'' A Collection of Chants
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A Collection of Chants

Number -- Status153 -- Included
Full TitleA Collection of Chants
Author(s)Hylton Stewart, Arthur Charles Lestoc
Year of Publication1930
Chants numbered continuouslyYes
Psalms associated with chants - Pointed text includedYes/No
Sets of chants for certain psalmsNo
Separate selections of psalms includedNo
Sourcescans courtesy David Cynan Jones
Additional comments none

Table of Contents

Click here for an explanation of the conventions used in the listings

p-n T Key Composer Finger
4-1 S A Nares, James   -1   1   2   2  -7 (38, 3) Psalm: Venite;
4-2 S E Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    1  -1  -2  -2  -1 (4, 6) Psalm: 1(1-4);
4-3 S A Novello, Vincent    2  -2  -1  -2   2 (13, 2) Psalm: 1(5-end);
4-4 T D Hylton Stewart, Charles    4  -2  -2   7   0 (5, 2) Psalm: 2(All, except Gloria);
4-5 D D Hylton Stewart, Charles    4  -2  -2   7   0 (5, 2) Psalm: 2(Gloria); chant no. 4 adapted
5-6 D A Jackson, Thomas    4  -5   1   2   2 (22, 1) Psalm: 3;
5-7 S D Tomlinson,    3  -1   1   0   2 (14, 3) Psalm: 4;
5-8 S G Hine, William   -2  -2  -1   1   2 (50, 25) Psalm: 5;
5-9 S g Purcell, Thomas   -1  -2  -1   8  -7 (67, 3) Psalm: 6(1-6);
5-10 S G Purcell, Thomas   -2  -2  -1   8  -7 (26, 2) Psalm: 6(7-end);
5-11 D g Clark, Richard    3  -3  -1   0   1 (41, 1) Psalm: 7(1-10); Attributed to J. Clarke, but in nearly all other sources attributed to Richard Clark.
5-12 D G Stephens, Charles Edward    1  -3  -2  -5   2 (3, 1) Psalm: 7(11-end);
5-13 S C Woodward, Richard    2   2   1   2   2 (80, 30) Psalm: 8; Attributed to G. Woodward, but this chant was published (1) and (2) before 1848 and attributed to R. Woodward
6-14 S G Walmisley, Thomas Attwood   -2   2  -4   5   4 (19, -) Psalm: Venite;
6-15 D D Mann, Arthur Henry    1  -1   5  -5   1 (15, -) Psalm: 9;
6-16 D g Hopkins, Edward John   -1  -2  -1   3   1 (42, 3) Psalm: 10(1-12);
6-17 D G Hopkins, Edward John   -2  -2  -1   3   2 (57, 5) Psalm: 10(13-end);
6-18 S D Kelway, Thomas    0   2   1   5  -3 (56, -) Psalm: 11;
6-19 S f# Hylton Stewart, Charles    2   1   2   2  -4 (7, 4) Psalm: 12(1-14); 13(1-4);
6-20 S F# Hylton Stewart, Charles    2   2   1   2  -3 (8, 3) Psalm: 12(15-end); 13(5-end);
6-21 S f# Weldon, John    4  -4  -1   0   3 (67, 1) Psalm: 14(1-8);
6-22 S A Luard-Selby, Bertram    5   4   0  -2   0 (2, 1) Psalm: 14(9-end);
7-23 S E♭ Travers, John    3   5  -1  -4   2 (30, 2) Psalm: Venite;
7-24 S A♭ Stephens, Charles Edward   -5   1  -3   5  -7 (6, 1) Psalm: 15;
7-25 S C Goodson sr, Richard    5  -1  -2   0   5 (45, 7) Psalm: 16;
7-26 D F Turle, James    2   0   2   3  -5 (47, -) Psalm: 17;
7-27 D A Woodward, Richard   -2  -2  -1   1   2 (29, 25) Psalm: 18(1-15); Key signature E is wrong: should be A (as in CHS's own index)
