'' Chants Old and New - A treasury of Anglican Psalmody
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Chants Old and New - A treasury of Anglican Psalmody

Number -- Status36 -- Included
Full TitleChants Old and New - A treasury of Anglican Psalmody
Author(s)Crossland, Anthony
PublisherKevin Mayhew, Stowmarket
Year of Publication1994
ISBN978 0 86209 482 9
Chants numbered continuouslyYes
Psalms associated with chants - Pointed text includedNo/No
Sets of chants for certain psalmsNo
Separate selections of psalms includedNo
Sourceown property
Additional comments none

Table of Contents

Click here for an explanation of the conventions used in the listings

p-n T Key Composer Finger
9-1 S D Anonymous    5  -3   2   3   2 (3, 2)
9-2 S G Battishill, Jonathan   -1   1   5  -1   5 (68, 3)
9-3 S E♭ Cooper, David Anthony    2   5   0  -2  -1 (2, -)
9-4 S A♭ Hiles, Henry   -2  -2   7 -12   2 (20, 1)
10-5 S A♭ Nicholas, Michael Bernard    0  -2  -3   1   9 (4, -)
10-6 S C Nicholas, Michael Bernard    2   3   2   0   5 (4, 1)
10-7 S E Seivewright, Andrew    4  -2   7  -1   4 (2, -)
10-8 S E♭ Statham, Heathcote    4   3   5  -3  -2 (4, 7)
10-9 S E Steggall, Charles    0   0   8  -3  -2 (10, -)
11-10 S G Tomkins, Thomas    0  -2   3  -3   5 (13, -)
11-11 S G Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    3   2  -7   3  -1 (20, 2)
12-12 D D Alcock, Walter Galpin    1   2   2  -2   2 (8, 4)
12-13 D F Alcock, Walter Galpin    3  -7   2   2   1 (9, 3)
13-14 D D Allbright, Terence    1   2  -7   0   7 (5, -)
13-15 D A Archer, Malcolm    9  -4   5  -1  -7 (3, 1)
13-16 D E♭ Archer, Malcolm    2   2   3  -2  -1 (5, 9)
14-17 D E Archer, Malcolm    7   0   5  -3  -2 (3, 1)
14-18 D A Armstrong, Thomas Henry Wait    2   0   3   2   5 (6, -)
14-19 D G Aston, Peter   -2   5  -7   9  -2 (2, 3)
15-20 D A Atkins, Ivor Algernon    9  -4   5  -3   2 (8, -)
15-21 D A Atkins, Ivor Algernon    2  -2   5   2   3 (23, 3)
15-22 D c Atkins, Ivor Algernon    2   1   2  -2   5 (10, 2)
16-23 D E♭ Atkins, Ivor Algernon    2   5   0  -2   0 (12, 1)
16-24 D A♭ Attwood, Thomas   -5  -2  -1  12   3 (32, -)
16-25 D A♭ Attwood, Thomas   -1   1   2   2   1 (31, 21)
17-26 D C Attwood, Thomas    2   2  -9   5  -8 (69, -)
17-27 D E Attwood, Thomas    4   0   3  -7   5 (54, -)
17-28 D E♭ Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert    2   1  -7   0   2 (20, -)
18-29 D D♭ Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert    2   2  -2   0   2 (9, 7)
18-30 D D Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert    1   2   2   0   2 (10, 7)
18-31 D E♭ Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert    3   0  -1  -2  -2 (34, -)
19-32 D E Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert   -3   3  -5   3  -1 (5, -)
19-33 D F Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert    4  -2  -7   5  -1 (8, -)
19-34 D a Barnby, Joseph    3  -2  -1   4   1 (43, -)
20-35 D A Barnby, Joseph    5   5  -1  -2  -2 (11, 2)
20-36 D d Barnby, Joseph    3  -1   5   0   1 (21, 1) This chant (in d-minor) is identical to nr. 38 in e-minor, except the bass note in the first bar of the final quarter.
