   7 (2, -) Psalm: 41;
82-90 D G Crotch, William    5  -1  -2   2   1 (62, 2) Psalm: 42;
82-91 D B♭ Fenstermaker, John    0  -2  -1   1   2 (2, 2) Psalm: 42;
84-92 D G Crotch, William    5  -1  -2   2   1 (62, 2) Psalm: 43;
84-93 D B♭ Fenstermaker, John    0  -2  -1   1   2 (2, 2) Psalm: 43;
85-94 D G Goss, John    2   2   1   2   2 (36, 30) Psalm: 44;
85-95 D F Hurd, David    5   4   1   0  -1 Psalm: 44;
88-96 D D Camidge, Matthew    2   0   2   2   1 (44, 4) Psalm: 45;
88-97 D E♭ Atkins, Ivor Algernon    2   5   0  -2   0 (12, 1) Psalm: 45;
90-98 D C Anonymous [Luther, Martin]    0   0  -5   4   1 (54, 2) Psalm: 46(1-6; 9-end); often attributed to John Goss, see Facebook discussion
90-100 D a Hutto, Benjamin    2   3   2  -7   2 (2, -) Psalm: 46;
91-99 D C Anonymous [Luther, Martin]    0   0  -5   4   1 (54, 2) Psalm: 46(7-8); second half melody in alto; often attributed to John Goss, see Facebook discussion
92-101 D D Davy, John   -1  -4   5 -12   9 (54, -) Psalm: 47;
92-102 D C Noble, Thomas Tertius    2   2   1  -5   2 (2, 4) Psalm: 47;
93-103 D G Crotch, William    5  -1  -2   2   1 (62, 2) Psalm: 48;
93-104 D G Monk, Edwin George    2  -7   9   0  -2 (34, 1) Psalm: 48;
95-105 D f Anonymous    0   2  -2  -1   4 (18, -) Psalm: 49;
95-106 D d Barnby, Joseph   -4   2   2   0  -4 (18, 1) Psalm: 49;
97-107 D F Battishill, Jonathan   -1  -2  -2   9  -2 (32, 9) Psalm: 50;
97-108 D A Smart, Henry Thomas    5   4  -2   5  -7 (27, -) Psalm: 50(1-15);
99-109 D f# Wesley, Samuel    0   0  -1   1  -3 (31, 2) Psalm: 50(16-end);
101-110 D d Camidge, Matthew    2   0   1   2   2 (71, 4) Psalm: 51;
101-111 D e Stainer, John   -4   1   8  -1   0 (30, -) Psalm: 51;
103-112 S B♭ Coleman, Richard Henry Pinwill    3  -3  -2   2  -2 (2, -) Psalm: 52;
103-113 S a Davies, Henry Walford    0   5   3  -1  -3 (14, -) Psalm: 52(1-7);
104-114 S A Davies, Henry Walford    0   5   4  -2  -3 Psalm: 52(8-9);
105-115 S d Blow, John    0   2   2   0  -2 (75, 25) Psalm: 53;
105-116 D c Goss, John    0  -1  -2   3   2 (28, 2) Psalm: 53;
106-117 S G Goss, John    4  -2   3  -1  -2 (60, 2) Psalm: 54;
106-118 S c Hylton Stewart, Charles    1   2  -3   5  -2 (11, 3) Psalm: 54;
107-119 D g Hopkins, Edward John   -1  -2  -1   3   1 (42, 3) Psalm: 55;
107-120 D e Brown, Ray Francis    2   3  -2   2   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 55;
110-121 D G Crotch, William    2   2  -4  -1  -2 (19, 3) Psalm: 56;
110-122 D c Ley, Henry George    3   4   1  -1   4 (3, -) Psalm: 56;
112-123 S g Purcell, Henry   -2   2   1   0  -1 (20, 5) Psalm: 57(1-5);
112-125 S d Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    1  -3  -3   9   1 Psalm: 57(1-5);
113-124 S G Purcell, Henry   -2   2   2   0  -2 (22, 3) Psalm: 57(6-end);