7-28 D E Russell, William    5   0  -1   3   5 (19, -) Psalm: 18(16-19);
7-29 D A Massey, Richard    3  -7   4  -7   2 (3, -) Psalm: 18(20-28; 47-end);
7-30 D E Massey, Richard   -3   3  -7   0   2 (18, 1) Psalm: 18(29-46);
8-31 S D Alcock sr., John   -1   1  -3  -4   2 (6, -) Psalm: Venite;
8-32 S A Aldrich, Henry   -2   2   1  -1  -2 (59, 13) Psalm: 19(1-6);
8-33 S D Monk, Edwin George   -8   1   2   2   2 (50, 5) Psalm: 19(7-end);
8-34 S A Goss, John    4  -2   3  -1  -2 (60, 2) Psalm: 20;
8-35 D E Goss, John    1   2   2   2   1 (13, 18) Psalm: 21;
8-36 D e Hylton Stewart, Charles    0   0   3   0   0 (2, 2) Psalm: 22(1-21);
8-37 D A Hylton Stewart, Charles   -2   2   3   2   2 (4, 1) Psalm: 22(22-end);
8-38 X E Hylton Stewart, Charles    3  -3  -2   2  -4 (7, 1) Psalm: 23; Through-composed, based on this chant formula
9-39 S E Turle, James    2   3  -1   3   2 (32, 2) Psalm: 23;
10-40 S A Luard-Selby, Bertram    0   2   2   0   1 (7, 22) Psalm: Venite;
10-41 D E Robinson, John    5  -3  -2  -3   2 (103, -) Psalm: 24;
10-42 D A Gauntlett, Henry John   -2   2  -4  -5   2 (7, -) Psalm: 25;
10-43 D D Elvey, George Job    1   4  -2  -2  -1 (37, 6) Psalm: 26; Attributed to S. Elvey, but in all other sources attributed to George Job Elvey.
Refer to discussion here
11-44 D G Smart, Henry Thomas   -3  -4   5  -1  -7 (34, 1) Psalm: 27(1-7; 15-end);
11-45 S D Hylton Stewart, Charles    2  -2  -1  -2  -2 (6, 5) Psalm: 27(8-14);
11-46 S c Hylton Stewart, Charles    1   2  -3   5  -2 (11, 3) Psalm: 28(1-6);
11-47 S C Hylton Stewart, Charles    0   0   9  -4   2 (4, -) Psalm: 28(7-end);
11-48 D F Banks, Ralph   -2   5  -7   9 -10 Psalm: 29;
12-49 S G Stewart, Robert Prescott   -2  -2   7 -10   2 (11, -) Psalm: Venite;
12-50 D D Turle, James   -7   2   2   0   0 (60, 1) Psalm: 30(1-6; 12-end);
12-51 D d Turle, James   -7   2   1   2   2 (57, 4) Psalm: 30(7-11);
12-52 D A Hopkins, Edward John    5  -5   2   0   2 (6, 4) Psalm: 31(1-9; 21-end);
12-53 D a Smart, Henry Thomas    0   5  -1   0   1 (42, 3) Psalm: 31(10-20);
12-54 D D Jackson, William    2  -2  -2   0   2 (12, 1) Psalm: 32;
13-55 D G Robinson, Joseph    4   5  -2  -7   5 (3, -) Psalm: 33;
13-56 D C Hopkins, Edward John    2  -2  -2   2  -3 (52, 8) Psalm: 34;
13-57 S B♭ Crotch, William    2   2  -7   5  -7 (19, 1) Psalm: Venite;
13-58 D E♭ Pye, Kellow John    3  -3  -4   7   2 (60, 1) Psalm: 35;
13-59 S g Tallis, Thomas    2  -2  -1   0   1 (38, 3) Psalm: 36(1-4); "arr. From Tallis", other sources attribute to Tallis; print error: Psalm XXXIV should be Psalm XXXVI
13-60 S G Alcock sr., John    1  -1  -2   3  -1 (57, 2) Psalm: 36(5-end);
14-61 D E♭ West, Hezekia    0   5  -1  -2  -2 (20, 8) Psalm: 37(1-20);
14-62 D A♭ Gauntlett, Henry John    0  -2   0  -2   0 (14, 3) Psalm: 37(21-end);
14-63 S B♭ Elvey, George Job    2   3  -1   1   2 (60, 2) Psalm: Venite;
14-64 D f Havergal, William Henry    2   3  -2   0  -1 (5, 1) Psalm: 38;