20-37 D E♭ Barnby, Joseph    4   5  -2   0   5 (50, 2)
21-38 D e Barnby, Joseph    3  -1   5   0   1 (21, 1) This chant (in e-minor) is identical to nr. 36 in d-minor, except the bass note in the first bar of the final quarter.
21-39 D F Barnby, Joseph    3  -2  -1  -2  -2 (9, 20)
21-40 D g Barnby, Joseph    0   3  -1   0   1 (33, 3) misprint: 2nd bar, 1st note should read G (as in all other sources, not F
22-41 D G Crossland, Anthony [Barnby, Joseph]    0   4  -2   0   2 Major arrangement of nr. 40 By Anthony Crossland
22-42 D a Beale, William   -1  -2  -1   1   0 (18, 1)
22-43 D A♭ Booth, Josiah {Booth, John Stocks}    2   2  -7   0   8 (8, 2) Attributed by Crossland to John Booth (1828-1879). However, other sources attribute to Josiah Booth. This is believed to be more accurate.
23-44 D D Boyce, William   -5  -2  -1   0  -2 (89, 2)
23-45 D E♭ Brewer, Alfred Herbert    4  -4   7  -3   5 (6, -)
23-46 D C Bridge, John Frederick    5   0  -2   5  -1 (9, 3)
24-47 D C Bridge, John Frederick   -5   3   4  -2   0 (7, -)
24-48 D f Brownsmith, John Leman    7  -4  -1   1   2 (6, -)
24-49 D E♭ Buck, Percy Carter    5   0  -5  -2   3 (23, -)
25-50 D G Buck, Percy Carter    5  -3   5  -3  -2 (23, 1)
25-51 D G Buck, Zechariah    5  -1  -2  -2   2 (6, 3)
25-52 D G Calkin, John Baptiste    4  -2   5  -3   1
26-53 D e Camidge, Matthew    2   0   1   2   2 (71, 4)
26-54 D E Camidge, Matthew    2   0   2   2   1 (44, 4)
26-55 D E Chipp, Edmund Thomas    0  -2   5  -7   5 (19, 1)
27-56 D a Clark, Richard    3  -3  -1   0   1 (41, 1)
27-57 D A Cobb, Gerard Francis    4  -9   2   0   8 (4, -)
27-58 D d Colborne, Langdon    0   3  -1   0   1 (3, 3)
28-59 D A Conway, Marmaduke Percy   -4   2  -7   0   2 (2, 5)
28-60 D G Cooke, Robert {Cooke, Benjamin}    1   2   2  -2  -2 (61, 12) Attributed to Benjamin Cooke, but in all other chantbooks to Robert Cooke. (First quarter is more or less the same, but then they diverge).
28-61 D c# Cooke, Robert    8  -1  -2  -4   2 (80, -)
29-62 D d Cooper, David Anthony    1   0   2   3  -1 (5, -)
29-63 D d Cooper, David Anthony    0  -2   7  -4  -1 (2, -)
29-64 D E♭ Cooper, David Anthony    2   2   3   0   2 (2, 1)
30-65 D f Cooper, David Anthony    0  -1  -2   0   0 (3, 2)
30-66 D G Cooper, George (junior)   -3   0  -2   9  -2 (22, -)
30-67 D G Cooper, George (junior)    0  -2  -2   5   0 (26, 5)
31-68 D G Crosby, Frances Jane (Fanny)    3  -3   0  -2  -2 (2, -)
31-69 D G Crossland, Anthony   -5   1   2  -5  -2 ( 1, 1)
31-70 D d Crotch, William    4  -2  -2   0   5 (2, 4)
32-71 D d Crotch, William    3   4   5   0  -2 (24, -)
32-72 D A♭ Crotch, William    2   2  -4  -1  -2 (19, 3)
32-73 D C Davies, Henry Walford    0   5   0  -1   1 (18, 3)
33-74 D d Davies, Henry Walford    3   4   1  -1   5 (12, 1)
33-75 D E♭ Davies, Henry Walford    3   2  -5   3   5 (6, 1)
33-76 D E Davies, Henry Walford    3   2  -5  -2  -2 (16, 2)
