'' The St. Peter's Chant Book
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The St. Peter's Chant Book

Number -- Status139 -- Included
Full TitleThe St. Peter's Chant Book
Author(s)Wulstan, David
PublisherOxenford Imprint
Year of Publication2011
Chants numbered continuouslyYes
Psalms associated with chants - Pointed text includedYes/No
Sets of chants for certain psalmsYes
Separate selections of psalms includedNo
Formathard copy
Sourceown property
Additional comments none

Table of Contents

Click here for an explanation of the conventions used in the listings

p-n T Key Composer Finger
1-1 D F Hopkins, Edward John    7  -2  -1   1  -3 (47, 1) Psalm: 1;
1-2 T c Pitt, C. S.    2   5  -3   5  -2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 2; In Coverdale Psalter (book 27) attribued as anonymous; middle part omitted for Gloria
1-3 D e♭ Stainer, John   -4   1   8  -1   0 (30, -) Psalm: 3;
1-4 S b♭ Barnby, Joseph    5   3  -1  -2  -2 (18, 3) Psalm: 4;
1-5 D A♭ Marsh, William    2   2   1   2   2 (40, 30) Psalm: 5;
1-6‑i S c Crispin, Jarvis    2   1  -3   0   7 (2, -) Psalm: 6(1-7);
1-6‑ii S b Crispin, Jarvis    2   1  -3   0   7 (2, -) Psalm: 6(8-10);
1-6‑iii S b Crispin, Jarvis    2   1  -3   0   7 (2, -) Psalm: 6(Gloria);
1-7 D c Cooke, Robert    8  -1  -2  -4   2 (80, -) Psalm: 7;
2-8‑ii S A♭ Tucker, William    5  -1   1  -5   2 (70, 2) Psalm: 8(2-8); Chants nr. 8-i and 8-iii on this page are arrangements by David Wulstan for vss 1 and 9, with melody in tenor (1st part) and alto (2nd part). They are not seperately included in the i ndex
2-8‑iv S A♭ Tucker, William    5   0  -1   1  -5 (3, -) Psalm: 8(Gloria);
2-9 D F Parratt, Walter    3   2   2  -4  -2 (10, -) Psalm: 9(1-12); 10(13-end; Gloria);
2-10 D f Parratt, Walter    4   1   2  -3  -2 (11, -) Psalm: 9(13-20; no Gloria); 10(1-12);
2-11 S A♭ Stainer, John    2   2   1   2   2 (16, 30) Psalm: 11;
2-12 S c Hervey, Frederick Alfred John   -2  -2  -1   0   0 (8, 1) Psalm: 12;
2-13 D f Ashfield, Robert James   -1   0  -2   7   0 (6, -) Psalm: 13;
3-14 D f Flintoft, Luke    2   0   1   0   2 (104, 5) Psalm: 14(1-4; 8-11; Gloria);
3-15 S C Kelway, Thomas    0   2   1   5  -3 (56, -) Psalm: 15; 2nd half for vs. 7
3-16 D C Davies, Henry Walford    0   5   0  -1   1 (18, 3) Psalm: 16;
3-17 D F Turle, James    2   0   2   3  -5 (47, -) Psalm: 17;
3-18‑a D A♭ Turle, James   -2  -2  -3   2   1 (50, 4) Psalm: 18(1-6; 20-27; 47-end); vv. 6 & 51 on 2nd half
3-18‑b D f Wulstan, David [Gibbons, Orlando]   -2  -2  -1   1   2 (2, 25) Psalm: 18; 18(7-19); vs. 15 on 2nd half
3-18‑c Q D♭ Wulstan, David [Gibbons, Orlando]    0   2   2   1  -3 (2, 5) Psalm: 18(28-46); v. 30 pointed as 2 vv (also vv. 43-44)
4-19‑a S D♭ Monk, Edwin George   -8   1   2   2   2 (50, 5) Psalm: 19(1-6);
4-19‑b D D♭ Boyce, William   -5  -2  -1   0  -2 (89, 2) Psalm: 19(7-end); vv. 14 & 15 as one verse on 2nd half
4-20 S E♭ Lloyd, Charles Harford    2  -2  -7   0   2 (5, -) Psalm: 20;
4-21 D E♭ Havergal, William Henry   -2   5  -7   9  -2 (61, 3) Psalm: 21; v. 7 on 2nd half