15-65 D c Hylton Stewart, Charles    1  -5   4   0   5 (7, -) Psalm: 39;
15-66 D C Elvey, George Job    4  -4  -5  -3   1 (19, 1) Psalm: 40(1-13);
15-67 S d Goss, John    1   0  -1  -4  -1 (27, -) Psalm: 40(14-end);
15-68 D E♭ Patten, William   -2  -1   0  -2  -2 (7, 2) Psalm: 41;
15-69 D A♭ Crotch, William    2   2  -4  -1  -2 (19, 3) Psalm: 42; 43;
16-70 S F Farrant, Richard    0   2   2   3  -2 (87, 5) Psalm: Venite;
16-71 D C Corfe, Joseph [Lawes, Henry]    9  -2  -2   0  -1 (41, 4) Psalm: 44(1-9);
16-72 D c Cooke, Robert    8  -1  -2  -4   2 (80, -) Psalm: 44(10-end);
16-73 D G Cooke, Robert    1   2   2  -2  -2 (61, 12) Psalm: 45;
16-74 D C Dupuis, Thomas Saunders   -2  -2   9  -2   2 (42, 1) Psalm: 46;
16-75 D D Davy, John   -1  -4   5 -12   9 (54, -) Psalm: 47;
16-76 D A Dupuis, Thomas Saunders   -1   1  -3   8  -1 (75, 1) Psalm: 48;
17-77 D F Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    0   0   0   1   4 (58, 1) Psalm: 49;
17-78 S B♭ Monk, Edwin George   -2  -2  -3   3  -1 (15, 1) Psalm: Venite;
17-79 D F Turle, James    0   2  -3   1   0 (64, -) Psalm: 50(1-15);
17-80 D D♭ Turle, James    1  -1  -2   7  -7 (50, 1) Psalm: 50(16-end);
17-81 S f Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    0   2  -3  -1   0 (34, 1) Psalm: 51(1-13);
17-82 S D♭ Battishill, Jonathan    0  -3   8  -3  -7 (48, -) Psalm: 51(14-end);
17-83 D A♭ Hylton Stewart, Charles    2   3  -1  -2   2 (5, 3) Psalm: 52;
18-84 S f# Weldon, John    4  -4  -1   0   3 (67, 1) Psalm: 53(1-5);
18-85 S A Luard-Selby, Bertram    5   4   0  -2   0 (2, 1) Psalm: 53(5-end);
18-86 D F Rowden, George Croke {}    2  -4  -1   1   2 (5, -) Psalm: 54; attributed to Charles Henry Hylton Stewart. Since the chant already appears in Lavington (Wells Cathedral, book 156, 1855), it would imply that CHH Stewart was 6 years (or younger) when he wrote this chant. So the attribution by Lavington to Rowden (born in 1820) is much more likely.
18-87 S a Hayes, William    3  -1  -2   0   5 (29, 5) Psalm: 55(1-8);
18-88 S e Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    0   0   1  -3   2 (14, 1) Psalm: 55(8-16);
18-89 S E Wallace, William Vincent   -2  -1  -2   2   0 (18, 3) Psalm: 55( 17-end);
19-90 S C Tallis, Thomas    0  -5   2   0   2 (48, 3) Psalm: Venite;
19-91 S f Poland, --   -2  -2  -1  -2   0 (4, 6) Psalm: 56(1-2; 5-8); Based on a melody from Poland
19-92 S F Poland, --   -2  -1  -2  -2   0 (2, 7) Psalm: 56(3-4; 8-end); Based on a melody from Poland
19-93 S a Dupuis, Thomas Saunders   -3   2  -3   1   2 (44, -) Psalm: 57(1-5);
19-94 S F Elvey, George Job    1   4  -7   5  -2 (11, 1) Psalm: 57(6-end);
19-95 D g Luard-Selby, Bertram    5  -4   1   0   8 Psalm: 58;
20-96 D E♭ Horsley, William    1  -1  -2   5   2 (3, 4) Psalm: 59; attributed to J. Horsley about whom no information is available. Nicholson (book no. 7) attributes to W. Horsley.