113-126 S D Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    2  -4  -3   9   1 (20, 1) Psalm: 57(6-end);
114-127 D f Flintoft, Luke    2   0   1   0   2 (104, 5) Psalm: 58;
114-128 D g Crotch, William   -1  -2   8  -3  -2 (11, -) Psalm: 58;
115-129 D a Beale, William   -1  -2  -1   1   0 (18, 1) Psalm: 59(1-17);
115-131 D d Stanford, Charles Villiers    5  -2  -2  -1  -2 (27, 8) Psalm: 59(1-17);
117-130 S C Goodson sr, Richard    5  -1  -2   0   5 (45, 7) Psalm: 59(18-end);
117-132 S G Elgar, Edward William    2  -2  -3  -2   5 (19, -) Psalm: 59(18-end);
118-133 D A Goss, John    5   0  -1   1   2 (5, 1) Psalm: 60;
118-134 S d Harrison, John    3   4   5  -5  -4 (13, -) Psalm: 60(1-5);
119-135 S D Harrison, John    4   3   5  -5  -3 (15, -) Psalm: 60(6-end);
120-136 D E♭ Roeckel, Joseph Leopold   -2  -2   5   0  -1 (2, 2) Psalm: 61;
120-137 D a Battishill, Jonathan   -2  -2  -1   8  -1 (96, 6) Psalm: 61;
121-138 D B♭ Thalben-Ball, George Thomas    5  -5   2   0   0 (9, 1) Psalm: 62;
121-139 D A Martin, George Clement    5   2   2   0   1 (31, 4) Psalm: 62;
123-140 D G Jackson, Thomas    4  -5   1   2   2 (22, 1) Psalm: 63;
123-141 D E Jackman, Percy   -7   5  -1   0   0 (2, -) Psalm: 63;
125-142 D a Barnby, Joseph    3  -2  -1   4   1 (43, -) Psalm: 64;
125-143‑a T d Dirksen, Richard Wayne    2  -2   5  -5   5 (3, 2) Psalm: 64;
125-143‑b D d Dirksen, Richard Wayne    2  -2   5  -5   5 (3, 2) Double chant formed by sections A and C of triple chant no. 788-a. Tenor and base in bar 7 one octave higher, as indicated by the composer
127-144 D D Smart, Henry Thomas   -2   3  -1   5  -2 (23, 3) Psalm: 65;
127-145 D C Hancock, Gerre    2   5  -3  -2   2 (2, -) Psalm: 65;
129-146 D E♭ Stanford, Charles Villiers    5  -3   2  -4   2 (31, 1) Psalm: 66;
129-147 D D Davy, John   -1  -4   5 -12   9 (54, -) Psalm: 66;
131-148 S a Thalben-Ball, George Thomas    3  -1   3   0  -2 (3, -) Psalm: 67;
131-149 D F Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert    3   0  -1  -2  -2 (34, -) Psalm: 67;
133-150 D E♭ Pye, Kellow John    3  -3  -4   7   2 (60, 1) Psalm: 68;
133-151 S B♭ Hurd, David    5   4  -2  -2  -1 ( 1, 4) Psalm: 68;
135-152 S B♭ Hurd, David    7  -2   2  -7  -2 Psalm: 68;
138-153 D e Brown, Ray Francis    2   3  -2   2   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 69;
138-154 D a Battishill, Jonathan   -2  -2  -1   8  -1 (96, 6) Psalm: 69(1-13; 24-30);
139-155 D E Chipp, Edmund Thomas    0  -2   5  -7   5 (19, 1) Psalm: 69(14-23; 31-end);
144-156 S a MacFarren, George Alexander   -1  -3   1  -5   1 (21, 3) Psalm: 70;
144-157 S a Burgomaster, Frederick    2   1  -2  -1  -2 Psalm: 70;
145-158 D G Goss, John    2   2   1   2   2 (36, 30) Psalm: 71;
