'' Composers | Anglican Chant Index


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Composer names starting with "Be"

(The number in square brackets is the total number of references for each composer)

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Beale, William (1784-1854) [30]
Beams, Terry (20c) [4]
Beatch, Stuart (1991-) [150]
Beattie, Simon (1975-) [2]
Beaumont, Kerry Jason (1957-) [13]
Beazley, James Charles (1850-1929) [5]
Beckwith, Edward G. (1789/90-1850) [5]
Beckwith, Edward James (1770/1-1833) [36]
Beckwith, J. Edward (b.1789-1832) [1]
Beckwith, John Christmas (1750-1809) [68]
Bedsmore, Thomas (1833-1881) [2]
Beechey, Gwilym (1938-) [16]
Beer, Stuart (1952-) [5]
Bell, John Montgomery (19c) [2]
Bellamy, Richard (1743-1813) [55]
Bellamy, W. H. (1800-1866) [3]
Bellerby, Edward Johnson (1858-1940) [14]
Bellringer, Henry (20-21c) [6]
Benger, Richard (1945-) [1]
Benham, Hugh [1]
Bennett, Alfred (1805-1830) [85]
Bennett, George John (1863-1930) [47]
Bennett, Henry Robert (c1819-c1896) [7]
Bennett, M. B. (19c) [1]
Bennett, Thomas (1779-1848) [28]
Bennett, Thomas John William (c.1800) [2]
Bennett, William Sterndale (1816-1875) [22]
Benson, John S. (1946- |) [38]
Benson, S. G. [1]
Bentinck, George Cavendish (1821-1891) [9]
Bentley, F. (19c) [2]
Berkeley, Francis Henry Fitzhardinge (19c) [2]
Berry, Alexander (20c) [1]
Bertalot, John (1931-) [118]
Best, William Thomas (1826-1897) [22]
Bevan, David Hugh (1951-) [1]
Bevan, Maurice (1921-2006) [12]
Bevan, Sydney (1838-1901) [40]
Bexfield, William Richard (1824-1853) [27]