34-77 D A♭ Day, Edgar Frederick    5   0  -1   1   4 (18, 1)
34-78 D A♭ Day, Edgar Frederick   -1  -2   7   0   0 (7, -)
34-79 D c Deffell, Francis   -1  -2   7   0  -2 (9, 1)
35-80 D F Dyson, George    0   2   3  -3   5 (2, -)
35-81 D C Elgar, Edward William    5  -3  -4  -1   5 (10, -)
35-82 D A Elvey, George Job   -4  -5   2   0   8 (16, -)
36-83 D C Elvey, George Job    4  -4  -5  -3   3 (12, -)
36-84 D D Elvey, George Job    1   4  -2  -2  -1 (37, 6)
36-85 D f Elvey, George Job    3   4   0  -2  -2 (2, -)
37-86 D F Elvey, George Job    4   3   0  -2  -1 (7, 3)
37-87 D E Elvey, Stephen    1  -1   5  -2   4 (30, 1)
37-88 D d Finzi, Gerald    3   9  -5  -5   1 (2, -)
38-89 D E Finzi, Gerald    2   2   1   6  -4 (2, -)
38-90 D g Flintoft, Luke    2   0   1   0   2 (104, 5)
38-91 D A Garrett, George Mursell   -2   2  -4   0  -3 (33, -)
39-92 D F Garrett, George Mursell   -2   0  -2   2   2 (4, 3)
39-93 D F Garrett, George Mursell   -2  -1   5  -2   0 (2, 2)
39-94 D G Garrett, George Mursell   -2  -2   7  -7  -1 (21, 1)
40-95 D E Gauntlett, Henry John    0   0   0  -2   0 (12, 10)
40-96 D E♭ Gladstone, Francis Edward    1   2  -7   5   0 (8, -)
40-97 D A Goss, John    4  -4  -3   2   1 (47, 6)
41-98 D A Goss, John    0   0   0   0   5 (27, 13)
41-99 D c Goss, John    0  -1  -2   3   4 (9, -)
41-100 D b♭ Goss, John    3  -1   1   0   2 (18, 3)
42-101 D d Goss, John    1   0   0  -1  -4 (26, -)
42-102 D b Goss, John    3  -1   1   0   2 (18, 3)
42-103 D E♭ Goss, John    1   2   2   2   1 (13, 18)
43-104 D E♭ Goss, John    2   3  -1   0   1 (25, 8)
43-105 D E Goss, John    3  -2  -1  -2  -3 (19, -)
43-106 D f Goss, John [Clarke, Jeremiah]   -3   2  -3  -4   5 (30, -)
44-107 D F Goss, John   -2   0  -1  -2  -2 (22, 1)
44-108 D E Guest, George    1   2   1   1   0 (3, -)
44-109 D E♭ Harris, Joseph Thorne    0   0   0   0  -2 (19, 6)
45-110 D C Harris, William Henry    2   0  -2   0   2 (9, 10)
45-111 D D Hast, (Harry) Gregory    1   4  -2   0   2 (4, 3)
45-112 D D Havergal, William Henry    0   1   2  -7   0 (11, 2)
46-113 D E Havergal, William Henry   -2   5  -7   9  -2 (61, 3)
46-114 D G Hervey, Frederick Alfred John   -2   0  -2   0   0 (3, 3)
46-115 D f Hervey, Frederick Alfred John   -1   0  -2   5   0 (22, 1)
47-116 D F Higgins, Edward   -2  -1   0  -2  -2 (22, 2)
47-117 D E♭ Hollins, Alfred    1  -3  -2   2   2 (3, 6)
47-118 D A Hopkins, Edward John   -2  -2  -1  -4   5 (39, 1)
48-119 D B Hopkins, Edward John   -1   1  -5   0   2 (27, -)
48-120 D C Hopkins, Edward John    2  -2  -2   2  -3 (52, 8)
48-121 D F Hopkins, Edward John    1  -1  -2   5  -7 (28, 6)
49-122 D g Hopkins, Edward John   -1  -2  -1   3   1 (42, 3)
49-123 D G Hopkins, Edward John   -2  -2  -1   3   2 (57, 5)
49-124 D D Hopkins, John Larkin    2   2   1   0   2 (31, 10)
50-125 D A♭ How, Martin J. R.    0  -2  -7   5   4 (9, -)
50-126 D b♭ Howells, Herbert Norman   -3  -2  -3   5  -4 (17, -)