20-97 S g Kelway, Thomas    0   2  -3   1  -3 (36, 3) Psalm: 60(1-5);
20-98 S C Stewart, Robert Prescott   -3   1   2   5  -3 (10, 1) Psalm: 60(6-end);
20-99 D F Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    3  -7   4   5  -2 Psalm: 61;
21-100 S B♭ Alcock sr., John {Weldon, John}   -3   5  -3   5  -4 (65, 1) Psalm: Venite;
21-101 D F Fitzherbert, William    3  -2  -1  -2   2 (49, 9) Psalm: 62;
21-102 D B♭ Luard-Selby, Bertram    0   2   2   1   2 (3, 6) Psalm: 63;
21-103 D F Oakeley, Herbert Stanley   -4   2   2   0   2 (21, 2) Psalm: 64; Comment by Andrew Revans: Bass should be D-B flat not F-E in bar 2; likewise F-D not A-G in bar 9. The version you have is the one in the Hylton Stewart book (Psalm 64), and is certainly a bit odd. It's correctly given at 372 in the Anglican Chant Book, though misattributed to Ouseley
22-104 D B♭ Whitlock, Percy William    2   0   3  -1   1 (5, 1) Psalm: 65;
22-105 D F Gray, William Henry    1  -1   5  -2  -2 (7, 8) Psalm: 66;
22-106 S B♭ Luard-Selby, Bertram    2   2  -4  -3  -2 (5, 3) Psalm: 67;
22-107 S A Greene, Maurice   -2  -3   1   0   2 (62, 3) Psalm: Venite;
22-108 D E Goss, John   -2   0  -1  -2  -2 (22, 1) Psalm: 68(1-10; 19-23; 32-end);
22-109 D A Monk, Edwin George    5  -1   1  -3   5 (15, -) Psalm: 68(11-18);
23-110 D A Cobb, Gerard Francis    4  -9   2   0   8 (4, -) Psalm: 68(24-31);
23-111 D c Hylton Stewart, Charles    7   3  -2  -1  -2 (5, -) Psalm: 69(1-12); Psalm indicated (LIX) should be LXIX
23-112 D g Hylton Stewart, Charles    2   2   1  -1   1 (8, 9) Psalm: 69(13-22);
23-113 S g Hylton Stewart, Charles    1   2  -3   5   2 (2, 1) Psalm: 69(23-29);
23-114 D G Hylton Stewart, Charles   -1   1   5   2  -3 (5, -) Psalm: 69(30-end);
23-115 S e Goss, John    1   0  -1  -4  -1 (27, -) Psalm: 70;
24-116 S G Novello, Vincent    4  -4   5  -3   5 (18, 2) Psalm: Venite;
24-117 D D Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    1  -1   0  -2  -2 (12, 4) Psalm: 71; from "The European Psalmist"
24-118 D G Turle, James    7   2  -2  -3   1 (50, 1) Psalm: 72;
24-119 D D Soaper, John   -2   2   1   4  -2 (68, 3) Psalm: 73(1-14; 22-end);
24-120 S G Medley, John    0  -2  -2   0   2 (9, 4) Psalm: 73(15-21);
24-121 D g Anonymous    0   2  -3   4   2 (10, -) Psalm: 74(1-12; 19-end);
25-122 S B♭ Davy, John   -4   2  -7   0   2 (2, 5) Psalm: 74(13-18);
25-123 S A♭ Arnold, Samuel   -4   2  -3   1  -3 (45, 2) Psalm: Venite;
25-124 D D♭ South, Charles Frederick   -3   1   2   0   2 (26, 9) Psalm: 75;
25-125 S A♭ Stanley, R.H.   -3   2   1   2   2 (19, 8) Psalm: 76;
25-126 S e♭ Bexfield, William Richard    0   0   2   0   2 (19, 13) Psalm: 77(1-9);
25-127 S A♭ Turton, Thomas   -2  -3   1  -3   2 (23, 1) Psalm: 77(10-end);
