'' The Gloucester Psalter
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Additional information for
The Gloucester Psalter

Number -- Status160 -- Included
Full TitleThe Gloucester Psalter
Author(s)Waters, Rob
PublisherGloucester Cathedral
Year of Publication2019
Chants numbered continuouslyNo
Psalms associated with chants - Pointed text includedYes/Yes; language: English; Version: Coverdale - BCP 1662
Sets of chants for certain psalmsNo
Separate selections of psalms includedNo
Sourcepdf courtesy of Rob Waters
Additional comments Chants are not numbered individually; for the index they are given the number of the associated psalm with a suffix when more than one chant is used for a psalm.

Table of Contents

Click here for an explanation of the conventions used in the listings

p-n T Key Composer Finger
1-1 D C Joubert, John Pierre Herman   -1  -4   2   2   1 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 1;
2-2 D g Hopkins, Edward John   -1  -2  -1   3   1 (42, 3) Psalm: 2;
3-3 S d Hervey, Frederick Alfred John   -2  -2  -1   0   0 (8, 1) Psalm: 3;
4-4 D C Partington, Adrian    3   2   2   0   5 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 4;
5-5 S f# Partington, Adrian    0  -2   2  -1  -1 Psalm: 5;
6-6 D g Wesley, Samuel    0   0  -1   1  -3 (31, 2) Psalm: 6;
7-7‑1 D a Battishill, Jonathan   -2  -2  -1   8  -1 (96, 6) Psalm: 7(1-10);
8-7‑2 D A Battishill, Jonathan   -1  -2  -2   9  -2 (32, 9) Psalm: 7(11-end);
9-8 D C Corfe, Joseph [Lawes, Henry]    9  -2  -2   0  -1 (41, 4) Psalm: 8;
10-9 D C Elgar, Edward William    5  -3  -4  -1   5 (10, -) Psalm: 9;
12-10‑1 S a Tallis, Thomas    2  -2  -1   0   1 (38, 3) Psalm: 10(1-12);
13-10‑2 S A Gibbons, Christopher    3  -7  -1   3   3 (63, 1) Psalm: 10(13-end);
14-11 D A♭ Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    9   3  -7   4  -7 (39, 1) Psalm: 11;
15-12 D e Stonex, Henry    0   2   1   0   0 (34, 3) Psalm: 12;
16-13‑1 S g Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    0   2  -3  -1   0 (34, 1) Psalm: 13(1-4);
16-13‑2 S B♭ Battishill, Jonathan    2   2   1   0   2 (23, 10) Psalm: 13(5-end);
17-14 D g Flintoft, Luke    2   0   1   0   2 (104, 5) Psalm: 14;
18-15 D A Barnby, Joseph    5   5  -1  -2  -2 (11, 2) Psalm: 15;
18-16 D B♭ Hollins, Alfred    2  -2   5   2   2 (6, 5) Psalm: 16;
19-17 D E♭ Hollins, Alfred    1  -3  -2   2   2 (3, 6) Psalm: 16(5-end); 17;
21-18‑1 D A Turle, James   -2  -2  -3   2   1 (50, 4) Psalm: 18(1-2; 47-end);
21-18‑2 D E Rogers, Thomas    5  -2  -2   2  -3 (2, 7) Psalm: 18(3-16);
22-18‑3 D A Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore    2  -2  -1  -4   2 (29, 2) Psalm: 18(17-30);
23-18‑4 D E Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    3   0   5  -1  -2 (9, 2) Psalm: 19(32-46);
25-19 D D Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    5   0  -1  -2  -2 (33, 4) Psalm: 19;
26-20 D G Wesley, Samuel   -2  -2   5  -1  -2 (74, 25) Psalm: 20;
27-21 D D Boyce, William   -5  -2  -1   0  -2 (89, 2) Psalm: 21;
28-22‑1 D e Camidge, Matthew    2   0   1   2   2 (71, 4) Psalm: 22(1-21);