4-22‑a D e♭ Camidge, Matthew    2   0   1   2   2 (71, 4) Psalm: 22(1-21); v.21 on 2nd half
4-22‑b D E♭ Elvey, George Job [Camidge, Matthew]    2   0   2   2   1 (3, 4) Psalm: 22(22-end); arrangement in E-flat major of Camidges E-flat minor chant by GJE
4-23 S G♭ Lloyd, Charles Harford    3  -3  -2  -2   4 (25, 7) Psalm: 23;
5-24‑a1 D A♭ Norris, Thomas    4   3  -7   0  -3 (55, -) Psalm: 24(1-2; 5-6);
5-24‑a2 D A♭ Norris, Thomas    4   3  -7   0  -3 (55, -) Psalm: 24(7-10); vv. 7 & 9 may be sung in unison
5-24‑b S D♭ Kelway, Thomas    0   2   1   5  -3 (56, -) Psalm: 24(3-4);
5-25 S c Hylton Stewart, Charles    5   0  -1   1   3 (15, -) Psalm: 25; listed by Wulstan as G minor; key signature is c minor (ending V)
5-26 S f Weldon, John    4  -4  -1   0   3 (67, 1) Psalm: 26;
5-27‑a D A♭ Wolstenholme, William    5   4   0  -2  -2 (7, 1) Psalm: 27(1-7; alt. Gloria); v. 7 on 2nd half
5-27‑b S E♭ Davey, John    1   4   2   3  -2 (2, -) Psalm: 27(8-end);
5-28‑a D g Hopkins, Edward John   -1  -2  -1   3   1 (42, 3) Psalm: 28(1-6);
5-28‑b D G Hopkins, Edward John   -2  -2  -1   3   2 (57, 5) Psalm: 28(7-end);
6-29 D E♭ Buck, Percy Carter    5   0  -5  -2   3 (23, -) Psalm: 29;
6-30 D C Hylton Stewart, Charles    5   0  -2   5  -1 (21, 3) Psalm: 30;
6-31‑a D F Turle, James    0   2  -3   1   0 (64, -) Psalm: 31(1-8; 14-end);
6-31‑b S f Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    0   2  -3  -1   0 (34, 1) Psalm: 31(9-13);
6-32 D E♭ Henley, Phocion   -2  -2   9  -2  -3 (9, 1) Psalm: 32;
6-33 D B♭ Turle, James    3   0   5  -5   5 (66, -) Psalm: 33; vv. 3, 18, 21 on 2nd half
6-34‑1 S E♭ Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    5  -3  -4  -3   5 (60, -) Psalm: 34(1-21; Gloria);
6-34‑2 S E♭ Wulstan, David [Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore]    9  -4  -3   5  -2 Psalm: 34(22); Descant for Ouseley's chant (34-1)
6-35 D f Goss, John [Clarke, Jeremiah]   -3   2  -3  -4   5 (30, -) Psalm: 35;
7-36‑a D d Stanford, Charles Villiers    5  -2  -2  -1  -2 (27, 8) Psalm: 36(1-4);
7-36‑b D D Stanford, Charles Villiers    1   2   2   2  -2 (15, 1) Psalm: 36(5-end);
7-37 D E♭ Goss, John    3  -2  -1  -2  -3 (19, -) Psalm: 37;
7-38 D c Turle, James    4  -4  -1   1   9 (18, -) Psalm: 38;
7-39 D c Roseingrave, Ralph    0   5   0  -1  -1 (13, 2) Psalm: 39; v. 15 on 2nd half
7-40‑a D E♭ Foster, John   -1   1   2   3  -1 (33, -) Psalm: 40(1-14; alt. Gloria); v. 13 on 2nd half
7-40‑b S E♭ Palmer, Clement Charlton    8  -1  -3  -4   5 (7, -) Psalm: 40(15-end);
8-41‑1 T f# Prys, Geraint R.   -2  -2   2   2  -2 ( 1, 4) Psalm: 41(1-12);
8-41‑2 D f# Prys, Geraint R.   -2  -2   2   2  -2 ( 1, 4) Psalm: 41(13; Gloria); Arrangement by Prys of no 41-1 as a double chant for v.13 (use 2nd half) and Gloria
8-42‑i D D Turle, James    1  -1  -2   7  -7 (50, 1) Psalm: 42(all, except vv. 6 & 14); 43(all, except vv. 5); No Gloria for Psalm 42, Psalm 43 follows on Second half to be used for Ps. 42 vs. 5
8-42‑ii D D Wulstan, David [Turle, James]    0   0   0   0   0 (2, 43) Psalm: 42(6; 14); 43(5); Arrangement by D.W. of an original chant by James Turle. Melody in Alto and Tenor