145-159 D E♭ Atkins, Ivor Algernon    1  -1  -2   2   1 (12, 9) Psalm: 71;
148-160 D E♭ Elvey, Stephen    1   2   2 -10   1 (8, -) Psalm: 72; In The Ad Mojoram Collection this chant appears as nr. 169, but is attributed to G. J. Elvey
148-161‑a D E♭ Alcock, Walter Galpin   -3  -4   2   0   7 (3, -) Psalm: 72;
148-161‑b D E♭ Bertalot, John [Alcock, Walter Galpin]    5   2   0  -7   7 (2, -) Descant by John Bertalot
150-162 D D Turle, James    1  -1  -2   7  -7 (50, 1) Psalm: 73;
150-163 D f# Barnby, Joseph    0   3  -1   0   1 (33, 3) Psalm: 73;
153-164 D E♭ Harris, Joseph Thorne    0   0   0   0  -2 (19, 6) Psalm: 74;
153-165 D d Turle, James   -7   2   1   2   2 (57, 4) Psalm: 74(1-20);
155-166 D D Turle, James   -7   2   2   0   0 (60, 1) Psalm: 74(21-end);
156-167 D E♭ Skeats Jr., Highmore    4   5  -2  -2  -1 (24, 1) Psalm: 75;
156-168 D D Woodward, Richard    0   0   5  -8   5 (74, 1) Psalm: 75;
158-169 T E Naylor, John    0   0   5  -3   5 (14, -) Psalm: 76;
158-170 T D Hylton Stewart, Charles    4  -2  -2   7   0 (5, 2) Psalm: 76;
160-171 D G Brown, Ray Francis    2  -2  -3   0  -2 ( 1, 4) Psalm: 77;
160-172 D c Major, Douglas    5   2  -7   0   5 (2, -) Psalm: 77;
162-173 S D Hylton Stewart, Charles   -3   3   2   0  -2 (4, 4) Psalm: 78(1-8; 30-39; 65-72-end);
162-176 D A Goss, John    4  -4  -3   2   1 (47, 6) Psalm: 78(1-8; 30-39; 65-end);
163-174 D G Jackson, Thomas    4  -5   1   2   2 (22, 1) Psalm: 78(9-17; 40-55);
163-177 D a Goss, John    3  -3  -1   0   1 (2, 1) Psalm: 78(9-17; 40-55);
164-178 D d Cooke, Robert    8  -1  -2  -4   2 (80, -) Psalm: 78(18-29; 56-64);
165-175 D e Brown, Ray Francis    2   3  -2   2   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 78(18-29; 56-64);
173-179 D f Clark, Richard    3  -3  -1   0   1 (41, 1) Psalm: 79;
173-180 D b Hurd, David    0  -1   1  -1   1 (2, 2) Psalm: 79;
175-181 D F Battishill, Jonathan   -1  -2  -2   9  -2 (32, 9) Psalm: 80;
175-182 D C Davies, Henry Walford    0   5   0  -1   1 (18, 3) Psalm: 80(1-7; 17-18);
176-183 S a Davies, Henry Walford    0   5   3  -1  -3 (14, -) Psalm: 80(8-16);
178-184 S C Stewart, Robert Prescott   -3   1   2   0   2 (13, 9) Psalm: 81;
178-185 D A♭ Elvey, George Job   -4  -5   2   0   8 (16, -) Psalm: 81;
180-186 S D Hylton Stewart, Charles   -3   3   2   0  -2 (4, 4) Psalm: 82;
180-187 S F Hurd, David    1   2  -3   1   0 Psalm: 82;
181-188 D e Best, William Thomas    1  -1  -2   0   2 (5, 9) Psalm: 83;
181-189 D E♭ Harris, Joseph Thorne    0   0   0   0  -2 (19, 6) Psalm: 83;
183-190 D A♭ Hopkins, Edward John   -2  -2  -1  -4   5 (39, 1) Psalm: 84;
183-191 D E Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings    1   2  -7   2   3 (36, 3) Psalm: 84;