29-22‑2 D E Camidge, Matthew    2   0   2   2   1 (44, 4) Psalm: 22(22-end);
30-23 S F Gurney, Ivor    1  -3   5  -8   1 ( 1, 1) Psalm: 23;
31-24 D E♭ Barnby, Joseph    4   5  -2   0   5 (50, 2) Psalm: 24;
32-25 D A♭ Stewart, Haldane Campbell    2   3   2   3  -1 (6, 1) Psalm: 25;
34-26 D E Williams, Charles Lee    2  -2   5  -1   1 (2, 4) Psalm: 26;
35-27‑1 D A Attwood, Thomas   -1   1   2   2   1 (31, 21) Psalm: 27(1-7; 15-end);
36-27‑2 S a Kelway, Thomas    0   2  -3   1  -3 (36, 3) Psalm: 27(8-14);
37-28‑1 D d Stanford, Charles Villiers    5  -2  -2  -1  -2 (27, 8) Psalm: 28(1-6);
37-28‑2 D D Stanford, Charles Villiers    1   2   2   2  -2 (15, 1) Psalm: 28(7-end);
38-29 D A Attwood, Thomas   -5  -2  -1  12   3 (32, -) Psalm: 29;
39-30‑1 D D Lloyd, Charles Harford    1   4  -2   1   1 (8, 1) Psalm: 30(1-6; 12-end);
39-30‑2 S b Lloyd, Charles Harford    1   0  -1   0   8 (7, 1) Psalm: 30(7-11);
40-31‑1 D G Hylton Stewart, Charles   -1   1   5   2  -3 (5, -) Psalm: 31(1-9);
41-31‑2 D g Hylton Stewart, Charles    3  -1  -2   0   3 (9, 2) Psalm: 31(10-15);
43-32 D D Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert    2   1  -7   0   2 (20, -) Psalm: 32;
44-33 D A♭ Knight, Gerald Hocken    2   3   2   2  -2 (24, 3) Psalm: 33;
46-34 D A♭ Martin, George Clement   -2   2  -4  -1  -2 (22, 2) Psalm: 34;
48-35 D d Turle, James    4  -4  -1   1   9 (18, -) Psalm: 35;
50-36‑1 S a MacFarren, George Alexander   -1  -3   1  -5   1 (21, 3) Psalm: 36(1-4);
50-36‑2 S A MacFarren, George Alexander    2   2   1  -8   2 (55, 2) Psalm: 36(5-end);
51-37‑1 D A Gauntlett, Henry John    0  -2   0  -2   0 (14, 3) Psalm: 37(1-20; 40-end);
52-37‑2 D d Garrett, George Mursell    1  -1  -1   1   0 (16, 1) Psalm: 37(21-39);
54-38 D f Wadely, Frederick William    0   2   2   0   1 (6, 22) Psalm: 38;
56-39 D e Stonex, Henry    0   2   1   0   0 (34, 3) Psalm: 39;
57-40 D C Elgar, Edward William    5  -3  -4  -1   5 (10, -) Psalm: 40;
59-41 D E♭ Buck, Percy Carter    5   0  -5  -2   3 (23, -) Psalm: 41;
60-42‑1 D G Wesley, Samuel   -2  -2   5  -1  -2 (74, 25) Psalm: 42(1-5; 8-13; Gloria); Gloria omitted when sung with Psalm 43
60-42‑2 D G Anonymous [Wesley, Samuel]   -1  -2   5  -2   2 (10, 1) Psalm: 42(6-7; 14-15);
62-43‑1 D G Wesley, Samuel   -2  -2   5  -1  -2 (74, 25) Psalm: 43(1-4);
62-43‑2 D G Anonymous [Wesley, Samuel]   -1  -2   5  -2   2 (10, 1) Psalm: 43(5-6);
62-44‑1 D D Hobbs, John William   -3   3  -7   9  -2 (3, -) Psalm: 44(1-9; Gloria);
63-44‑2 D d Hobbs, John William   -4   4  -7   8  -1 (4, -) Psalm: 44(10-26);
65-45 D G Rogers, John Leman    3  -2  -1  -4   0 (20, 1) Psalm: 45;
67-46 D C Anonymous [Luther, Martin]    0   0  -5   4   1 (54, 2) Psalm: 46;
68-47 D D Lloyd, Charles Harford   -1   0  -2   0  -2 (14, 3) Psalm: 47;
69-48 D A Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    9   3  -7   4  -7 (39, 1) Psalm: 48;
70-49 D F Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    0   0   0   1   4 (58, 1) Psalm: 49;
72-50 D E Robinson, John    5  -3  -2  -3   2 (103, -) Psalm: 50;
74-51 D e Stainer, John   -4   1   8  -1   0 (30, -) Psalm: 51;