8-44‑a D F Ashfield, Robert James    3  -5   3  -1  -2 (5, 3) Psalm: 44(1-9; Gloria); v. 9 on 2nd half
8-44‑b D d Garrett, George Mursell    1  -1  -1   1   0 (16, 1) Psalm: 44(10-end);
8-45 D C Parratt, Walter    0   0   9  -4  -3 (28, 2) Psalm: 45;
9-46‑a D C Anonymous [Luther, Martin]    0   0  -5   4   1 (54, 2) Psalm: 46(all, except 7 & 11);
9-46‑b D C Wulstan, David [Luther, Martin]    0   0  -5   4   1 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 46(7; 11); Descant by Wulstan; vv. 7 & 11 on 2nd half
9-47 D D Davy, John   -1  -4   5 -12   9 (54, -) Psalm: 47; v. 9 on 2nd half
9-48‑i S d Purcell, Edward    5  -4  -1   3  -2 (29, -) Psalm: 48;
9-48‑ii S d Purcell, Edward    5  -4  -1   3  -2 (29, -) Psalm: 48(Gloria); Alternative (early) version of chant nr. 48-i
9-49‑i D F Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    0   0   0   1   4 (58, 1) Psalm: 49(1-10; 13-18; Gloria);
9-49‑ii D F Wulstan, David [Walmisley, Thomas Attwood]    0   0   0   1   4 (3, 1) Psalm: 49(11-12; 19-20);
9-50 D F Langdon, Richard    0   2   2   0  -2 (91, 25) Psalm: 50; v. 15 on 2nd half
10-51 D d Morley, William    0   2   1   0  -1 (86, 4) Psalm: 51; v. 13 on 2nd half
10-52 D f Brownsmith, John Leman    7  -4  -1   1   2 (6, -) Psalm: 52;
10-53 D f Flintoft, Luke    2   0   1   0   2 (104, 5) Psalm: 53; v. 6 pointed as two verses, v. 6B on 2nd half
10-54‑a S f Turner, William   -1  -2  -1   3  -7 (4, 1) Psalm: 54(1-3);
10-54‑b S A♭ Monk, Edwin George   -2  -2  -1   3  -7 (29, -) Psalm: 54(4-6);
10-55 D f Edmundson, Colin    1   2   2   0   2 (2, 7) Psalm: 55(1-15; 17-25; Gloria); v. 15 & 25 on 2nd half
10-56 D A♭ Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    2  -2  -1  -4   2 (29, 2) Psalm: 56; v. 9 pointed as two verses
11-57‑i S e♭ Crispin, Jarvis    2   2   0  -2   3 Psalm: 57(1-5; 7-11);
11-57‑ii S e♭ Wulstan, David [Crispin, Jarvis]    5   3   4  -7   5 Psalm: 57(6; 12);
11-58 S f Purcell, Thomas   -3   2  -3   8  -7 (2, -) Psalm: 58;
11-59‑i D E♭ Goss, John    2   3  -1   0   1 (25, 8) Psalm: 59(1-4; 7-8; 10-13; Gloria);
11-59‑ii D E♭ Porter, Ambrose [Goss, John]   -2  -5   2   4   1 (4, -) Psalm: 59(6-7; 14-15); arrangement of 1st half Goss' chant (59-i); melody in tenor
11-59‑iii D E♭ Porter, Ambrose    2   3  -1   0   1 (2, 8) Psalm: 59(9 (2nd half); 16-17); arrangement of 2nd half of Goss' chant; melody in tenor
11-60 S b♭ Lloyd, Charles Harford    1   0  -1   0   8 (7, 1) Psalm: 60;
11-61 S f Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    3  -1  -3   3   5 (3, -) Psalm: 61;
12-62‑i D A♭ Wulstan, David [Jones, John]    0   0   0   0   5 ( 1, 13) Psalm: 62(1-2; 5-6); arrangement by David Wulstan of Jones' chant (62-ii)
12-62‑ii D A♭ Jones, John   -2  -2  -1   1   0 (46, 7) Psalm: 62(3-4; 7-end);
12-63‑i X f MacPherson, Charles    3   2   2   3  -3 (2, -) Psalm: 63(1); final bar 1st quarter omitted
12-63‑ii S f MacPherson, Charles    3   2   2   0   3 (2, 1) Psalm: 63(2-end);
12-64 D c Goss, John    0  -1  -2   3   4 (9, -) Psalm: 64;