185-192 D D Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    3  -3  -4   5   0 (21, 2) Psalm: 85;
185-193 D C Joubert, John Pierre Herman    1  -1   5  -2   9 (5, -) Psalm: 85;
187-194 D G Crotch, William    5  -1  -2   2   1 (62, 2) Psalm: 86;
187-195 D E Foster, John   -1   1   2   3  -1 (33, -) Psalm: 86;
189-196 S C Monk, Edwin George   -8   1   2   2   2 (50, 5) Psalm: 87;
189-197 D D Goss, John    3  -7   5  -1   5 (10, 1) Psalm: 87;
190-198 D g Anonymous    0   2  -2  -1   4 (18, -) Psalm: 88;
190-199 D f# Cantrell, Derrick   -1   0  -2  -2   2 (4, 2) Psalm: 88;
192-200 D G Goss, John    2   2   1   2   2 (36, 30) Psalm: 89(1-18);
192-202 D F Hopkins, Edward John   -2  -2  -1   3   2 (57, 5) Psalm: 89(1-18; Gloria);
193-201 D F Turle, James    7   2  -2  -3   1 (50, 1) Psalm: 89(19-end; Gloria);
193-203 D C Goss, John    3  -7   5  -1   5 (10, 1) Psalm: 89(19-37);
196-204 D f Hopkins, Edward John   -1  -2  -1   3   1 (42, 3) Psalm: 89(38-51);
197-205 S F Nicholson, Sydney Hugo [Hopkins, Edward John]    2   2   1  -3  -2 ( 1, 11) Psalm: 89(52); Second half (in major) of the preceding minor chant (204). Descant by Sydney Nicholson
198-206 D e Brown, Ray Francis    2   3  -2   2   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 90;
198-207 D C Bertalot, John [Croft, William ]    3  -2  -1   3   2 (4, 2) Psalm: 90; Melody of St. Anne in tenor
200-208 D F Goss, John    4  -4  -3   2   1 (47, 6) Psalm: 91;
200-209 D F Hopkins, Edward John    1  -1  -2   5  -7 (28, 6) Psalm: 91;
202-210 D A Goss, John    5   0  -1   1   2 (5, 1) Psalm: 92;
202-211 D A♭ Barnard, John    5  -1   5  -2   5 (5, 3)
204-212 S G Nicholson, Sydney Hugo    3  -3   2  -4   2 (4, -) Psalm: 93;
204-213 D D Elvey, George Job    5  -1   1  -3  -2 (23, 3) Psalm: 93;
205-214 D c Barnby, Joseph   -4   2   2   0  -4 (18, 1) Psalm: 94;
205-215 D d Stanford, Charles Villiers    5  -2  -2  -1  -2 (27, 8) Psalm: 94;
208-216 S C Stewart, Robert Prescott   -3   1   2   0   2 (13, 9) Psalm: 95;
208-217 D c# Dirksen, Richard Wayne    4   5  -2   0   4 Psalm: 95;
210-218 S F Brown, Ray Francis    3  -5   3  -1  -7 Psalm: 96;
210-219 D F Hurd, David   -2   2   5  -1  -4 Psalm: 96;
210-220 D F Hurd, David   -2   2   5  -1  -4 Psalm: 96; If this setting is used, the organ should play the setting of no. 219 (included in the midi)
212-221 D C Smart, Henry Thomas    4  -4   7   0   5 (17, -) Psalm: 97;
212-222 D C Parratt, Walter    2  -2   5   0   2 (16, 5) Psalm: 97;
213-223 S A♭ MacFarren, George Alexander    2  -2   5   2   2 (40, 5) Psalm: 98;
213-224 D B♭ Atkins, Ivor Algernon    0  -2  -7   5   0 (4, -) Psalm: 98;
215-225 S B♭ Tallis, Thomas    0  -5   2   0   2 (48, 3) Psalm: 99;
215-226 D D Attwood, Thomas    2   2  -9   5  -8 (69, -) Psalm: 99;