76-52 D E Russell, William    5   0  -1   3   5 (19, -) Psalm: 52;
77-53 D g Flintoft, Luke    2   0   1   0   2 (104, 5) Psalm: 53;
78-54 D f# Davies, Henry Walford    2   1   4  -4  -1 (4, -) Psalm: 54;
78-55‑1 D A Lloyd, Charles Harford    0  -2  -2  -1   1 (5, 5) Psalm: 55(1-8);
79-55‑2 D a Smart, Henry Thomas    0   5  -1   0   1 (42, 3) Psalm: 55(9-16);
80-55‑3 D A Gauntlett, Henry John   -2   2  -4  -5   2 (7, -) Psalm: 55(17-end);
81-56 D A MacPherson, Charles    0  -1  -2   2   1 (6, 5) Psalm: 56;
82-57 D A♭ Stewart, Haldane Campbell    2   3   2   3  -1 (6, 1) Psalm: 57;
83-58 D b♭ Smart, Henry Thomas    0   5  -1   0   1 (42, 3) Psalm: 58;
84-59 D a Clark, Richard    3  -3  -1   0   1 (41, 1) Psalm: 59;
86-60 D A♭ Partington, Kendrick John   -4   4   5  -2  -2 (3, -) Psalm: 60;
87-61 D C Elgar, Edward William    5  -3  -4  -1   5 (10, -) Psalm: 61;
88-62 D D Gray, Alan    0  -2   5   2   2 (5, -) Psalm: 62;
89-63 D A Bennett, George John    5   2   3  -1  -7 (6, -) Psalm: 63;
90-64 D d Wesley, Samuel Sebastian   -4   2  -3  10  -4 (17, -) Psalm: 64;
91-65 D G Sumsion, Herbert Whitton    7  -2  -1   0  -2 (2, 6) Psalm: 65;
92-66 D d Howells, Herbert Norman   12  -2  -3   0   8 (10, -) Psalm: 66;
94-67 D G Sumsion, Herbert Whitton    7  -2  -1   0  -2 (2, 6) Psalm: 67;
95-68‑1 D A♭ Hope, Jonathan    2   3   4  -2   3 Psalm: 68(1-10; 19-23);
96-68‑2 D A♭ Turle, James   -2  -2  -3   2   1 (50, 4) Psalm: 68(11-18; 24-end);
98-69‑1 D d Hylton Stewart, Charles    7   3  -2  -1  -2 (5, -) Psalm: 69(1-29);
100-69‑2 D A Day, Edgar Frederick    5   0  -1   1   4 (18, 1) Psalm: 69(30-end);
101-70 D a Talbot, George Thomas Surtees   -3   2  -4   2   2 (9, 2) Psalm: 70;
102-71‑1 D a Battishill, Jonathan   -2  -2  -1   8  -1 (96, 6) Psalm: 71(1-11);
103-71‑2 D A Battishill, Jonathan   -1  -2  -2   9  -2 (32, 9) Psalm: 71(12-end);
104-72 D A Turle, James   -2  -3   1   7  -3 (33, 3) Psalm: 72;
106-73‑1 D D Turle, James    1  -1   0  -2   7 (10, -) Psalm: 73(1-14; 22-end);
107-73‑2 S G Medley, John    0  -2  -2   0   2 (9, 4) Psalm: 73(15-21);
108-74‑1 D g Hopkins, Edward John   -1  -2  -1   3   1 (42, 3) Psalm: 74(1-12; 19-24);
109-74‑2 D G Hopkins, Edward John   -2  -2  -1   3   2 (57, 5) Psalm: 74;
110-75 D E♭ Amott, John   -1   1   9  -2   2 (3, -) Psalm: 75;
111-76 S D♭ Davies, Henry Walford    5  -1  -2  -7   5 (4, -) Psalm: 76;
112-77 D f Garrett, George Mursell    3   5   0  -1  -2 (14, 4) Psalm: 77;
114-78‑1 Q F Sanders, John Derek    4  -4   2   5  -7 (4, 1) Psalm: 78(1-17; 66-73);
115-78‑2 D f Sanders, John Derek    3  -3   8  -1  -1 (4, -) Psalm: 78(18-30; 41-52);
115-78‑3 D c Sanders, John Derek   -4  -1  -2   7   5 (4, 1) Psalm: 78(31-40; 57-65);
118-78‑4 D F Sanders, John Derek    4  -4   2   5  -7 (4, 1) Psalm: 78(53-56; Gloria);
120-79 D F Wesley, Samuel Sebastian   -2   2   1  -1   5 (19, 8) Psalm: 79;
121-80‑1 D f Barnby, Joseph    3  -1   5   0   1 (21, 1) Psalm: 80(1-7; 16-19);
121-80‑2 D F Hurford, Peter    3   2  -7   7  -2 (4, -) Psalm: 80(8-15; Gloria);
123-81‑1 D C Parratt, Walter    0   0   9  -4  -3 (28, 2) Psalm: 81(1-11; Gloria);
