'' The Congregational Psalmist
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Additional information for
The Congregational Psalmist

Number -- Status38 -- Included
Full TitleThe Congregational Psalmist
Author(s)Allon, Henry
PublisherJackson, Walford & Hodder, London
Year of Publication1868
Chants numbered continuouslyNo
Psalms associated with chants - Pointed text includedYes/Yes; language: English; Version: King James
Sets of chants for certain psalmsNo
Separate selections of psalms includedNo
SourceGoogle Books
Additional comments Several chants have Amens or "Rejoice" added. The music for these is not included, as they are not chants in themselves.
Nos. 80 (page 114) through 101 (p. 164) are not included in the index as they are not proper Anglican chants

Table of Contents

Click here for an explanation of the conventions used in the listings

p-n T Key Composer Finger
1-1 S E Hayes, Philip    3  -2  -1   5  -7 (28, 3) Psalm: 8;
2-2 D A Dupuis, Thomas Saunders   -1   1  -3   8  -1 (75, 1) Psalm: 16;
3-3 S F Farrant, Richard    0   2   2   3  -2 (87, 5) Psalm: 23;
4-4 D F Langdon, Richard    0   2   2   0  -2 (91, 25) Psalm: 27;
6-5 S D Tucker, William    5  -1   1  -5   2 (70, 2) Psalm: 24;
7-6 S D Turner, William   -3  -2  -1   1   0 (29, -) Psalm: 29;
8-7 D F Boyce, William    2   3  -1  -2   2 (64, 3) Psalm: 30;
9-8 S A Alcock sr., John    1  -1  -2   3  -1 (57, 2) Psalm: 36;
10-9 D E Hayes, Philip   -3  -4   5  -3   2 (17, 5) Psalm: 34;
11-10‑a S d Langdon, Richard   -1  -2   8  -3   2 (27, 1) Psalm: 57(1-5);
12-10‑b S F Hayes, Philip   -3   1  -1  -2   2 (3, -) Psalm: 57(6-11);
12-11‑a S E♭ Cooke, Benjamin   -3  -4   9  -4   0 (2, -) Psalm: 42(1-4; 8); 43(3-4; Gloria);
13-11‑b S E♭ Felton, William    0   0   0   0   1 (80, 15) Psalm: 42(5-7); 43(5);
14-12‑a S C Gauntlett, Henry John    0   0   0   0   0 (4, 43) Psalm: 39(1-4); Unison
14-12‑b D d Gauntlett, Henry John   -2   2  -7   3  -1 Psalm: 39(5-end; Gloria);
16-13 S B♭ Woodward, Richard    2   2   1   2   2 (80, 30) Psalm: 46;
17-14 D E Wellesley, Garrett Colley, Earl of Mornington   -2  -1  -2  -2  12 (65, 2) Psalm: 48;
19-15 D e Flintoft, Luke    2   0   1   0   2 (104, 5) Psalm: 51;
21-16 S E Lee, William    2   2   1  -5  -2 (23, 2) Psalm: 47;
22-17 S F Hayes, Philip   -3   1  -1  -2   2 (3, -) Psalm: 63;
23-18 D E♭ Robinson, John    5  -3  -2  -3   2 (103, -) Psalm: 65;
25-19 S A Battishill, Jonathan   -5   9  -2   3  -1 (71, -) Psalm: 76;
26-20 D F Fitzherbert, William    3  -2  -1  -2   2 (49, 9) Psalm: 71;
28-21 D D Boyce, William   -5  -2  -1   0  -2 (89, 2) Psalm: 72;
30-22 D A Norris, Thomas    4   3  -7   0  -3 (55, -) Psalm: 84;
31-23 S e (Per) Anonymous [Gregorian]   -2   3  -1  -2  -2 (47, 14) Psalm: 67;
32-24 D G Hayes, William    0  -2  -2   5   0 (48, 5) Psalm: 85;
33-25 S G Gibbons, Christopher    3  -7  -1   3   3 (63, 1) Psalm: 93;