26-128 Q D Hylton Stewart, Charles    0   0   2  -4   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 78(1-30; 53-56; 66-end);
26-129 X d Hylton Stewart, Charles    0   1   0   0  -1 Psalm: 78(31-32; 57-65); irregular double 1-4-1-4 bars
26-130 D D Hylton Stewart, Charles    0   0   2  -4   2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 78(Gloria);
26-131 D d Hylton Stewart, Charles    0   0   0   0   1 ( 1, 15) Psalm: 78(31-32; 57-65); alternative for chant no. 129
27-132 S D♭ Hopkins, John Larkin    2   3  -1   3  -2 (2, 3) Psalm: Venite;
27-133 D f Flintoft, Luke    2   0   1   0   2 (104, 5) Psalm: 79;
27-134 S E♭ Goss, John   -2   0   5  -3   1 (28, 1) Psalm: 80;
27-135 S c Hylton Stewart, Charles    5  -3  -2   0   2 ( 1, 2) Psalm: 81(1-11);
27-136 S g Hylton Stewart, Charles   -2   2   2   0  -2 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 81(12-end);
28-137 S B♭ MacFarren, George Alexander    2  -2   5   2   2 (40, 5) Psalm: 82;
28-138 D E♭ Cross, William   -8   1   5  -1  -2 (10, 1) Psalm: 83;
28-139 D A♭ Wood, A.    0  -2  -2   0   0 (21, 6) Psalm: 84; attributed to "Woods"; refer to page about A. Wood for more info
28-140 D D♭ Cobb, Gerard Francis    1   0   2   1   1 (3, -) Psalm: 85;
28-141 S B♭ Davy, John    9  -2  -2  -3   5 (6, 2) Psalm: Venite;
28-142 D F Hopkins, Edward John    7  -2  -1   1  -3 (47, 1) Psalm: 86;
29-143 S B♭ Elvey, Stephen    4  -2  -2  -3   2 (35, 1) Psalm: 87;
29-144 D d Goss, John    1   0   0  -1  -4 (26, -) Psalm: 88;
29-145 D D Elvey, George Job    5  -1   1  -3  -2 (23, 3) Psalm: 89(1-19);
29-146 D A Crotch, William    5  -1  -2   2   1 (62, 2) Psalm: 89(20-36);
29-147 S a Croft, William   -2  -2  -1   8  -1 (81, 6) Psalm: 89(37-50);
29-148 S C Hylton Stewart, Charles   -1  -2  -2   5   2 (2, 9) Psalm: 89(50a; Gloria);
30-149 S A♭ Garrett, George Mursell    2   2   1  -3   2 (3, 17) Psalm: Venite;
30-150 D f Hylton Stewart, Charles    3  -1  -2   0   3 (9, 2) Psalm: 90(1-12);
30-151 D A♭ Marsh, William    2   2   1   2   2 (40, 30) Psalm: 90(13-end);
30-152 D D♭ Goss, John    3  -7   5  -1   5 (10, 1) Psalm: 91;
30-153 D A♭ Monk, Edwin George    2  -7   9   0  -2 (34, 1) Psalm: 92;
30-154 D D Boyce, William   -5  -2  -1   0  -2 (89, 2) Psalm: 93;
31-155 D G Pring, Joseph    0   1  -3   2  -4 (23, 6) Psalm: 94;
31-156 S F Lamb, Benjamin (1)    4   2   1   0   2 (37, 2) Psalm: 95;
31-157 D B♭ Crosthwaite, John Clarke   -2  -2  -5   5  -8 (4, -) Psalm: 96;
31-158 D E♭ Hopkins, John Larkin   -3   5  -2   5  -1 (3, 2) Psalm: 97;
31-159 S B♭ Aylward (Sr.), Theodore   -1  -2  -2   0   2 (33, 8) Psalm: 95; alternative
31-160 S E♭ Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    2   2   1  -3  -2 (17, 11) Psalm: 96; alternative