124-81‑2 S a Dix, Leopold McClintock Lancaster   -2  -2  -1   0   1 (4, 7) Psalm: 81(12-17);
125-82 S B♭ MacFarren, George Alexander    2  -2   5   2   2 (40, 5) Psalm: 82;
125-83 D g Goss, John   -3   2  -3  -4   5 (30, -) Psalm: 83;
127-84 D E♭ Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert    3   0  -1  -2  -2 (34, -) Psalm: 84;
128-85 D A♭ Hopkins, Edward John   -2  -2  -1  -4   5 (39, 1) Psalm: 85;
129-86 D c Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    5   3  -1  -2   0 (13, 3) Psalm: 86;
130-87 D D♭ Halsey, Louis   -1  -2  10  -3   2 Psalm: 87;
130-88 D c Smith, Walter Ernest    0  -1   5   0   2 (3, -) Psalm: 88;
132-89‑1 D A Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    9   3  -7   4  -7 (39, 1) Psalm: 89(1-19; 51; Gloria);
133-89‑2 D A Wolstenholme, William    2   7  -2  -3  -2 (5, 1) Psalm: 89(20-36);
134-89‑3 D a Mann, Arthur Henry   -2  -2  -1   0   8 (18, -) Psalm: 89(37-50);
136-90 D A Sanders, John Derek    2   3   2   2  -2 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 90;
137-91 D G Cooper, George (junior)   -3   0  -2   9  -2 (22, -) Psalm: 91;
139-92 D D Barnby, Joseph    1  -1   3  -2   4 (25, -) Psalm: 92;
140-93 D A Stanford, Charles Villiers   -2  -2   2  -2   2 (37, 4) Psalm: 93;
141-94‑1 D f# Stonex, Henry    0   2   1   0   0 (34, 3) Psalm: 94(1-11);
142-94‑2 D A Gray, Alan    1   2  -7   4  -7 (3, 1) Psalm: 94(12-end);
143-95‑1 D A Atkins, Ivor Algernon    2  -2   5   2   3 (23, 3) Psalm: 95;
144-96 T F Naylor, John    0   0   5  -3   5 (14, -) Psalm: 96;
145-97‑1 D c Atkins, Ivor Algernon    2   1   2  -2   5 (10, 2) Psalm: 97(1-7);
145-97‑2 D C Brewer, Alfred Herbert   -1   1  -3   0  -2 (3, 7) Psalm: 97(8-end);
146-98 D E♭ Attwood, Thomas    2   2   1   2   2 (39, 30) Psalm: 98;
147-99 D A♭ Whitlock, Percy William    4  -4   5  -1  -2 (5, 5) Psalm: 99;
148-100 D E♭ Barnby, Joseph    4   5  -2   0   5 (50, 2) Psalm: 100;
149-101 D E♭ Brewer, Alfred Herbert    3   2  -2  -3  -4 (4, 1) Psalm: 101;
150-102‑1 D f Lloyd, Charles Harford   -4  -1  -2   2   1 (2, 6) Psalm: 102(1-11; 19-end);
150-102‑2 D F Parratt, Walter    3   2   2  -4  -2 (10, -) Psalm: 102(12-18);
152-103‑1 D C Turle, James    3   0   5  -5   5 (66, -) Psalm: 103(1-12; 17-end);
153-103‑2 S a Davies, Henry Walford    0   5   3  -1  -3 (14, -) Psalm: 103(13-16);
154-104‑1 D D Lloyd, Charles Harford    1   4  -2   1   1 (8, 1) Psalm: 104(1-15; 24-end);
155-104‑2 D A Lloyd, Charles Harford    4  -2  -2   5   5 (6, -) Psalm: 104(16-23);
157-105‑1 D F Aldrich, Henry    3  -3  -2   0   2 (37, 4) Psalm: 105(1-15; 37-end);
158-105‑2 D f Parratt, Walter    4   1   2  -3  -2 (11, -) Psalm: 105(16-36);
160-106‑1 D A Jackson, Thomas    4  -5   1   2   2 (22, 1) Psalm: 106(1-5; 43-end);
160-106‑2 D a Brooksbank, Hugh    0   0   5   2   5 (6, -) Psalm: 106(6-29; 32-42);
162-106‑3 S A Byrd, William    0   2   3   0  -1 (22, 1) Psalm: 106(30-31);
164-107‑1 D D Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert    2   1  -7   0   2 (20, -) Psalm: 107(1-3; 8-9; 15-16; 21-22;31-end);
164-107‑2 S d Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert   -2   2   1  -1   0 (12, 7) Psalm: 107(4-5; 10-12; 17-18; 23-27);