34-26 S a Goldwin (Golding), John    0   0   2   1  -1 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 97;
35-27 D a Battishill, Jonathan   -2  -2  -1   8  -1 (96, 6) Psalm: 86;
37-28 D E Hindle, John   -3  -2  -2   7   5 (4, -) Psalm: 89;
39-29 D c Gauntlett, Henry John   -2  -2  -1   8  -3 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 90;
41-30 D A Dupuis, Thomas Saunders   -1   1  -3   8  -1 (75, 1) Psalm: 91;
43-31 D D Wellesley, Garrett Colley, Earl of Mornington    0  -2  -1   3   2 (77, 3) Psalm: 92;
45-32 S B♭ Savage, William    0  -1   1   5  -6 (3, 3) Psalm: 98;
46-33‑a S A Alcock sr., John    1  -1  -2   3  -1 (57, 2) Psalm: 95(1-7; Gloria);
46-33‑b S f# Blow, John    0   2   2   0  -2 (75, 25) Psalm: 95(8-13);
47-34 S C Woodward, Richard    2   2   1   2   2 (80, 30) Psalm: 87;
48-35 D D Jones, John   -3  -4   7   0   2 (2, -) Psalm: 96;
49-36 S C Humphrey, Pelham    0   0  -1   0   1 (101, 10) Psalm: 100;
50-37‑a D E♭ Wellesley, Garrett Colley, Earl of Mornington   -2  -1  -2  -2  12 (65, 2) Psalm: 103(1-6; 11-18; Gloria);
51-37‑b S g Weldon, John    4  -4  -1   0   3 (67, 1) Psalm: 103(7-10);
52-38 S D Kelway, Thomas    0   2   1   5  -3 (56, -) Psalm: 122;
53-39‑a S g Purcell, Henry   -1  -2  -1   8  -7 (15, 3) Psalm: 102(1-12; 19-20);
54-39‑b D G Higgins, Edward   -2  -1  -2  -2   5 (26, 5) Psalm: 102(13-18; 21-23; Gloria);
56-40 D A Soaper, John    0   2   2   0   3 (8, 6) Psalm: 104;
58-41 D A Crotch, William    0  -1  -2   2   1 ( 1, 5) Psalm: 111;
59-42 S G (VII-c) Anonymous [Gregorian]    3  -1  -2   2  -2 (22, 9) Psalm: 121;
60-43 X E♭ (V-a) Anonymous [Gregorian]    4   3   2   0  -2 ( 1, 4) Psalm: 115; Includes intonation
61-44‑a S E♭ Gauntlett, Henry John    3  -5   2   5  -3 (2, -) Psalm: 116(1-2;);
61-44‑b S E♭ Gauntlett, Henry John    0   0   0   0   0 (4, 43) Psalm: 116(3-4; 11-12);
62-44‑c X E♭ Gauntlett, Henry John    0  -4  -3  -1   1 Psalm: 116(5);
62-44‑d S E♭ Gauntlett, Henry John    3  -5   2   0   3 (2, -) Psalm: 116(6-10);
63-44‑e D E♭ Gauntlett, Henry John    3   5  -1   0  -2 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 116(13-16);
64-45 D F Henley, Phocion   -2  -2   9  -2  -3 (9, 1) Psalm: 118;
66-46‑a S a Farrant, Richard   -1  -2  -1   4  -1 (7, 2) Psalm: 130(1-4); "Ascribed to Farrant"
66-46‑b S F Purcell, Henry   -2  -2   2   5  -2 (3, 1) Psalm: 130(5-9; Gloria);
67-47 D A Soaper, John    0   2   2   0   3 (8, 6) Psalm: 132;
69-48 S E♭ (V-a) Anonymous [Gregorian]    4   3   2  -2   0 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 136;
70-49 S b Croft, William   -2  -2  -1   8  -3 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 138;
71-50‑a D G Hayes, William    0  -2  -2   5   0 (48, 5) Psalm: 139(1-5);
72-50‑b D G Hayes, William    0  -2  -2   5   0 (48, 5) Psalm: 139(6-8; Gloria);
73-51 S e Tallis, Thomas   -3   0   2   0   5 Psalm: 142;
74-52 D g Flintoft, Luke    2   0   1   0   2 (104, 5) Psalm: 143;