217-227 S B♭ Stainer, John   -2  -1   5   3  -1 (26, 1) Psalm: 100;
217-228 D G Jackson, Francis Alan    2  -4  -3   5  -3 (6, -) Psalm: 100;
218-229 D G Jackson, Thomas    4  -5   1   2   2 (22, 1) Psalm: 101;
218-230 D C Hurd, David    0   0   2   0   1 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 101;
219-231 D G Crotch, William    5  -1  -2   2   1 (62, 2) Psalm: 102;
219-232 D D Hurd, David   -4   2   2   1  -3 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 102;
222-233 D E♭ Pye, Kellow John    3  -3  -4   7   2 (60, 1) Psalm: 103;
222-234 D E Camidge, John Jr.    0   1  -1  -2  -2 (35, 1) Psalm: 103;
224-235 D G Crotch, William   -2  -1  -2  -2  -1 (52, 8) Psalm: 104;
224-236 D G Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert    5   4   3  -2  -1 (5, 1) Psalm: 104(1-24);
226-237 D D Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert    2   1  -7   0   2 (20, -) Psalm: 104(25-end);
228-238 D E♭ Elvey, Stephen    1   2   2 -10   1 (8, -) Psalm: 105(1-22; 37-end);
228-240 D C Hurd, David    2   3  -5   0   2 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 105(1-22; 37-end);
230-239 D A♭ Wyton, Alec    2  -2   5  -1   3 Psalm: 105(23-36);
230-241 D C Hurd, David    3  -3  -2   0  -2 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 105(23-36);
233-242 D G Jackson, Thomas    4  -5   1   2   2 (22, 1) Psalm: 106(1-12; 47-48);
233-244 D f Wyton, Alec    5   0  -2   1   1 Psalm: 106(1-12; 47-48);
235-243 D C Wyton, Alec    1   4  -7   0   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 106(13-46);
235-245 D A♭ Seivewright, Andrew    7   5   0  -2   0 (3, -) Psalm: 106(13-46);
240-246 S C Battishill, Jonathan   -5   0  -7   0   9 (60, -) Psalm: 107(1-3; 33-43);
240-247 S C Savage, William    0  -1   1   0   0 (63, 2) Psalm: 107(4-7; 10-14; 17-20; 23-30);
240-249 S F Brown, Ray Francis    4   1   2  -5   3 (2, 2) Psalm: 107(1-3; 33-43);
240-250 S d Blow, John    0   2   2   0  -2 (75, 25) Psalm: 107(4-7; 10-14; 17-20; 23-30);
241-248 D G Crotch, William    2   2  -4  -1  -2 (19, 3) Psalm: 107(8-9; 15-16; 21-22; 31-32; Gloria);
241-251 D B♭ Attwood, Thomas    2   2  -9   5  -8 (69, -) Psalm: 107(8-9; 15-16; 21-22; 31-32; Gloria);
246-252 S C Stewart, Robert Prescott   -3   1   2   0   2 (13, 9) Psalm: 108;
246-253 S A Elvey, Stephen    4  -2  -2  -3   2 (35, 1) Psalm: 108(1-6);
247-254 S E Cooke, Benjamin   -3  -4   9  -4   2 (64, 1) Psalm: 108(7-13);
248-255 D d Morley, William    0   2   1   0  -1 (86, 4) Psalm: 109(1-19);
248-257 D D Bayley, William    0   2   2   0   8 (34, 2) Psalm: 109(1-19);
250-256 D D Morley, William    0   2   2   0  -2 (5, 25) Psalm: 109(20-30);
250-258 D A Goss, John    5   0  -1   1   2 (5, 1) Psalm: 109(20-30);