50-127 D B♭ Howells, Herbert Norman    5   2   3  -1  -2 (14, -)
51-128 D d Howells, Herbert Norman   12  -2  -3   0   8 (10, -)
51-129 D B♭ Hughes, John Thomas    0  -1  -2   0  -2 (4, -)
51-130 D E Keeton, Haydn    5  -2  -2  -1   0 (8, 9)
52-131 D G Knight, Gerald Hocken    2   3   2   2  -2 (24, 3)
52-132 D D Lambie,    0   2   2  -4   5 ( 1, 4)
52-133 D F Latham, Richard    5  -2  -3   0   1
53-134 D c Cooke, Robert {Lawes, William}    8  -1  -2  -4   2 (80, -) attributed to William lawes, in most other books to Robert Cooke
53-135 D C Lawes, Henry {Lawes, William}    9  -2  -2  -5   2 (46, 2)
53-136 D g Lavington, Charles Williams   -2   2  -4  -1   1 (4, 1)
54-137 D C Ley, Henry George   -1  -2  -2  -3   1 (3, 3)
54-138 D D Ley, Henry George    2   3  -1   3   2 (9, 2)
54-139 D D Ley, Henry George    4   3   5  -3   2 (25, -)
55-140 D A♭ Ley, Henry George    5  -5   2   0   5 (5, -)
55-141 D D Lloyd, Charles Harford    1   4  -2   1   1 (8, 1)
55-142 D E Lloyd, Charles Harford    2   2   1 -12   2 (4, 2)
56-143 D C Longhurst, William Henry    1   2   2   0   8 (19, -)
56-144 D C Anonymous [Luther, Martin]    0   0  -5   4   1 (54, 2) often attributed to John Goss, see Facebook discussion
56-145 D D Mann, Arthur Henry    1  -1   5  -5   1 (15, -)
57-146 D G Marchant, Stanley Robert    2   7  -2  -2  -3 (6, -)
57-147 D A♭ Marshall, (Joseph) Philip    2   2  -2  -2   5 (4, 1)
57-148 D D Marshall, (Joseph) Philip   -5   2  -5   0   3 (4, -)
58-149 D A Martin, George Clement    2   2  -2  -2   2 (15, 7)
58-150 D E♭ Massey, Richard   -3   3  -7   0   2 (18, 1)
58-151 D G Massey, Richard    7   0  -3  -4   9 (3, -)
59-152 D E♭ Matthews, Samuel    0  -2  -2   9  -2 (44, 5)
59-153 D E♭ Miller, Charles Edward    1   2  -3   0   2 (5, -)
59-154 D F Monk, Edwin George    0  -2  -2  -1   0 ( 1, 3)
60-155 D G Monk, Edwin George    2  -7   9   0  -2 (34, 1)
60-156 D A Mothersole, Wilfred John    4   1   2  -8   1 (8, -)
60-157 D G Murrill, Herbert   -3   3   7  -7   9 (13, -)
61-158 D b Nares, James    2  -3   1  -3   2 (35, 2)
61-159 D A Nixon, June    9  -4  -5   0   2
61-160 D D Nixon, June   -5  -2  -1   0   1
62-161 D D Nixon, June   -3  -2  -2   0  12
62-162 D E♭ Nixon, June   -2  -2   7   0   5 ( 1, 1)
62-163 D E♭ Nixon, June   -8   1   5  -3   5
63-164 D F# Nixon, June   -8   1  -5   0   5
63-165 D A Noble, Thomas Tertius   -5   1   2  -7   5 ( 1, 1)
63-166 D D♭ Noble, Thomas Tertius    2   3  -5   5  -8 (5, -)
64-167 D D♭ Noble, Thomas Tertius    2  -2  -2   2  -3 (11, 8)
64-168 D D Noble, Thomas Tertius    0   5  -7  -1  -2 (5, -)
64-169 D G♭ Oakeley, Herbert Stanley   -4   2   2   0   2 (21, 2)
65-170 D A Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    4  -4   5  -1  -2 (26, 5)
65-171 D A Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore   -4  -3  -2   0   5 (26, 5)