31-161 S A♭ Hindle, John    3  -5   3  -1  -2 (25, 3) Psalm: 97; alternative
32-162 D E♭ Attwood, Thomas    2   2   1   2   2 (39, 30) Psalm: 98; 100;
32-163 D A♭ Whitlock, Percy William    4  -4   5  -1  -2 (5, 5) Psalm: 99;
32-164 D E♭ Attwood, Thomas    0   0   0   0   1 (35, 15) Psalm: 101;
32-165 S A Nares, James    1  -3  -3   1  -3 (61, 1) Psalm: Venite;
32-166 D f# Stonex, Henry    0   2   1   0   0 (34, 3) Psalm: 102(1-11);
33-167 D D Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    5   0  -1  -2  -2 (33, 4) Psalm: 102(12-end);
33-168 D A Elvey, Stephen    2  -2   5   2  -3 (3, -) Psalm: 103;
33-169 D F Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    3  -3  -4   0   2 (18, 1) Psalm: 104(1-10; 18-23);
33-170 D B♭ Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    9   3  -7   4  -7 (39, 1) Psalm: 104(11-18);
33-171 D C Longhurst, William Henry    1   2   2   0   8 (19, -) Psalm: 104(24-end);
34-172 S F Rimbault, Edward Francis   -3   5  -2   0  -3 (42, 1) Psalm: Venite;
34-173 D B♭ Smith, John Stafford    4  -2  -2  -5   2 (12, 1) Psalm: 105(1-15);
34-174 D E♭ Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    1   4  -7   5  -7 (20, 1) Psalm: 105(16-35);
34-175 D A♭ Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    4  -4  -3   5  -3 (9, -) Psalm: 105(36-end);
34-176 D D Hylton Stewart, Charles    2   0  -2   0   2 (4, 10) Psalm: 106(1-12);
34-177 D b Hylton Stewart, Charles    0  -2  -3  -2  -2 (4, -) Psalm: 106(13-17);
35-178 D e Hylton Stewart, Charles    2   1   2   2   3 (4, 1) Psalm: 106(38-42);
35-179 S C Hylton Stewart, Charles    2   0  -2   5   5 (4, -) Psalm: 106( 43-end);
35-180 S C Hylton Stewart, Charles    2   2  -2  -2  -1 ( 1, 6) Psalm: Venite;
35-181 D C Hylton Stewart, Charles    0   2   3   0   0 Psalm: 107(1-3; 8-9; 15-16; 21-22; 31-32; Gloria); bass bar 1, 3rd quarter should be B-flat (as tenor)
35-182 S g Hylton Stewart, Charles    2   1   2  -2  -1 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 107(4-5; 10-12; 17-18; 39-40);
35-183 S G Hylton Stewart, Charles    2   2   1  -1  -2 ( 1, 21) Psalm: 107(6-7; 13-14; 19-20; 33-38; 41-43);
35-184 S F Hylton Stewart, Charles   -3   3   2   0  -2 (4, 4) Psalm: 107(23-30);
36-185 S F Elvey, Stephen    1   4  -7   5  -2 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 108(1-16);
36-186 S C Stewart, Robert Prescott   -3   1   2   5  -3 (10, 1) Psalm: 108(7-end);
36-187 S a MacFarren, George Alexander   -1  -3   1  -5   1 (21, 3) Psalm: 109(1-19);
36-188 D C Hylton Stewart, Charles    5   0  -2   5  -1 (21, 3) Psalm: 109(20-end);
36-189 S D♭ MacFarren, George Alexander    2   2   1  -8   5 (20, 2) Psalm: Venite;
36-190 S A♭ Turton, Thomas    2  -2   5  -1  -2 (27, 10) Psalm: 110;