251-259 S G Monk, Edwin George   -2   2   1  -3  -3 (10, -) Psalm: 110;
251-260 D D Rorem, Ned    2  -3  -2   2   3 (3, -) Psalm: 110;
252-261 D D Massey, Richard   -3   3  -7   0   2 (18, 1) Psalm: 111;
252-262 D C Pinkham, Daniel    0   3   2   2   0 (3, -) Psalm: 111;
253-263 D C Hurd, David    0   0   2   0   1 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 112;
253-264 D G Attwood, Thomas   -1   1   2   2   1 (31, 21)
255-265 S F Brown, Ray Francis    3  -5   3  -1  -7 Psalm: 113;
255-266 D G Turle, James    7   2  -2  -3   1 (50, 1) Psalm: 113;
256-267 S e (Per) Hurd, David [Gregorian]    1  -1  -2  -2   2 (2, 19) Psalm: 114; unison, after Tonus Peregrinus
256-268 D A♭ Garrett, George Mursell   -2   2  -4   0  -3 (33, -) Psalm: 114;
257-269 S G Nicholson, Sydney Hugo    3  -3   2  -4   2 (4, -) Psalm: 115;
257-270 D A♭ Knight, Gerald Hocken    2   3   2   2  -2 (24, 3) Psalm: 115;
259-271 D G Crotch, William    2   2  -4  -1  -2 (19, 3) Psalm: 116;
259-272 D E Buck, Percy Carter    5   0  -5  -2   3 (23, -) Psalm: 116;
261-273 S B♭ Stainer, John   -2  -1   5   3  -1 (26, 1) Psalm: 117;
261-274 S F Tordoff, Philip    2   3   2  -2   5 (2, 1) Psalm: 117;
261-275 D E♭ Elvey, George Job    3   5  -1  -2  -2 (23, 10) Psalm: 118;
261-276 D B♭ Thalben-Ball, George Thomas    5  -5   2   0   0 (9, 1) Psalm: 118;
264-277 S F Nares, James    1  -1  -2  -2  -1 (20, 6) Psalm: 119(1-8); 119(17-24);
264-290 D C Hopkins, Edward John    2  -2  -2   2  -3 (52, 8) Psalm: 119(1-8); 119(9-16);
265-278 S B♭ Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    5   4  -2  -3   1 (26, -) Psalm: 119(9-16);
266-291 D G Heathcote, Gilbert   -1  -2  -2  10  -1 (35, 3) Psalm: 119(17-24); 119(25-32);
267-279 S d Blow, John    0   2   2   0  -2 (75, 25) Psalm: 119(25-32);
268-280 S A Elvey, Stephen    4  -2  -2  -3   2 (35, 1) Psalm: 119(33-40); 119(49-56); 119(65-72); 119(161-168);
268-292 D G Jones, John   -2  -2  -1   1   0 (46, 7) Psalm: 119(33-40); 119(41-48);
269-281 S E Goss, John   -2   0   5  -3   1 (28, 1) Psalm: 119(41-48);
270-293 D D Elvey, Stephen    1  -1   5  -2   4 (30, 1) Psalm: 119(49-56); 119(57-64); 119(65-72);
271-282 S D Hylton Stewart, Charles   -3   3   2   0  -2 (4, 4) Psalm: 119(57-64);
273-283 S E♭ (VI-F**) Anonymous [Gregorian]    3  -2  -1  -2   0 (32, 13) Psalm: 119(73-80); 119(97-104);
273-294 D C Elvey, George Job    1   4  -2  -2  -1 (37, 6) Psalm: 119(73-80); 119(81-88);
274-284 S g Monk, Edwin George   -1  -2  -1   3  -7 (29, 1) Psalm: 119(81-88);
275-285 S G Stanley, R.H.   -3   2   1   2   2 (19, 8) Psalm: 119(89-96); 119(129-136);
275-295 D G Crotch, William    2   2  -4  -1  -2 (19, 3) Psalm: 119(89-96); 119(97-104);
277-286 S D Rimbault, Edward Francis    1   4  -2   2  -4 (20, -) Psalm: 119(105-112); 119(121-128); 119(137-144);