164-107‑3 S D Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert   -2   2   2   2   1 (11, -) Psalm: 107(6-7; 13-14; 19-20; 28-30);
169-108 D B♭ Smith, John Stafford    4  -2  -2  -5   2 (12, 1) Psalm: 108;
170-109‑1 D f Joubert, John Pierre Herman    0   0   0   0   5 (2, 13) Psalm: 109(1-19);
171-109‑2 D C Joubert, John Pierre Herman   -2  -2  -1  -2   2 (2, 9) Psalm: 109(20-end);
172-110 D E♭ Thalben-Ball, George Thomas    2   2   1 -12   2 (3, 2) Psalm: 110;
173-111 D B♭ Mutlow, William   -8   1   2   5  -3 (6, -) Psalm: 111;
174-112 D A Hopkins, Edward John   -2  -2  -1  -4   5 (39, 1) Psalm: 112;
175-113 D A Atkins, Ivor Algernon    2  -2   5   2   3 (23, 3) Psalm: 113;
176-114‑1 Q G Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert    2  -2  -3   3  -3 (6, -) Psalm: 114(1-8); Essentially four variations of a single chant; here treated as a quadruple with occasional irregular time; starting in G major and modulating to C major
177-114‑2 S G Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert    2  -2  -3   3  -3 (6, -) Psalm: 114(Gloria);
178-114‑3 S e Anonymous [Gregorian]   -2   3  -1  -2  -2 (47, 14) Psalm: 114; alternative for 114-1 and 114-2
178-115 D E Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings    1   2  -7   2   3 (36, 3) Psalm: 115;
180-116 D E Camidge, John Jr.    0   1  -1  -2  -2 (35, 1) Psalm: 116;
181-117 S G Battishill, Jonathan   -1   1   5  -1   5 (68, 3) Psalm: 117;
182-118 D D Lloyd, Charles Harford   -1   0  -2   0  -2 (14, 3) Psalm: 118;
184-119‑1 D A♭ Wood, A. {Wood}    0  -2  -2   0   0 (21, 6) Psalm: 119(1-8); attributed to "Woods"; refer to page about A. Wood for more info
184-119‑2 D D♭ Parratt, Walter   -2  -2   7  -2  -1 (26, 3) Psalm: 119(9-16);
185-119‑3 D A♭ Booth, Josiah    2   2  -7   0   8 (8, 2) Psalm: 119(17-24);
186-119‑4 D E♭ Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings    1   2  -7   2   3 (36, 3) Psalm: 119(25-32);
186-119‑5 D A♭ Hopkins, Edward John   -2  -2  -1  -4   5 (39, 1) Psalm: 119(33-40);
187-119‑6 D E♭ Soaper, John   -2   2   1   4  -2 (68, 3) Psalm: 119(41-48);
188-119‑7 D E♭ Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    3  -3  -4   5   0 (21, 2) Psalm: 119(49-56);
188-119‑8 D C Wesley, Samuel Sebastian    1  -1   0  -2  -2 (12, 4) Psalm: 119(57-64);
189-119‑9 D F Walmisley, Thomas Attwood    0   0   0   1   4 (58, 1) Psalm: 119(65-72);
190-119‑10 D E♭ Davies, Henry Walford    3   2  -5  -2  -2 (16, 2) Psalm: 119(73-80);
190-119‑11 D A♭ Goss, John    0   0   0   0   5 (27, 13) Psalm: 119(81-88);
191-119‑12 D E♭ Matthews, Samuel    0  -2  -2   9  -2 (44, 5) Psalm: 119(89-96);
192-119‑13 D A♭ Goss, John    2   2   1   2   2 (36, 30) Psalm: 119(97-104);
192-119‑14 D E Edwards, Edwin    1  -3  -2  -1   1 (21, 4) Psalm: 119(105-112);
193-119‑15 D A Davies, Henry Walford    5  -1  -2   0   2 (3, 4) Psalm: 119(113-120);
194-119‑16 D F Langdon, Richard    0   2   2   0  -2 (91, 25) Psalm: 119(121-128);
194-119‑17 D C Davies, Henry Walford    0   5   0  -1   1 (18, 3) Psalm: 119(129-136);