36-191 D E♭ Randall, John   -7   2   2   3   5 (87, -) Psalm: 111;
36-192 D A♭ Goss, John    4  -4  -3   2   1 (47, 6) Psalm: 112;
37-193 S D♭ Crotch, William   -2  -1  -2   5   2 (39, 3) Psalm: 113;
37-194 S B♭ Battishill, Jonathan    2   2   1   0   2 (23, 10) Psalm: 114;
37-195 D F Higgins, Edward   -2  -1   0  -2  -2 (22, 2) Psalm: 115;
37-196 S A Elvey, George Job    2   2   1   0   2 (10, 10) Psalm: Venite;
37-197 D E Goss, John    3  -2  -1  -2  -2 (61, 20) Psalm: 116;
37-198 D A Attwood, Thomas   -5  -2  -1  12   3 (32, -) Psalm: 117;
37-199 D A Whitlock, Percy William   -5   5   2   2   1 (5, 1) Psalm: 118;
38-200 D E♭ Attwood, Thomas    4   0   3  -7   5 (54, -) Psalm: 119(1-8);
38-201 D A♭ Bevan, Sydney    2   5  -3   0  -2 (25, -) Psalm: 119(9-16);
38-202 D E♭ Matthews, Samuel    0  -2  -2   9  -2 (44, 5) Psalm: 119(17-24);
38-203 D A♭ Coward, James   -1  -2  -2   7   2 (17, 5) Psalm: 119(25-32);
38-204 S D♭ Garrett, George Mursell    2   3  -1  -2  -2 (21, 16) Psalm: Venite;
38-205 D A♭ Attwood, Thomas   -1   1   2   2   1 (31, 21) Psalm: 119(33-40);
38-206 D E♭ Goodenough, Robert Philip    1  -3   5   0  -8 (42, -) Psalm: 119(41-48);
39-207 D A♭ Turle, James   -2  -2  -3   2   1 (50, 4) Psalm: 119(49-56);
39-208 D E♭ Crotch, William    2   2   1  -1   5 (39, 6) Psalm: 119(57-64);
39-209 D A♭ Hopkins, Edward John   -2  -2  -1  -4   5 (39, 1) Psalm: 119(65-72);
39-210 D D Gregory, Edward    0   5  -1  -2   0 (23, 1) Psalm: 119(73-80);
39-211 D D Wellesley, Garrett Colley, Earl of Mornington    0  -2  -1   3   2 (77, 3) Psalm: 119(81-88);
39-212 D A Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore   -4  -3  -2   0   5 (26, 5) Psalm: 119(89-96);
39-213 D D Havergal, William Henry    0   1   2  -7   0 (11, 2) Psalm: 119(97-104);
40-214 S D Jones, John   -2  -1  -2   7   2 (52, 2) Psalm: Venite;
40-215 D G Cooper, George (junior)    0  -2  -2   5   0 (26, 5) Psalm: 119(105-112);
40-216 D D Nares, James    5  -5   2   0  -2 (21, 2) Psalm: 119(113-120);
40-217 D G Cooper, George (junior)   -3   0  -2   9  -2 (22, -) Psalm: 119(121-128);
40-218 D E♭ Elvey, Stephen    1  -1   5  -2   4 (30, 1) Psalm: 119(129-136);
41-219 D A♭ Jones, John   -2  -2  -1   1   0 (46, 7) Psalm: 119(137-144);
41-220 D d Crotch, William    4  -2  -2   2   2 (11, 7) Psalm: 119(145-152);
41-221 D a Battishill, Jonathan   -2  -2  -1   8  -1 (96, 6) Psalm: 119(153-160);
41-222 D E Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    3  -3  -4   5   0 (21, 2) Psalm: 119(161-168);
41-223 D A Elvey, Stephen    0   2   2   0  -2 (27, 25) Psalm: 119(169-176);
42-224 S G Gibbons, Christopher    3  -7  -1   3   3 (63, 1) Psalm: Venite;