12-65‑a D E♭ Russell, William    5   0  -1   3   5 (19, -) Psalm: 65(1-8);
12-65‑b S B♭ Battishill, Jonathan    2   2   1   0   2 (23, 10) Psalm: 65(9-end);
12-66‑a S D Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore   -3  -2   0  -3   8 (2, -) Psalm: 66(1-3; 7-13);
12-66‑b S d Anonymous    0  -1   1   3  -1 (2, 5) Psalm: 66(4-6; 14-18);
12-66‑c S d Anonymous    0  -1   1   3  -1 (2, 5) Psalm: 66(Gloria); alternative (original) ending for no 66-b
13-67‑i D G Wesley, Samuel   -2  -2   5  -1  -2 (74, 25) Psalm: 67(1-2);
13-67‑ii D G Wulstan, David [Wesley, Samuel]    2   2   1   2   1 (2, 1) Psalm: 67(3-end); v. 7 to 2nd half
13-68‑a D D♭ Elgar, Edward William    5  -3  -4  -1   5 (10, -) Psalm: 68(1-18; 28-end); vv. 11-14 may be sung to chant 68-b
13-68‑b S F Elgar, Edward William    2  -2  -3  -2   5 (19, -) Psalm: 68((11-14); 19-27);
13-69‑a D a Battishill, Jonathan   -2  -2  -1   8  -1 (96, 6) Psalm: 69(1-29);
13-69‑b D A Anonymous [Battishill, Jonathan]   -1  -2  -2   9  -2 (4, 9) Psalm: 69(30-end); Anonymous arrangement in Major of chant 69-a
13-70 S E♭ Palmer, Clement Charlton    8  -1  -3  -4   5 (7, -) Psalm: 70;
13-71 D E♭ Robinson, John    5  -3  -2  -3   2 (103, -) Psalm: 71; vv. 11 & 14 on 2nd half
14-72‑a D A♭ Monk, Edwin George    2  -7   9   0  -2 (34, 1) Psalm: 72(1-17); vv 5 & 14 on 2nd half
14-72‑b D A♭ Monk, Edwin George   -2   2  -3   5   0 (2, -) Psalm: 72(18-19); unison + descant or harmony (two trebles)
14-73‑a D D Soaper, John   -2   2   1   4  -2 (68, 3) Psalm: 73(1-14; 22-27); v. 11 on 2nd half; v. 12 chanted as two verses
14-73‑b S c Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    1  -1   0   5   2 (5, -) Psalm: 73(15-21);
14-74‑a D c Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    5   3  -1  -2   0 (13, 3) Psalm: 74(1-12);
14-74‑b S B♭ Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    5   4  -2  -3   1 (26, -) Psalm: 74(13-18);
14-74‑c D f Turle, James [Purcell, Henry ]    0   0   0   0   2 (40, 12) Psalm: 74(19-24);
14-75 D E♭ Parratt, Walter   -2  -2   7  -2  -1 (26, 3) Psalm: 75;
14-76‑a T c Wulstan, David [Purcell, Henry ]    1   0  -1   0  -4 (2, -) Psalm: 76(All, except Gloria); arrangement by David Wulstan and JF Bridge
14-76‑b D c Wulstan, David [Purcell, Henry ]    1   0  -1   0  -4 (2, -) Psalm: 76(Gloria); as no. 76-a (33029), middle part omitted for Gloria
14-77 D g Clark, Richard    3  -3  -1   0   1 (41, 1) Psalm: 77; vss 9 and 12 to second half of the chant
15-78‑a Q c Wulstan, David [Gibbons, Orlando]    5  -1   1   2   1 (2, 1) Psalm: 78(1-17; 41-56; 66-end); v. 9 (as 2vv) and Gloria on 2nd half
15-78‑b S g Hine, William   -1   1   2   1  -1 (45, 4) Psalm: 78(18-21; 32-34; 57-59);
15-78‑c D F Rogers, Thomas    5  -2   0  -2   2 (9, 1) Psalm: 78(22-31; 35-40; 60-65);
15-79 D c Wesley, Samuel   -4  -3   8  -1   4 (5, -) Psalm: 79;
15-80 D a♭ Barnby, Joseph    3  -2  -1   4   1 (43, -) Psalm: 80; vss. 4, 8 and 20 to the second half of the chant Wulstan provides an arrangement of the 2nd half of this chant for vss 3, 7 and 19. This is not separately indexed.