75-53 S A Nares, James    1  -3  -3   1  -3 (61, 1) Psalm: 134;
76-54 D D Wellesley, Garrett Colley, Earl of Mornington    0  -2  -1   3   2 (77, 3) Psalm: 145;
78-55 D E♭ Robinson, John    5  -3  -2  -3   2 (103, -) Psalm: 146;
79-56 D D Boyce, William   -5  -2  -1   0  -2 (89, 2) Psalm: 147;
81-57 D E Randall, John   -7   2   2   3   5 (87, -) Psalm: 148; Acclamation Praise ye the Lord not included
83-58 X C (IV-E) Anonymous [Gregorian]    2   3   2   0  -2 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 150; Acclamation Praise ye the Lord not included
85-59 X F (I-f) Anonymous [Gregorian]    2   2  -2   0   2 ( 1, 7) Psalm: Numbers 6(24-26);
85-60 D G Wesley, Samuel   -2  -2   5  -1  -2 (74, 25) Psalm: 1 Samuel 2(1-10);
87-61 S E Chard, George William   -3  -4   9   0  -2 (28, -) Psalm: 1 Chronicles 29(10-13);
88-62 D G Crotch, William   -2  -2  -1   1   2 (36, 25) Psalm: Proverbs 3(6; 13; 15-18; Gloria); Proverbs 2(2-6);
89-63 D F Knyvett, William [Handel, Georg Frederic]    4  -2   3  -1   5 (11, 3) Psalm: Isaiah 11(1-10);
91-64 D F Henley, Phocion   -2  -2   9  -2  -3 (9, 1) Psalm: The First Song of Isaiah (Isaiah 12);
92-65 D E Russell, William    5  -1  -2  -2  -3 (15, 5) Psalm: Isaiah 25(1-9);
93-66 D F Higgins, Edward   -2  -1  -2  -2   5 (26, 5) Psalm: Isaiah 26(1-13);
95-67 D F (Un) Anonymous [Gregorian]    3  -3   2  -2   2 (3, 5) Psalm: Isaiah 40(1-11);
97-68 D G Aldrich, Henry    3  -3  -2   0   2 (37, 4) Psalm: Isaiah 52(7-10);
98-69 D F Langdon, Richard    0   2   2   0  -2 (91, 25) Psalm: Isaiah 40; Fragments of Isaiah 40 and following chapters
100-70 D c Anonymous    5  -4  -1   0   0 (2, 1) Psalm: Isaiah 53;
102-71 D E Hawes, William    3   5  -1  -2  -2 (38, 10) Psalm: The Third Song of Isaiah (Isaiah 60);
104-72 D g Thomas, Rev. D.    0  -1  -2   0   7 Psalm: Habakkuk 3;
106-73 D E Attwood, Thomas    4   0   3  -7   5 (54, -) Psalm: Benedictus Dominus Deus (Luke 1, 67-79);
107-74 S F (VII-c) Anonymous [Gregorian]    3  -3   2  -2   2 (3, 5) Psalm: Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2, 29-32);
108-75 X F (I-f) Anonymous [Gregorian]    2   2   0  -2   2 Psalm: Magnificat (Luke 1, 46-55);
109-76 X G (VI-F) Anonymous [Gregorian]    2   2   0  -2   2 Psalm: Easter Anthems;
110-77 D d Morley, William    0   2   1   0  -1 (86, 4) Psalm: 1 Corinthians 15;
111-78 S e Blow, John    0   2   2   0  -2 (75, 25) Psalm: Revelation 1(5b-8);
112-79 X E (V-a) Anonymous [Gregorian]    4   3   2   0  -2 ( 1, 4) Psalm: Benedicite, omnia opera Domini;
165-102 D F Barrow, Thomas   -3  -4  -3   5  -3 (2, 1)
165-103 D F Wesley, Samuel    0   0   2  -4  -1 (49, 1)
166-104 D c Goss, John [Beethoven, Ludwig von]    0   0   0   0   3 ( 1, 7)
166-105 D D Beckwith, John Christmas   -8   5  -2  -7   5 (26, 1)
167-106 D a Nares, James    2  -3   1  -3   2 (35, 2)
167-107 D C Attwood, Thomas    2   2  -9   5  -8 (69, -)