42-225 S a Cooper, Joseph Thomas    0   0   5   0  -1 (9, 1) Psalm: 120;
42-226 D E Hawes, William    3   5  -1  -2  -2 (38, 10) Psalm: 121;
42-227 S A MacFarren, George Alexander    2   2   1  -8   2 (55, 2) Psalm: 122;
42-228 S d Crotch, William    1  -1  -2   2  -4 (33, 8) Psalm: 123;
42-229 D D Attwood, Thomas    2   2  -9   5  -8 (69, -) Psalm: 124;
42-230 S G Taylor, William    3  -3  -2  -2   4 (11, 7) Psalm: 125;
43-231 D G Lemon, John   -7   2   1   2   2 (55, 4) Psalm: 126; 128;
43-232 D D Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    5  -8   1   4  -2 (10, 2) Psalm: 127;
43-233 D E♭ Rogers, John Leman   -4   4  -2   7  -2 (31, -) Psalm: 129;
43-234 S c Hylton Stewart, Charles    5   0  -1   1   3 (15, -) Psalm: 130;
43-235 S G Anonymous   -1   1   2   2   1 (22, 21) Psalm: 131;
44-236 S D Whitlock, Percy William    2   3  -1   1  -1 ( 1, 1) Psalm: Venite;
44-237 D G Wesley, Samuel   -2  -2   5  -1  -2 (74, 25) Psalm: 132;
44-238 S C Hayes, William   -1   1  -3   5  -3 (32, 2) Psalm: 133;
44-239 S A♭ Anonymous, on an ancient tune    0   1  -3   2  -4 (7, 6) Psalm: 134;
44-240 D E♭ Elvey, George Job   -2  -2   5  -1  -2 (26, 25) Psalm: 135;
44-241 X A Hylton Stewart, Charles    2  -2   5   0   0 Psalm: 136(All, except Gloria); irregular double, with the 2nd and 4th quarter written out for the refrain verses
44-242 X A Hylton Stewart, Charles    0   2  -2   0   5 Psalm: 136(Gloria); Irregular double, written out in full
45-243 S d Hylton Stewart, Charles    5  -2  -3   3   2 (2, -) Psalm: 137(1-3; 7-end);
45-244 S g Hylton Stewart, Charles   -4   0  -1   5   2 (2, -) Psalm: 137(4-6);
45-245 S B♭ Woodward, George    0   0   5   4  -2 (27, -) Psalm: 138;
45-246 S A Crotch, William   -2  -2  -1  -2  -2 (21, 12) Psalm: Venite;
45-247 D E Skeats Jr., Highmore    4   5  -2  -2  -1 (24, 1) Psalm: 139;
45-248 D a Nares, James    2  -3   1  -3   2 (35, 2) Psalm: 140;
45-249 D G Joule, Benjamin St. John Baptist    1  -1  -2   0   0 (5, 2) Psalm: 141;
46-250 D E♭ Bayley, William    0   2   2   0   8 (34, 2) Psalm: 142;
46-251 D A♭ Whitlock, Percy William    2   3   2  -3   1 (8, 4) Psalm: 143;
46-252 S B♭ Luard-Selby, Bertram   -3   3   4   0   1 (2, 1) Psalm: Venite;
46-253 S F Cooke, Benjamin   -3  -4   9  -4   2 (64, 1) Psalm: 144(1-4; 12-end);
46-254 S B♭ Crotch, William    0  -1   1  -3  -2 (51, 1) Psalm: 144(5-11);
47-255 D B♭ Goss, John    2   2   1  -3   2 (43, 17) Psalm: 145;
47-256 T F Naylor, John    0   0   5  -3   5 (14, -) Psalm: 146; middle section omitted for Gloria
47-257‑a D C Anonymous [Luther, Martin]    0   0  -5   4   1 (54, 2) Psalm: 147;
47-258‑a D F Aldrich, Henry    3  -3  -2   0   2 (37, 4) Psalm: 148; 149;
47-259‑a S C Humphrey, Pelham    0   0  -1   0   1 (101, 10) Psalm: 150;