16-81‑a-1 S A♭ Wulstan, David [Purcell, Thomas ]    0   0   1   0   0 (2, 5) Psalm: 81(1-4);
16-81‑a-2 X A♭ Wulstan, David [Purcell, Thomas ]    0   0   1   0   0 (2, 5) Psalm: 81(5); Single chant with flex (2 bars inserted between first and second half) for vs. 5. Arrangement by David Wulstan
16-81‑b-1 S a Wulstan, David [Purcell, Thomas ]    0   0   2   0   0 (2, 5) Psalm: 81(6; 8-9; 11);
16-81‑b-2 X a Wulstan, David [Purcell, Thomas ]    0   0   2   0   0 (2, 5) Psalm: 81(7; 11); Single chant with flex (2 bars inserted between first and second half) for vv. 7 and 11. Arrangement by David Wulstan
16-81‑c S f# Wulstan, David    0   0   2   0   0 (2, 5) Psalm: 81(12-17);
16-81‑d S A Wulstan, David [Purcell, Thomas ]    0   0   1   0   0 (2, 5) Psalm: 81(Gloria);
16-82‑a S e Anonymous    0  -2  -2   4  -7 (2, -) Psalm: 82(All, except Gloria);
16-82‑b S e Anonymous    0  -2  -2   4  -7 (2, -) Psalm: 82(Gloria); alternative ending for Gloria
16-83 D c Crotch, William    3   4   5   0  -2 (24, -) Psalm: 83;
16-84 D E♭ Pye, Kellow John    3  -3  -4   7   2 (60, 1) Psalm: 84; v.3 chanted as 2vv
16-85 D F Elvey, Stephen    0  -2  -2   0   2 (35, 4) Psalm: 85; v.3 on 2nd half
17-86 S F Dyce, William    3  -1   1  -3  -2 (34, -) Psalm: 86;
17-87 S A♭ Goss, John    4  -2   3  -1  -2 (60, 2) Psalm: 87;
17-88 D f Wulstan, David   -2  -2  -1   5   5 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 88; In Coverdale Chant-Book attributed as Anonymous
17-89‑a D C Turle, James   -7   2   2   0   0 (60, 1) Psalm: 89(1-36; Gloria); vss 19, 28, 50B to 2nd half of the chant
17-89‑b D c Turle, James   -7   2   1   2   2 (57, 4) Psalm: 89(37-50A);
17-90 D f Hervey, Frederick Alfred John   -1   0  -2   5   0 (22, 1) Psalm: 90; v.17 to 2nd half
17-91 D A♭ Garrett, George Mursell   -2   2  -4   0  -3 (33, -) Psalm: 91; chant altered (by D.W.): first two bars of final quadrant
17-92 D D♭ Taylor, William    1   2  -3   0   0 (9, 5) Psalm: 92;
18-93 S B♭ MacFarren, George Alexander    2   3   4  -5   1 (45, 1) Psalm: 93;
18-94‑i-1 Q f Wulstan, David [Gibbons, Orlando]    0   2   2   0  -2 (2, 25) Psalm: 94(1-4; 8-23); Gloria to 2nd half (or alternative 94-ii)
18-94‑i-2 T f Wulstan, David [Gibbons, Orlando]    0   2   2   0  -2 (2, 25) Psalm: 94(5-7);
18-94‑ii D f Wulstan, David [Gibbons, Orlando]    0   1   2  -3   1 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 94(Gloria); 2nd half of chant 94-i1 with alternative ending for Gloria
18-96 T A♭ Prys, Geraint R.   -2  -2   5  -1  -2 ( 1, 25) Psalm: 96; v.13 on final part; omit middle part for Gloria
18-97 T B♭ Wulstan, David [Lawes, Henry]    9  -2  -2  -5   2 (2, 2) Psalm: 97; Triple chant based on double chant by Henry Lawes. Arrangement (insertion of second part) by J.C. and D.W. Middle part omitted for Gloria
19-98 T A♭ Prys, Geraint R.   -2  -2   5  -1  -2 ( 1, 25) Psalm: 98; v.4 on final part; omit middle part for Gloria
19-99‑a S E♭ Battishill, Jonathan    0  -3   8  -3  -7 (48, -) Psalm: 99(1-2; 4; 6-8);
19-99‑b S E♭ Wulstan, David [Battishill, Jonathan]   -2  -2  12  -3  -7 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 99(3; 5; 9); 1st quarter unison with tenors (=melody of no. 99-a)
19-100 S B♭ Elvey, George Job    2   3  -1   1   2 (60, 2) Psalm: 100;
19-101 D E♭ Elvey, Stephen    1  -1   5  -2   4 (30, 1) Psalm: 101;