65-172 D g Crossland, Anthony [Parr, Henry]   -4  -3   8  -9   1 G-minor arr. by Anthony Crossland
66-173 D G Parr, Henry   -3  -4   9 -10   1 (4, -)
66-174 D E♭ Parratt, Walter   -2  -2   7  -2  -1 (26, 3)
66-175 D E Parry, Thomas Gambier {Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings}    3   0   5 -12   2 (2, 4) This chant attributed by Crossland to C.H.H. Parry; this is probably wrong as Walmisley (Cambridge Collection, book 99) attributes to T. G. Parry Esq (Trin. Coll.), who was a contemporary
67-176 D E Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings    1   2  -7   2   3 (36, 3)
67-177 D B♭ Pratt, John    0   5  -1  -2   8 (6, -)
67-178 D b Purcell, Henry    1   1   1   1   1 ( 1, 3)
68-179 D E Pye, Kellow John    3  -3  -4   7   2 (60, 1)
68-180 D G Pye, Kellow John    3  -7  -3   2   1 (2, -)
68-181 D E♭ Randall, John   -7   2   2   3   5 (87, -)
69-182 D E Russell, William    5   0  -1   3   5 (19, -)
69-183 D D Seivewright, Andrew    3  -3  -2   3   4 (4, 1)
69-184 D E♭ Seivewright, Andrew   -3   3  -5   0   2
70-185 D a Smart, Henry Thomas    0   5  -1   0   1 (42, 3)
70-186 D A Smart, Henry Thomas    0   5  -1   0   1 (42, 3)
70-187 D G Smart, Henry Thomas   -3  -4   5  -1  -7 (34, 1)
71-188 D G Smart, Henry Thomas    5   4  -2   5  -7 (27, -)
71-189 D E♭ Soaper, John   -2   2   1   4  -2 (68, 3)
71-190 D C South, Charles Frederick   -3   1   2   0   2 (26, 9)
72-191 D a Stainer, John    5   2   1  -1   3 (5, 1)
72-192 D e Stainer, John   -4   1   8  -1   0 (30, -)
72-193 D E Crossland, Anthony [Stainer, John]   -5   1   9  -2   0 ( 1, 2)
73-194 D G Stainer, John    5  -1   5  -2  -2 (8, 2)
73-195 D A♭ Stanford, Charles Villiers   -2  -2   2  -2   2 (37, 4)
73-196 D d Stanford, Charles Villiers    5  -2  -2  -1  -2 (27, 8)
74-197 D F Stanford, Charles Villiers    5  -3   2  -4   2 (31, 1)
74-198 D E Stewart, Robert Prescott    0   0   0   5  -2
74-199 D A Hylton Stewart, Charles    2   3  -1  -2   2 (5, 3)
75-200 D C Hylton Stewart, Charles    5   0  -2   5  -1 (21, 3)
75-201 D G Hylton Stewart, Charles    2   3   2   3  -1 (3, 1)
75-202 D E♭ Stocks, Harold Carpenter Lumb    5  -5   2   0  -2 (4, 2)
76-203 D e Stonex, Henry    0   2   1   0   0 (34, 3)
76-204 D a Talbot, George Thomas Surtees   -3  -2  -4  -1   0 (3, -)
76-205 D E♭ Taylor, James    1   2  -3   0   0 ( 1, 5)
77-206 D e Teesdale, Christopher    3  -1  -2   8  -1 (19, 2)
77-207 D A Turle, James   -2  -3   1   7  -3 (33, 3)
77-208 D C Turle, James    3   0   5  -5   5 (66, -)
78-209 D d Turle, James    4  -4  -1   1   9 (18, -)
78-210 D d Turle, James   -7   2   1   2   2 (57, 4)
78-211 D E Turle, James    5  -4  -3  -2   9 (7, -)
79-212 D f Turle, James [Purcell, Henry ]    0   0   0   0   2 (40, 12)
79-213 D C Vann, William Stanley    9  -5  -2   0   2 (6, -)
79-214 D C Vann, William Stanley    3   2  -3   0   5 (3, -) Originally composed for Psalm 48