195-119‑18 D E♭ Crotch, William    3  -3  -4   2   2 (21, 6) Psalm: 119(137-144);
196-119‑19 D G Cooper, George (junior)   -3   0  -2   9  -2 (22, -) Psalm: 119(145-152);
196-119‑20 D g Wesley, Samuel    0   0  -1   1  -3 (31, 2) Psalm: 119(153-160);
197-119‑21 D E♭ Miller, Charles Edward    1   2  -3   0   2 (5, -) Psalm: 119(161-168);
198-119‑22 D C Hylton Stewart, Charles    5   0  -2   5  -1 (21, 3) Psalm: 119(169-176; Gloria);
199-120 S F Felton, William    0   0   0   0   1 (80, 15) Psalm: 120;
200-121 D D Davies, Henry Walford    3   2   3  -8   3 (22, -) Psalm: 121;
201-122 D A Sanders, John Derek    2   3   2   2  -2 ( 1, 3) Psalm: 122;
202-123 S D Eperson, Donald Birkby    2  -2   5  -3  -2 (3, 1) Psalm: 123;
202-124 D A Crotch, William    5  -1  -2   2   1 (62, 2) Psalm: 124;
203-125 D D Randall, John   -7   2   2   3   5 (87, -) Psalm: 125;
204-126 D A♭ Garrett, George Mursell   -2   2  -4   0  -3 (33, -) Psalm: 126;
204-127 D A♭ Atkins, Ivor Algernon    2  -2   5   2   3 (23, 3) Psalm: 127;
205-128 D E♭ Goss, John    3  -2  -1  -2  -2 (61, 20) Psalm: 128;
206-129 D d Crotch, William    3   4   5   0  -2 (24, -) Psalm: 129;
206-130 D f Turle, James [Purcell, Henry ]    0   0   0   0   2 (40, 12) Psalm: 130;
207-131 D F Elvey, Stephen    0  -2  -2   0   2 (35, 4) Psalm: 131;
208-132 D E Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings    1   2  -7   2   3 (36, 3) Psalm: 132;
210-133 D A Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore   -4  -3  -2   0   5 (26, 5) Psalm: 133;
210-134 S A Rimbault, Edward Francis    4  -4  -3   0   8 (2, -) Psalm: 134;
211-135 D E♭ Elvey, George Job    3   5  -1  -2  -2 (23, 10) Psalm: 135;
213-136 X B♭ Lloyd, Charles Harford    2   3  -5   0   2 (24, 2) Psalm: 136;
215-137 S A♭ Lloyd, Charles Harford    3  -3  -2  -2   4 (25, 7) Psalm: 137;
216-138 D A♭ Martin, George Clement   -2   2  -4  -1  -2 (22, 2) Psalm: 138;
217-139 D E Skeats Jr., Highmore    4   5  -2  -2  -1 (24, 1) Psalm: 139;
219-140 D d Barnby, Joseph   -4  -1  -2  12  -2 (8, 2) Psalm: 140;
220-141 D a Amott, John    5   2  -3   1   2 (3, 3) Psalm: 141;
221-142 D a Barnby, Joseph    3  -2  -1   4   1 (43, -) Psalm: 142;
222-143 D E Pye, Kellow John    3  -3  -4   7   2 (60, 1) Psalm: 143;
223-144‑1 D D Harris, William Henry    2   0  -2   0   2 (9, 10) Psalm: 144(1-4; 12-end);
223-144‑2 D g Brownsmith, John Leman    7  -2  -2  -1   1 (25, -) Psalm: 144(5-11);
225-145 D A Day, Edgar Frederick    5   0  -1   1   4 (18, 1) Psalm: 145;
227-146 D F Atkins, Ivor Algernon    2   5   0  -2   0 (12, 1) Psalm: 146;
228-147 D A Stanford, Charles Villiers   -2  -2   2  -2   2 (37, 4) Psalm: 147;
230-148 D A♭ Robinson, Christopher John   -5   1  -5   2   3 (2, -) Psalm: 148;
231-149 D E Stanford, Charles Villiers    5  -3   2  -4   2 (31, 1) Psalm: 149;
232-150‑1 X A Sanders, John Derek    4  -4   7   0   3 (3, -) Psalm: 150; Through-composed chant, based on the single chant formula (used for vs. 2)
234-150‑2 S C Stanford, Charles Villiers   -3   3   2  -2   0 (28, 1) Psalm: 150; Through-composed chant, based on the single chant formula (used for vs. 3)