19-102 D f Stonex, Henry    0   2   1   0   0 (34, 3) Psalm: 102; vv 11 & 22 to 2nd half
19-103 D D♭ Lemon, John   -1  -4   2   0  -2 (31, 2) Psalm: 103; vv. 5 & 10 to 2nd half
20-104 D G Horton, Peter    0   2   2   0   1 (2, 22) Psalm: 104; vv. 9, 18, 23, 30 & 35 to 2nd half
20-105‑a D G Smart, Henry Thomas    5   4  -2   5  -7 (27, -) Psalm: 105(1-15; 37-end); v. 15 to 2nd half
20-105‑b D g Wesley, Samuel    0   0  -1   1  -3 (31, 2) Psalm: 105(16-36); v. 36 to 2nd half
20-106‑a D E♭ Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings    1   2  -7   2   3 (36, 3) Psalm: 106(1-45); vv. 5, 12, 23 to 2nd half
20-106‑b D E♭ Wulstan, David [Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings]    1   2  -7   2   3 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 106(46; Gloria); descant for 2nd half by David Wulstan; v. 46 to 2nd half
20-107‑i D F Hayes, William    0  -2  -2   5   0 (48, 5) Psalm: 107(1-5; 10-12; 17-18; 23-27; 33-end); vss. 3, 12, 27, 30 and 43 to 2nd half
20-107‑ii D F Wulstan, David [Hayes, William]    0  -2  -2   5   2 (2, 1) Psalm: 107(6-7; 13-14; 19-20; 28-29);
20-107‑iii D F Wulstan, David    2   2   1  -7   2 (2, -) Psalm: 107(8-9; 15-16; 21-22; 31-32);
21-108‑a S e Crispin, Jarvis    2   2   0  -2   3 Psalm: 108(1-5; Gloria);
21-108‑b S b Lloyd, Charles Harford    1   0  -1   0   8 (7, 1) Psalm: 108(6-end);
21-109 D a Smart, Henry Thomas    0   5  -1   0   1 (42, 3) Psalm: 109; vss 19 and 24 to 2nd half
21-110 S G Turner, William    2   0   2  -4   5 (74, 7) Psalm: 110;
21-111 S G Russell, William    1  -3   5  -7   5 (46, -) Psalm: 111;
21-112 S G Nares, James    1  -3  -2  -1   1 (11, 4) Psalm: 112;
21-113 S G Aldrich, Henry   -2   2   1  -1  -2 (59, 13) Psalm: 113;
21-114‑a S e (Per) Wulstan, David [Gregorian]   -2   3  -1  -2  -2 (2, 14) Psalm: 114(1-4; 7-8; Gloria); final chord Gloria: tenor additional G-sharp
21-114‑b S e (Per) Wulstan, David [Gregorian]    0   0   0  -2   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 114(5-6);
21-115 S E♭ (VI-F) Anonymous [Gregorian]    3  -2  -1  -2   0 (32, 13) Psalm: 115; First bar of second quarter omitted for vv. 2, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14 and 15
22-116 D B♭ Hemmings, Alan Stephen    0  -2  -3   5   3 (7, -) Psalm: 116;
22-117 S D♭ Humphrey, Pelham    0   0  -1   0   1 (101, 10) Psalm: 117;
22-118‑a D A♭ Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings   -1   1  -5   2   5 (5, -) Psalm: 118(All, except Gloria);
22-118‑b D A♭ Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings   -1   1  -5   2   5 (5, -) Psalm: 118(Gloria); Major ending for Gloria
22-119‑a O F Wulstan, David [Gibbons, Orlando]    0   0   5   2   2 (2, 1) Psalm: 119; 119;
23-119‑b Q F Wulstan, David [Gibbons, Orlando]    0  -3   5  -2   0 (2, 1) Psalm: 119;
23-120 S g Anonymous   -2  -2   2   2  -4 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 120;
23-121 D A♭ Woodward, Richard   -2  -2  -1   1   2 (29, 25) Psalm: 121;
23-122 D G Cutler, Edward    0   0   5   2  -3 (12, -) Psalm: 122; vs. 5 with second half
23-123 D E♭ Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert    3   0  -1  -2  -2 (34, -) Psalm: 123;
24-124 S c Heywood, Thomas    5   2  -3   0   3 (5, 1) Psalm: 124;
25-125‑a X f Wulstan, David [Anonymous]    1   2  -3  -5   0 (2, -) Psalm: 125(all, except v. 4 and Gloria); Single chant with flex; all verses pointed in 3 parts