80-215 D C Vann, William Stanley    0   2  -5   0   2 (2, -) Originally composed for the Benedictus
80-216 D D♭ Vann, William Stanley   -3  -2  -2   2   2 (6, 4) Originally composed for Psalm 85
80-217 D A♭ Wadely, Frederick William   -1   1  -3  -2   2 ( 1, 1)
81-218 D B Wadely, Frederick William   -1   1   2  -7   2 ( 1, 3)
81-219 D c Wadely, Frederick William    5  -4  -1   4   1 (7, -)
81-220 D f Wadely, Frederick William    0   2   2   0   1 (6, 22)
82-221 D g Wadely, Frederick William   -2   2  -4   2  -3 (2, 3)
82-222 D A♭ Walker, Frederick Edward (Francis)    2  -7   9   0   3 (14, 1)
82-223 D g Walker, Robert E   -1  -2  -2   0  12 (3, -)
83-224 D A♭ Walmisley, Thomas Attwood   -5   1  -5   5   5 (4, -)
83-225 D B♭ Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    9   3  -7   4  -7 (39, 1)
83-226 D B Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    4   0   3 -10   3 (6, -)
84-227 D D Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    5   0  -1  -2  -2 (33, 4)
84-228 D E Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    5  -8   1   4  -2 (10, 2)
84-229 D f Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    2   1   2   2   1 (9, 2)
85-230 D F Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    0   0   0   1   4 (58, 1)
85-231 D f# Wesley, Samuel    0   0  -1   1  -3 (31, 2)
85-232 D G Wesley, Samuel   -2  -2   5  -1  -2 (74, 25)
86-233 D d Wesley, Samuel Sebastian   -4   2  -3  10  -4 (17, -)
86-234 D d Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    5   3  -1  -2   0 (13, 3)
86-235 D F Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    3  -3  -4   5   0 (21, 2)
87-236 D F Wesley, Samuel Sebastian   -4   2  -3   0   3 (11, -)
87-237 D A♭ Whitlock, Percy William    4  -4   5  -1  -2 (5, 5)
87-238 D A♭ Wood, A. {Wood, Charles}    0  -2  -2   0   0 (21, 6) Attributed to "Charles Wood", refer to information for A. Wood.
88-239 D D Woodward, Richard    0   0   5  -8   5 (74, 1)
88-240‑a T G Darke, Harold    7  -2  -3  -2   2 (3, 1) For the Gloria only parts 1 and 3 are used, ref. no. 240-b
88-240‑b D G Darke, Harold    7  -2  -3  -2   2 (3, 1) 1st and 3rd part of no. 240-a for the Gloria
89-241‑1 T A Dix, Leopold McClintock Lancaster    5   2   2  -5   3 (4, -) For the Gloria only parts 1 and 3 are used
89-242 T E Havergal, Henry MacLeod    2  -5   3  -7   5 (6, 1) For the Gloria second quart of first part and the first quart of the second part are omitted (i.e. the structure is A1A2B1B2C1C2, for the Gloria it is A1B2C1C2)
90-243 T B♭ Keeton, Haydn    0   0   2   2   1 (8, 2) For the Gloria only parts 2 and 3 are used
90-244 T C Ley, Henry George    2   3  -5   2   2 (6, -) For the Gloria only parts 1 and 3 are used
91-245 T e Whitlock, Percy William   -1   1  -3   5   2 (5, -) For the Gloria only parts 1 and 3 are used
92-246 Q F Oakeley, Herbert Stanley   -2  -2   5  -1   0 (43, 5) For the Gloria only parts 3 and 4 are used