277-296 D G Goodenough, Robert Philip    4   3  -5   2  -4 (4, 1) Psalm: 119(105-112); 119(113-120);
278-287 S A Tallis, Thomas    0  -5   2   0   2 (48, 3) Psalm: 119(113-120);
279-297 D D Soaper, John   -2   2   1   4  -2 (68, 3) Psalm: 119(121-128); 119(129-136); 119(137-144);
282-288 S D Farrant, Richard    0   2   2   3  -2 (87, 5) Psalm: 119(145-152); 119(169-176);
282-298 D E♭ Higgins, Edward   -2  -1   0  -2  -2 (22, 2) Psalm: 119(145-152); 119(153-160);
283-289 S f# Monk, Edwin George   -1  -2  -1   3  -7 (29, 1) Psalm: 119(153-160);
284-299 D A♭ Hopkins, Edward John   -2  -2  -1  -4   5 (39, 1) Psalm: 119(161-168); 119(169-176);
286-300 S b Hylton Stewart, Charles    5   0  -1   1   3 (15, -) Psalm: 120;
286-301 S a Hesford, Michael Bryan    1  -3   5   2  -4 (5, -) Psalm: 120;
287-302 D D Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    3  -3  -4   5   0 (21, 2) Psalm: 121;
287-303 D D Davies, Henry Walford    3   2   3  -8   3 (22, -) Psalm: 121;
288-304 S B♭ Hurd, David   -5   2  -2   2   3 Psalm: 122;
288-305 D B♭ Atkins, Ivor Algernon    2  -2   5   2   3 (23, 3) Psalm: 122;
289-306 S D Hylton Stewart, Charles   -3   3   2   0  -2 (4, 4) Psalm: 123;
289-307 S a Davies, Henry Walford    0   5   3  -1  -3 (14, -) Psalm: 123;
290-308 S B♭ Hylton Stewart, Charles    0  -5   2   0   2 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 124;
290-309 D f# Cantrell, Derrick   -1   0  -2  -2   2 (4, 2) Psalm: 124;
291-310 S F Farrant, Richard    0   2   2   3  -2 (87, 5) Psalm: 125;
291-311 S E Hurford, Peter    4   3   5  -3   5 (10, -) Psalm: 125;
292-312 S D Rimbault, Edward Francis    1   4  -2   2  -4 (20, -) Psalm: 126;
292-313 D A♭ Stanford, Charles Villiers   -2  -2   2  -2   2 (37, 4) Psalm: 126;
293-314 S G Stanley, R.H.   -3   2   1   2   2 (19, 8) Psalm: 127;
293-315 D C Hylton Stewart, Charles    5   0  -2   5  -1 (21, 3) Psalm: 127;
294-316 S F Hurd, David    0  -2   2   3   0 Psalm: 128;
294-317 D E♭ West, Hezekia    0   5  -1  -2  -2 (20, 8) Psalm: 128;
295-318 D f Clark, Richard    3  -3  -1   0   1 (41, 1) Psalm: 129;
295-319 D a Anonymous    0   2  -2  -1   4 (18, -) Psalm: 129;
296-320 S b Hylton Stewart, Charles    5   0  -1   1   3 (15, -) Psalm: 130;
296-321 D e♭ Davies, Henry Walford    3   4   1  -1   5 (12, 1) Psalm: 130;
297-322 S E Goss, John   -2   0   5  -3   1 (28, 1) Psalm: 131;
297-323 D g Hutto, Benjamin   -1  -2   5  -3  -2 (2, -) Psalm: 131;
298-324 D D Crotch, William    3  -2  -3   0   2 (3, 1) Psalm: 132;
298-325 D F Edwards, Edwin    1  -3  -2  -1   1 (21, 4) Psalm: 132;
300-326 S F Farrant, Richard    0   2   2   3  -2 (87, 5) Psalm: 133;
300-327 D C Hancock, Gerre    2   5  -3  -2   2 (2, -) Psalm: 133;