25-125‑b S f Wulstan, David [Anonymous]    1   2  -3  -5   1 (2, -) Psalm: 125(4);
25-125‑c X f Wulstan, David    1   2  -3  -5   0 (2, -) Psalm: 125(Gloria);
25-126 X d Ashfield, Robert James    2   2   1  -1   3 (2, 4) Psalm: 126; irregular single (3-3- bars)
25-127 S G Dix, Leopold McClintock Lancaster    2   5  -2  -1  -4 (5, -) Psalm: 127;
25-128 D B♭ Monk, Edwin George    5  -1   1  -3   5 (15, -) Psalm: 128; v5 to 2nd half; vv. 4,5,7 omit bars 11-12
25-129 X E♭ Wulstan, David [Hall junior, Henry]    5   0  -1   0   1 (2, 3) Psalm: 129; Irregular: 3-3-3-4 bars. Possibly an arrangement by Wulstan of chant no. 114 in book no. 2 (Rimbault)
25-130‑a X c Wulstan, David    0   2   5   0   8 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 130(All, except Gloria); asymmetrical with special pointing; in the 1st edition (book 27) attributed as A nonymous
25-130‑b X c Wulstan, David    0   2   5   0   8 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 130(All, except Gloria); as no. 130-a (33105), with optional notes 2nd quart
25-130‑c X c Wulstan, David    0   2   5   0   8 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 130(Gloria); as no. 130-a (33105), different ending for Gloria
25-131 S E♭ Hylton Stewart, Charles    3  -3  -2   2  -4 (7, 1) Psalm: 131; Originally symmetrical, rebarred.
26-132‑a F F Wulstan, David [Anonymous]    2   2   1  -1  -2 (2, 21) Psalm: 132(All, except Gloria); Anonymous chant based on a Geneva psalmmelody (Psalm 124); arrangement by David Wulstan. Vs. 13 starts at third part with specific pointing. Gloria starts at 4th part and has seperate ending (from the original version). This is included as a separate chant (132-ii).
26-132‑b X F Wulstan, David [Anonymous]    0  -2  -1  -2   2 (2, 4) Psalm: 132(Gloria); Final 2 parts of 132-a with special ending for Gloria
26-133 S F Hayes, Philip   -3   1  -1  -2   2 (3, -) Psalm: 133;
26-134 S B♭ Woodward, Richard    2   2   1   2   2 (80, 30) Psalm: 134;
26-135‑a D F Buck, Percy Carter    5  -3   5  -3  -2 (23, 1) Psalm: 135(1-14; Gloria);
26-135‑b S F (VI-F) Anonymous [Gregorian]    3  -2  -1  -2   0 (32, 13) Psalm: 135(15-21);
27-136‑a T C Ashfield, Robert James    2   5  -2  -1  -2 (8, 2) Psalm: 136; middle section omitted for Gloria
27-136‑b X A Lloyd, Charles Harford    2   3  -5   0   2 (24, 2) Psalm: 136; 2nd and 4th quart additional bar; vv. 3, 12, 25 to 2nd half
27-137 T e Whitlock, Percy William   -3   2  -2   5   2 (2, -) Psalm: 137; middle section omitted for Gloria
27-138‑a X e Stone, W. F.    0   1   2  -7   5 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 138(All, except Gloria); in the 1st edition attributed as Anonymous; irregular triple: 3-3-3-4-3-3 bars
27-138‑b X e Stone, W. F.    0   1   2  -7   5 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 138(Gloria); as 138-a, middle section omitted and different ending
28-139 D f Barnby, Joseph    0   3  -1   0   1 (33, 3) Psalm: 139; vv. 5 and 12 to 2nd half
28-140 S c Rimbault, Edward Francis    5  -2  -3   0   0 (36, -) Psalm: 140;
28-141 S f Blow, John    0   2   2   0  -2 (75, 25) Psalm: 141; vv. 5 & 6 pointed as one verse
28-142 D E♭ Bayley, William    0   2   2   0   8 (34, 2) Psalm: 142; v. 5 to 2nd half
28-143 D A♭ Whitlock, Percy William    2   3   2  -3   1 (8, 4) Psalm: 143;