300-328 S B♭ Tallis, Thomas    0  -5   2   0   2 (48, 3) Psalm: 134;
300-329 S F Tordoff, Philip    2   3   2  -2   5 (2, 1) Psalm: 134;
301-330 D F Goss, John    4  -4  -3   2   1 (47, 6) Psalm: 135;
302-331 D F Pring, Joseph    0   1  -3   2  -4 (23, 6) Psalm: 135;
303-332 D G Norris, Thomas    4   3  -7   0  -3 (55, -) Psalm: 136;
303-333 D G Wyton, Alec    5  -1   5  -2   5 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 136;
306-334 S g Monk, Edwin George   -1  -2  -1   3  -7 (29, 1) Psalm: 137;
306-335 D f# Garrett, George Mursell    3   5   0  -1  -2 (14, 4) Psalm: 137;
307-336 D A Dibdin, Henry Edward   -5   2  -2   0   2 (6, 1) Psalm: 138;
307-337 D E Davies, Henry Walford    3   2  -5  -2  -2 (16, 2) Psalm: 138;
309-338 D D Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    3  -3  -4   5   0 (21, 2) Psalm: 139;
309-339 D E Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings    1   2  -7   2   3 (36, 3) Psalm: 139;
312-340 S G Nicholson, Sydney Hugo    3  -3   2  -4   2 (4, -) Psalm: 140;
312-341 D A Barnby, Joseph   -4   2  -7   4   1 (2, 3) Psalm: 140;
313-342 D F Elvey, Stephen    0   2   2   0  -2 (27, 25) Psalm: 141;
313-343 S f Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    0   2  -3  -1   0 (34, 1) Psalm: 141;
315-344 S d Blow, John    0   2   2   0  -2 (75, 25) Psalm: 142;
315-345 S c Hylton Stewart, Charles    5   0  -1   1   3 (15, -) Psalm: 142;
316-346 D f Wesley, Samuel    0   0  -1   1  -3 (31, 2) Psalm: 143;
316-347 D f Edwards, Paul    0  -2  -3   5   5 (2, -) Psalm: 143;
318-348 D G Jackson, Thomas    4  -5   1   2   2 (22, 1) Psalm: 144;
318-349 D d Woodward, Herbert Hall   -1   5   0   0   5 (4, -) Psalm: 144;
320-350 D E Barnby, Joseph    4   5  -2   0   5 (50, 2) Psalm: 145;
320-351 D B♭ Marsh, William    2   2   1   2   2 (40, 30) Psalm: 145;
322-352 D G Norris, Thomas    4   3  -7   0  -3 (55, -) Psalm: 146;
322-353 D F Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert    3   0  -1  -2  -2 (34, -) Psalm: 146;
323-354 D A♭ Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    2  -2  -1  -4   2 (29, 2) Psalm: 147;
323-355 D A♭ Thalben-Ball, George Thomas   -5   2   3   0   2 (4, -) Psalm: 147;
326-356 D B♭ Koehring, David    0  -5   2   5  -3 (3, -) Psalm: 148;
326-357 D A Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    9   3  -7   4  -7 (39, 1) Psalm: 148;
328-358 D F Smart, Henry Thomas   -3  -4   5  -1  -7 (34, 1) Psalm: 149;
328-359 D A♭ Barnard, John    5  -1   5  -2   5 (5, 3) Psalm: 149;
329-360 D F Goss, John    4  -4  -3   2   1 (47, 6) Psalm: 150;
330-361 S C Stanford, Charles Villiers   -3   3   2  -2   0 (28, 1) Psalm: 150; Through-composed chant, based on the single chant formula