28-144‑a D F Turle, James    0   0   0   4  -7 (16, -) Psalm: 144(1-8; Gloria);
28-144‑b S B♭ Tallis, Thomas    0  -5   2   0   2 (48, 3) Psalm: 144(9-15); incorrect key signature (F): should be B-flat major
28-145 S A♭ Battishill, Jonathan   -5   9  -2   3  -1 (71, -) Psalm: 145;
28-146 S D♭ Battishill, Jonathan   -5   0  -7   0   9 (60, -) Psalm: 146;
29-147 D E♭ Stanford, Charles Villiers    5  -3   2  -4   2 (31, 1) Psalm: 147; vv. 9 & 18 to 2nd half
29-148 X B♭ Ashfield, Robert James    5  -5   3  -1   8 (4, -) Psalm: 148; irregular single: 3-3 bars
29-149 D A♭ Stanford, Charles Villiers   -2  -2   2  -2   2 (37, 4) Psalm: 149; v. 9 to 2nd half
29-150 S C Stanford, Charles Villiers   -3   3   2  -2   0 (28, 1) Psalm: 150; Through-composed chant, based on the single chant formula
30-156 D A♭ Goss, John    2   2   1   2   2 (36, 30) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus [Set I];
30-157 D E♭ Russell, William    5  -1  -2  -2  -3 (15, 5) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus [Set I];
30-158 S A♭ Turle, James    0   2   2   0   3 (34, 6) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus [Set I];
30-159 D G Crotch, William   -2  -2  -1   1   2 (36, 25) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus [Set II];
30-160 D D Woodward, Richard    0   0   5  -8   5 (74, 1) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus [Set II];
30-161 S G Purcell, Daniel    0  -1   1   5  -6 (55, 3) Psalm: Te Deum Laudamus [Set II];
30-162 D B♭ Parratt, Walter    9  -4   7  -2  -1 (15, 2) Psalm: Benedictus Dominus Deus (Luke 1, 67-79); Benedicite, omnia opera Domini;
30-163 D G Garrett, George Mursell    0   0   2   0   2 (39, 13) Psalm: Benedictus Dominus Deus (Luke 1, 67-79); Benedicite, omnia opera Domini;
30-164 D E♭ Barnby, Joseph    4   5  -2   0   5 (50, 2) Psalm: Benedictus Dominus Deus (Luke 1, 67-79); Benedicite, omnia opera Domini;
30-165 D E♭ Crotch, William    2   2   1  -1   5 (39, 6) Psalm: Magnificat (Luke 1, 46-55);
31-166 D G Goss, John    4  -4  -3   2   1 (47, 6) Psalm: Magnificat (Luke 1, 46-55);
31-167 D F Turle, James    7   2  -2  -3   1 (50, 1) Psalm: Magnificat (Luke 1, 46-55);
31-168 S g Kelway, Thomas    0   2  -3   1  -3 (36, 3) Psalm: Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2, 29-32);
31-169 S E Goss, John   -2   0   5  -3   1 (28, 1) Psalm: Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2, 29-32);
31-170‑a S d Pitt, C. S.   -2  -2   2  -2   2 ( 1, 4) Psalm: Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2, 29-32)(All, except Gloria);
31-170‑b S d Pitt, C. S.   -2  -2   2  -2   2 ( 1, 4) Psalm: Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2, 29-32)(Gloria);
31-171 S a Croft, William   -2  -2  -1   8  -1 (81, 6) Psalm: Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2, 29-32);
33-151 S A♭ (I-a2) Batten, Adrian [Gregorian]    0  -1   1   0  -1 (2, 5) Psalm: Venite; Easter Anthems(1-3); arranged by A.B, probably Adrian Batten (ref. index in this book)
33-152 S A♭ Crotch, William [Gregorian] {C., W.}    0   0   2   0   2 (2, 13) Psalm: Venite; Easter Anthems(4-5);
33-153 S G♭ Anonymous   -4   2   3  -1  -2 (2, 1) Psalm: Venite; Easter Anthems(6-end);
33-154 S A Crotch, William    0  -1   1  -3  -2 (51, 1) Psalm: Venite;
33-155 S G MacFarren, George Alexander    2   2   1  -8   2 (55, 2) Psalm: Venite;